Vygotsky's educational theory in cultural context / Alex Kozulin, Boris Gindis, Vladimir S. Ageyev, Suzanne M. Miller Piece-Analytic Level: Vygotsky in the mirror of cultural interpretations • The relations of learning and student social class : toward re-"socializing" sociocultural learning theory • Cultural modeling : CHAT as a lens for understanding instructional discourse based on african american english discourse patterns • Mediation in cognitive socialization : the influence of socioeconomic status • Beyond cognition : a Vygotskian perspective on emotionally and teachers professional lives • How literature discussion shapes thinking : ZPDs for teaching / learning habits of the heart and mind • Formation of learning activity and theoretical thinking in science teaching • Sociocultural theory and the practice of teaching historical concepts • Cultural-historical theory and mathematics education • Remediation through education : sociocultural theory and children with special needs • The learning activity in the first years of schooling : the developmental path toward reflection • Learning and development of preschool children from the Vygotskian perspective • Development through the lifespan : A Neo-Vygotskyan approach • Periods in child development : Vygotsky's perspective • Dynamic assessment of the evolving cognitive functions in children • Some cognitive tools of literacy • Vygotsky's doctrine of scientific concepts : its role for contemporary education • The zone of proximal development in Vygotsky's analysis of learning and instruction • Psychological tools and mediated learning • Sociocultural theory and education : students, teachers, and knowledgePublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2003Description: XIII, 477 p.Availability:
Vygotsky e a educação : implicações pedagógicas da psicologia sócio-histórica / Ed. Luis C. Moll Publication: Porto Alegre : Artes Médicas, 1996Description: 432 p.Availability:
Self-regulated learning and academic achievement : theorectical perspectives / Edited by Barry J. Zimmerman ; Dale H. Schunk Piece-Analytic Level: Reflections on theories of self-regulated learning and academic achievement • Constructing theories, identities, and actions of self-regulated learners • Self-regulated learning and academic achievement : a Vygotskian view • Volitional aspects of self-regulated learning • Self-regulated learning viewed from models of information processing • Social cognitive theory and self-regulated learning • Self-regulated learning and academic achievement : a phenomenological view • Operant theory and research on self-regulation • Theories of self-regulated learning and academic achievement : an overview and analysisPublication: Mahwah : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2001Description: X, 322 p.Availability:
Piaget-Vygotsky : novas contribuições para o debate / José Antonio Castorina, et al. Publication: São Paulo : Ática, 1995Description: 175 p.Availability:
Piaget-Vygotsky : the social genesis of thought / ed. Anastasia Tryphon, Jacques Vonèche Piece-Analytic Level: Some impressions of a visit to Soviet psychologists • Intentionality, communication, and language • Relatioships between the clinical method and the zone of proximal development in a constructivist approach to language acquisition • Social interaction and individual understanding in a community of learners : the influence of Piaget and Vygotsky • Construction and interpretation : exploring a joint perspective on Piaget and Vigotsky • The social construction of rational understanding • Units of analysis and their interpretation : social interactionism or logical interactionism? • Mechanisms of internalisation and externalisation of knowledge in Piaget's and Vygotsky's theories • Structure and development : reflections by Vygotsky • The role of abstratct rationality in Vygotsky's image of mind • Qu'est-ce que l'intelligence? Piaget, Vygotsky, and the 1920s crisis in the psychologyPublication: Hove : Psychology Press, 2007Description: 215 p.Availability:
Outils et signes : perspectives actuelles de la theorie de Vygotski / Sous la direction de Christiane Moro , Bernard Schneuwly, Michel Brossard Piece-Analytic Level: Action, discours et rationalisation : l'hypothese développementale de Vygotski revisitée • Objet, signe et sémiosis : fondements pour une approche sémiotique du développement préverbal • Le développement de la nouveauté dans le raisonnement : la coordination des processus inductifs et deductifs dans le raisonnement parental • Langage égocentrique, dialogue et intersubjectivité • Pratiques d'ecrit, fonctionnements et développement cognitifs • Fonctions sémiotiques et structures graphiques • Les déficiences et l'approche comparative du développement • Passez-moi la boussole! : methodologie historico-culturelle pour enseigner les mathématiques • Activités avec instruments et dynamique cognitive du sujet • Le myth de l'unité épistémologique de l'école historico-culturelle : L.S. Vygotski versus LéontievPublication: Bern : Peter Lang, 1997Description: VI, 221 p.Availability:
Lev Vygotsky : revolutionary scientist / Fred Newman, Lois Holzman Publication: London : Routledge, 1993Description: 240 p.Availability:
Lev Vygotski : pedagogue et penseur de notre temps / Gérard Vergnaud Publication: Paris : Hachette Livre, 2000Description: 95 pAvailability:
Conscience, inconscient, émotions / Lev Vygotski Piece-Analytic Level: Les émotions et leur développement chez l'enfant • Psychisme, conscience, inconscient • La conscience comme probléme de la psychologie du comportement • Vygotski, la conscience comme liaisonPublication: Paris : La Dispute / Snédit, 2003Description: 165 p.Availability: