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Vygotsky's educational theory in cultural context / Alex Kozulin, Boris Gindis, Vladimir S. Ageyev, Suzanne M. Miller

Ligado a: Vygotsky in the mirror of cultural interpretationsLigado a: The relations of learning and student social class : toward re-"socializing" sociocultural learning theoryLigado a: Cultural modeling : CHAT as a lens for understanding instructional discourse based on african american english discourse patternsLigado a: Mediation in cognitive socialization : the influence of socioeconomic statusLigado a: Beyond cognition : a Vygotskian perspective on emotionally and teachers professional livesLigado a: How literature discussion shapes thinking : ZPDs for teaching / learning habits of the heart and mindLigado a: Formation of learning activity and theoretical thinking in science teachingLigado a: Sociocultural theory and the practice of teaching historical conceptsLigado a: Cultural-historical theory and mathematics educationLigado a: Remediation through education : sociocultural theory and children with special needsLigado a: The learning activity in the first years of schooling : the developmental path toward reflectionLigado a: Learning and development of preschool children from the Vygotskian perspectiveLigado a: Development through the lifespan : A Neo-Vygotskyan approachLigado a: Periods in child development : Vygotsky's perspectiveLigado a: Dynamic assessment of the evolving cognitive functions in childrenLigado a: Some cognitive tools of literacyLigado a: Vygotsky's doctrine of scientific concepts : its role for contemporary educationLigado a: The zone of proximal development in Vygotsky's analysis of learning and instructionLigado a: Psychological tools and mediated learningLigado a: Sociocultural theory and education : students, teachers, and knowledgeAutor secundário: Kozulin, Alex, ed.;Gindis, Boris, ed.;Ageyev, Vladimir S., ed.;Miller, Suzanne M., ed.Idioma: Inglês.País: Estados Unidos.Publicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2003Descrição: XIII, 477 p.ISBN: 0521528836.Coleção: Learning in doingAssunto - Nome comum: Psicologia do Desenvolvimento | Psicologia Educacional | Aprendizagem | Desenvolvimento Cognitivo | Literacia | Pensamento | Matemáticas | Linguagem | Estatuto Sócio-Económico | Ensino | Pré-escolar | Teoria Sociocultural | Educação | Vygotsky Classificação: 2800 - Psicologia do Desenvolvimento | 2840 - Desenvolvimento Psicossocial e da Personalidade Recursos em linha:Clicar aqui para aceder online Tipo de documento:
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Livro Livro Biblioteca ISPA D KOZU1 Disponível 14915

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