Working with Piaget : essays in honour of Barbel Inhelder / ed. Anastasia Tryphon, Jacques Voneche Piece-Analytic Level: The experimemtal approach of children and adolescents • Barbel Inhelder and the fall of Valhalla • Culture and universals : a tribute to Barbel Inhelder • Scheme theory as a key to the learning paradox • Mental imagery : from Inhelder's ideas to neuro-cognitive models • The impact of social structure on development: an analysis of individual differences in cognition • Building a theory of formal operational thinking : Inhelder's psychology meets Piaget's epistemology • Perspective taking in the aftermath of theory-theory abd the collapse of the social role-taking literature • From structural diagnosis to functional diagnosis of reasoning : a dynamic conception of mental retardation • Barbel Inhelder's contributions to psychologyPublication: Hove : Psychology Press, 2001Description: 224 pAvailability:
Visual word recognition: models and methods, orthography, and phonology / James S. Adelman Piece-Analytic Level: An early and integral role in identifying words • The orthographic similarity of printed words • The front end of visual word recognition • Brain asymetry and visual word recognition: do we have a split fovea? • Methodological issues with words • Megastudies: what do millions (or so) of trials tell us about lexical processing • Mathematical models of the lexical decision task • A parallel activation model with a sequential twist • Learned orthographic representations facilities large-scale modeling of word recognition • Dual-route theories of reading aloudPublication: London : Psychology Press, 2012Description: 234 pAvailability:
Thinking and reasoning : Special issue - development and reasoning / ed. Henry Markovitz, Pierre Barrouillet Piece-Analytic Level: From inference to reasoning : the construction of rationality • Developing reason • Working memory, inhibitory control and the development of children's reasoning • A dual-process approach to cognitive development : the case of children's understanding of sunk cost decisions • The development of deductive reasoning : how important is complexity? • Introduction : why is understanding the development of reasoning important?Publication: Hove : Psychology Press, 2004Description: 126 p.Availability:
Team effectiveness in complex organizations: cross-disciplinary perspectives and approaches / eds. Eduardo Salas; Gerald F. Goodwin; C. Shawn Burke Piece-Analytic Level: Team effectiveness in complex organizations: an overview • Building bridges to improve theory and research on small groups • The wisdom of collectives in organizations: an update of the teamwork competencies • Team leadership and team effectiveness • Developing adaptative teams: a theory of dynamic team leadership • An ecological perspective on team cognition • Overcoming carriers to collaboration: psychological safety and learning in diverse teams • Understanding the cognitive processes in adaptative multicultural teams: a framework • Cognitive similarity configations in teams: in search of the Team MindMeld • Thinking in terms of mutiteam systems • Team effectiveness in complex settings: a framework • The incorporation of time in team research: past, current, and future • Measuring teams in action: automated performance measurement and feedback in simulation-based training • Assessing team processes in complex environments: challenges in transitioning research to practice • Automated communication analysis of teams • Social network analysis: understanding the role of context in small groups and organizations • Computational representations and methods for modeling teams • Measuring team-related cognition: the devil is in the details • Teams research in the 21st century: a case for theory consolidation • Ten critical research questions: the need for new and deeper explorationsPublication: New York : Psychology Press, 2009Description: 589 p.Availability:
A special issue of Memory : levels of processing 30 years on / Edited by Martin A. Conway Piece-Analytic Level: Heterarchy of cognition : the depths and highsof a framework for memory research • Levels of processing, transfer-appropriate processing, and the concept of robust encoding • The myth of the encoding-retrieval match • Directed remembering : sublimal cues alter nonconscious memory strategies • On the perceptual specificity of memory representations • Level of processing and the process-dissociation procedure : elusiveness of null effects on estimates of automatic retrieval • Levels of processing : a view from functional brain imaging • Limits and province of levels of processing : considerations of a construct • Organisation : what levels of processing are levels of • Processing appraches to cognition : the impetus from the levels-of-processing framework • Levels of processing : past, present... and future?Publication: Hove : Psychology Press, 2002Description: p. 305-424Availability:
The Social psychology of organizational behavior : key readings / ed. Leigh L. Thompson Piece-Analytic Level: Interpersonal relationships and task performance : an examination of mediating processes in friendship and acquaintance.. • Common knowledge effect : information sharing and group judgment • Group versus individual training and group performance : the mediating role of transactive memory • Social influence processes in group brainstorming • Choice behavior in social dilemmas : effects of social identity, group size, and decision framing • Avoiding missed opportunities in managerial life : analogical training more powerful than individual case training • Misperceiving negotiation counterparts : when situationally determined bargaining behaviors are attributed to ... • Integrative bargaining in a competitive market • Social utility and decision making in interpersonal contexts • Experimental tests of the endowment effect and coase theorem • Robust beauty of improver linear models in decision making • Timid choices and bold forecasts : a cognitive perspective on risk taking • Knee-deep in the big muddy : a study of excalating commitement to a chosen course of action • Barriers to the advance of organizational science : paradigm development as a dependent variable • What theory is not • Dressing up like an organization : when psychological theories can explain organizational action • Organizational behavior : a micro perspective • How to read a journal article in social psychology • Norm of self-interest • Cognitive biases and organizational correctives : do both disease and cure depend on the politics of the beholder? • On the folly of rewarding a, while hoping for b • Assessing the political landscape : structure, cognition, and power in organizations • Affect- and cognition-based trust as foundations for interpersonal cooperation in organizations • Some affective consequences of social comparison and reflection processes : the pain and pleasure of being close • Stealing in the name of justice : informational and interpersonal moderators of the reactions to underpayment inequity • Psychology of procedural justice : a test of the group-value model • Voice, control, and procedural justice : instrumental and noninstrumental concerns in fairness judgmentsPublication: New York : Psychology Press, 2003Description: 441 p.Availability:
Social psychology of consumer behavior / ed. Michaela Wanke Piece-Analytic Level: The dynamics of self-regulation : when goals commit versus liberate • The impulsive consumer predicting consumer behavior with implicit reaction time measures • The persuasive power of regulatory fit • Taking the Target's perspective : the persuasion knowledge model • Normative influences on consuption and conservation behaviors • Television viewing and social reality effects and underlying processes • Cross-cultural issues in consumer behavior • When thinking is dificult : metacognitive experiences as information • The lexicon and grammar of affect as information in consumer decision making : the GAIM • Conditiioning as a source of liking : there is nothing simple about it • Compensatory reasoning in choice • Brands and susessful brand e extensions : a social psychology perspective on economic perspective on economic questions • The rational uncounscious : conscious versus unconscious thought in complex consumer choice • Psychological distance and consumer behavior : a construal level theory perspective • Social psychology and consumer psychology : an unexplored interface • What's social about consumer behavior?Publication: New York : Psychology Press, 2009Description: 396 p.Availability:
Social psychology and the uncounscious: the automatic of higher mental processes / ed. John A. Bargh Piece-Analytic Level: Automatic and controlled components of social cognition: a process dissociation approach • The implicit association test at age 7: a methodological and conceptual review • The automaticity of evaluation • On the automaticity of emotion • Automaticity in close relationship • Effects of priming and perception on social behavior and goal pursuit • What is automaticity?: an analysis of its component features and their interrelationsPublication: New York : Psychology Press, 2007Description: 342 p.Availability:
Social psychology and the uncounscious : the automaticity of higher mental processes / ed. John A. Bargh Piece-Analytic Level: Automatic and controlled components of social cognition : A process dissociation approach • The implicit association test at age 7 : a methodological and conceptual review • The automaticity of evaluation • On the automaticity of emotion • Automaticity in close relationships • Effects of priming and perception on social behavior and goal pursuit • What is automacity? : An analysis of its componet features and their interrelationsPublication: New York : Psychology Press, 2007Description: 342 p.Availability:
Social psychology : a general reader / Edited by Arie W. Kruglanski ; E. Tory Higgins Publication: New York : Psychology Press, 2003Description: XIX, 651 p.Availability:
Social metacognition / ed. Pablo Briñol, Kenneth G. DeMarree Piece-Analytic Level: Metacognition and psychological therapy • Metacognitive theory in consumer research • Metacognition in teams and organizations • Do you see what i see? : antecents, concequences, and remedies for biased metacognition in close relationships • Metacognition in stereotypes and prejudice • Embodied validation : our bodies can change and also validate our thoughts • Emotion and social metacognition • The experience of thinking : matacognitive ease, fluency, and context • Metacognition and the social animal • People's thoughts about their personal pasts and futures • Metacognitive processes in the self-regulation of goal pursuit • What do you think about who i am? : metacognition and the self-concept • Metacognition of bias regulation • Confidence considered : assessing the quality of decisions and performance • Dimensions of metacognitive judgment : implications for attitude change • Metacognitive determinants of attitude strength • Social metacognition : thinking about thinking in social psychologyPublication: New York : Psychology Press, 2012Description: 368 p.Availability:
Social influence: direct and indirect processes / ed. Joseph P. Forgas, Kipling D. Williams Piece-Analytic Level: A side view of social influence • Determinants and consequences of cognitive processes in majority and minority influence • Self-categorization principles underlying majority and minority influence • Social influence effects on task performance: the ascendancy of social evaluation over self-evaluation • Attitudes, behavior, and social context: the role and group membership on social influence processes • Social influence and intergroup beliefs: the role of perceived social consensus • Revealing the worst first: stealing thunder as a social influence strategy • Resisting influence: judgemental correction and its goals • relationships throught the power of language • Memory as a target of social influence?: memory distortions as function of social influence and metacognitive knowledge • On being moody but influential: the role of affect in social influence strategies • Subtle influences on judgment and behavior: who is most susceptible? • Social power, influence, and agression • Automatic social influence: the perception-behavior links as an explanatory mechanism for behavior matching • Unintended influence: social-evolutionary processes in the construction and change of culturally-shared beliefs • Sucessfully simulating dynamic social impact: three levels of prediction • Increasing compliance by reducing resistance • Systematic opportinism: an approach to the study of tactical social influence • Social influence: introduction and overviewPublication: Philadelphia : Psychology Press, 2001Description: 367 p.Availability:
Social communication / Klaus Fiedler Piece-Analytic Level: Language at the heart of social psychology • The evolution of language • Linguistic markers of social distance and proximity • Interpersonal processes in context : understanding the influences of settings and situations on social interaction • The psychological functions of function words • Deception : a social lubricant and a selfish act • Conversational hand gestures and facial displays in face-to-face dialogue • Motives and goals in context : a strategic analysis of information sharing in groups • What is said and what in meant : conversational implicatures in natural conversations, research settings, media, and advertising • Social influence and persuasion : recent theoretical developments and integrative attempts • Representation of the sexes in language • Accommodating a new frontier : the context of law enforcement • How communication shapes culture • Language, stereotypes, and intergroup relations • Groundings : sharing information in social interaction • Frontiers if research on social communication : introduction and overviewPublication: New York : Psychology Press, 2007Description: 444 p.Availability:
Social child / Anne Campbell, co-aut. Steven Muncer Piece-Analytic Level: Concluding remarks • Youth crime and antisocial behaviour • Gender and the development of interpersonnal orientation • Sociomoral understanding • Agency and identity : a relational approach • Childrens perspective on the emotional process • Developmental origins of social understanding • Technology, media, and social development • Social life in the primary school : towards a relational concept of social skills for use in the classroom • Company they keep : friendship and their developmental significance • Families and social development : the 21st century • Cultural influences on development • Genes, environment, and psychological development • Evolution and development • Something happened : fission and fusion in developmental psychologyPublication: Hove : Psychology Press, 1998Description: 418 p.Availability: