Your search returned 251 results.

A world of babies : imagined childcare guides for seven societies / ed. Judy DeLoache, Alma GottliebPiece-Analytic Level: Never leave your little one alone : raising an Ifaluk child • The view from the Wuro : a guide to child rearing for Fulani parents • Infants of the dreaming : a Warlpiri guide to child care • Making babies in a Turkish village • Gift from the goods : a Balinese guide to early child rearing • Luring your child into this life : a beng path for instante care • A parenting manual, with words of advice for puritan mothers • If Dr. Spock were born in Bali : raising a world of babiesPublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2000Description: 280 p.Availability:

Wetland birds : habitat resources and conservation implications / Milton WellerPublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1999Description: 270 p.Availability:

Weber's protestant ethic : origins, evidence, contexts / compil. Hartmut Lehmann ; co-aut. Guenther RothPiece-Analytic Level: Meet me in st. louis : troeltsch and weber in america • Economic ethics of the world religions • Protestant ethic and the reality of capitalism in colonial america • Historiography of continental calvinism • Historical viability, sociological significance, and personal judgment • Thing that would not die : notes on refutation • Biographical evidence on predestination, covenant, and special providence • Use and abuse of textual data • Longevity of the thesis : a critique of the critics • Rise of capitalism : weber versus sombart • Protestant ethic versus the new ethic • Weber's ascetic practices of the self • Nietzsche's monastery for freer spirits and weber's sect • Weber's historical concept of national identity • Weber the would-be englishman : anglophilia and family history • Max weber, protestantism, and the context of the debate around 1900 • Thesis before weber : an archaeology • German theological sources and protestant church politicsPublication: Washington : Cambridge University Press, 1993Description: 397 p.Availability:

Vygotsky's educational theory in cultural context / Alex Kozulin, Boris Gindis, Vladimir S. Ageyev, Suzanne M. MillerPiece-Analytic Level: Vygotsky in the mirror of cultural interpretations • The relations of learning and student social class : toward re-"socializing" sociocultural learning theory • Cultural modeling : CHAT as a lens for understanding instructional discourse based on african american english discourse patterns • Mediation in cognitive socialization : the influence of socioeconomic status • Beyond cognition : a Vygotskian perspective on emotionally and teachers professional lives • How literature discussion shapes thinking : ZPDs for teaching / learning habits of the heart and mind • Formation of learning activity and theoretical thinking in science teaching • Sociocultural theory and the practice of teaching historical concepts • Cultural-historical theory and mathematics education • Remediation through education : sociocultural theory and children with special needs • The learning activity in the first years of schooling : the developmental path toward reflection • Learning and development of preschool children from the Vygotskian perspective • Development through the lifespan : A Neo-Vygotskyan approach • Periods in child development : Vygotsky's perspective • Dynamic assessment of the evolving cognitive functions in children • Some cognitive tools of literacy • Vygotsky's doctrine of scientific concepts : its role for contemporary education • The zone of proximal development in Vygotsky's analysis of learning and instruction • Psychological tools and mediated learning • Sociocultural theory and education : students, teachers, and knowledgePublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2003Description: XIII, 477 p.Availability:

Vygotsky and education : instructional implications and applications of sociohistorical psychology / ed. Luis C. MollPiece-Analytic Level: Assisted performance in writing instruction with learning-disable students • Detecting and defining science problems : a study of video-mediated lessons • Zone of proximal development as basis for instruction • Creating zones of possibilities : combining social contexts for instruction • Writing as a social process • Learning to read and write in an inner-city setting : a longitudinal study of community change • Changes in a teacher's views of interactive comprehension instruction • Development of scientific concepts and discourse • Vygotsky in a whole-language perspective • Vygotskian interpretation of reading recovery • Teaching mind in society : teaching, schooling, and literate discourse • Vygotsky, the zone of proximal development, and peer collaboration : implications for classroom practice • Social origins of self-regulation • Voice of rationality in a sociocultural approach to mind • Cognitive development and formal schooling : the evidence from cross-cultural research • Historical context of vygotsky's work : a sociohistorical approach • Vygotsky : the man and his cause • IntroductionPublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1990Description: 439 p.Availability:

Understanding practice : perspectives on activity and context / compil. Seth Chaiklin ; co-aut. Jean LavePiece-Analytic Level: Understanding the social scientific practice of understanding practice • Teacher's directives : the social construction of literal meanings and real worlds in classroom discourse • Solving everyday problems in the formal setting : an empirical study of the school as context for thought • Context and scaffolding in developmemtal studies of mother-child problem-solving dyads • Acquisition of a child by learning disability • Beneath the skin and between the ears : a case study in the politics of representation • Examinations reexamined : certification of students or certification of knowledge? • Behavior setting analysis of situated learning : the case of newcomers • Artificial intelligence as craftwork • Thinking and acting with iron • Re-searching psychotherapeutic practice • Developmental studies of work as a testbench of activity theory : the case of primary care medical practice • Learning to navigate • Practice of learningPublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1993Description: 414 p.Availability:

Understanding marriage : developments in the study of couple interaction / ed. Patricia Noller, Judith A. FeeneyPiece-Analytic Level: Does working at a relationship work? : relationship self-regulation and relationship outcomes • Risk factors, risk processes, and the longitudinal course of newlywed marriage • Care givings and its influence on marital interaction between older spouses • Allocation and performance of household tasks : a comparison of new parents and childless couples • Adult attachment, the transition to parenthood and marital well-being • The communication of couples in violent and nonviolent retaionships : temporal association with own and partners anxiety / arousal and behavior • Approaches to the study of power in violent and nonviolent marriages, and in gay male and lesbian cohabitation relationships • Demand-withdraw communication during couple conflict : a review and analysis • The war of th roses : an interdependence analysis of betrayal and forgiveness • On empathic accuracy and husbands abusiveness : the overattribution bias • Coping with disappointment in marriage : when partner's standards are unmet • Shared participation in self-expanding activities : positive effects on experienced marital quality • Bases for giving benefits in marriage : what is ideal? what is realistic? what really happens? • Observational windows to intimacy processes in marriage • Cognition and communication during marital conflict : how alcohol affects subjective codeing of interaction in aggressive and nonaggressive couples • Competition in romantic relationships : do partners build niches? • Self-evaluation motives in close relationships : a model of global enhancement and specific verification • Thought and action : connecting attributions to behaviors in married couples interactionsPublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2002Description: 571 p.Availability:

Toward progressive critival rationalism exchanges with Alan Musgrave / Deborah G. MayoSet Level: , Error and inference : recent exchanges on experimental reasoning, reliability, and the obejectivity and rationality of science , p. 113-124Publication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2010Availability: :
Biblioteca ISPA Consulta RestritaCall number: M MAYO2 (1).

Toward a general theory of expertise : prospects and limits / compil. K. Ericsson ; co-aut. Jacqui SmithPiece-Analytic Level: Symbolic connectionism : toward third-generation theories of expertise • Expertise as the circumvention of human processing limitations • Techniques for representing expert knowledge • Controlling complex systems or, expertise as grandmother's know-how • Process-performance paradox in expert judgment : how can experts know so much and predict so badly? • Literate expertise • Musical expertise • Motor-skills experts in sports, dance, and other domains • General and specific nature of medical expertise : a critical look • Learning and use of representations for physics expertise • Expertise in chess : the balance between knowledge and search • Prospects and limits of the empirical study of expertise : an introductionPublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1991Description: 344 p.Availability:

Top predators in marine ecosystems : their role in monitoring and management / ed. I. L. Boyd, S. Wanless, C. J. CamphuysenPiece-Analytic Level: Marine management : can objectives be set for marine top predators • Marine reserves and higher predators • Setting management goals using information from predators • The scenario Barents Sea study : a case of minimal realistic modelling to campare management strategies for marine ecosystems • Modelling the behaviour of individuals and groups of animals foraging in heterogeneous environments • The method of multiple hypotheses and the decline of Steller sea lions in Western Alaska • The functional response of generalist predators and its implications for the monitoring of marine ecosystems • Population dynamics of Antarctic krill Euphasia superba at South Georgia : sampling with predators provides new insights • Use of gannets to monitor prey availability in Northern Atlantic Ocean : colony size, diet and foraging behaviour • Does the prohibition of industrial fishing for sandeels have any impact on local gadoid populations? • How many fish should we leave in the sea for seabirds and marine mammals? • Foraging energetics of North Sea birds confronted with fluctuating prey availability • Impacts of oceanography on the foraging dynamics of seabirds in the North Sea • Monitoring predator-prey intearctions using multiple predator species : the South Georgia experience • Identifying drivers of change, did fisheries play a role in the spread of north Atlantic fulmars? • Consequences of prey distribution for the foraging behavior of top predators • Biophysical influences on seabird trophic assessments • Spatial and temporal variation in the diets of polar bears across the Canadian Artic : indicators of changes in prey populations and environment • Distribution and foraging interaction of seabirds and marine mammals in the North Sea : multispecies foraging assemblages and habitat-specific feeding strategies • Linking predator foraging behaviour and diet with variability in continental shelf ecosystems : grey seals of eastern Canada • The use of biologically meaningful oceanographic indices to separate the effects of climate and fisheries on seabird breeding success • Physical forcing in the southwest Atlantic : ecosystem control • Effects of sisheries on ecosystems : just another top predator?Publication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006Description: 378 p.Availability:

Thinking and deciding / Jonathan BaronPublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2000Description: 570 p.Availability:

Theory testing in economics and the error-statistical perspective / Aris SpanosSet Level: , Error and inference : recent exchanges on experimental reasoning, reliability, and the obejectivity and rationality of science , p. 202-246Publication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2010Availability: :
Biblioteca ISPA Consulta RestritaCall number: M MAYO2 (1).

Theory confirmation and novel evidence : error, tests, and theory confirmation / John WorrallSet Level: , Error and inference : recent exchanges on experimental reasoning, reliability, and the obejectivity and rationality of science , p. 125-154Publication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2010Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCall number: M MAYO2 (1). :

Theories of political economy / James Caporaso, co-aut. David LevinePublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1994Description: 243 p.Availability:

The study of behavior: organization, methods, and principles / Jerry A. HoganPublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2017Description: 371 p.Availability:

Studies of psychosocial risk : the power of longitudinal data / ed. Michael RutterPiece-Analytic Level: Continuities and discontinuities : conceptual issues and methodological considerations • Modelling reality : some comments • Structural equation modelling of measurement processes in longitudinal data • Data gathering and data analysis for prospective and retrospective longitudinal studies • Causal paths, chains and strands • Logotudinal approaches to intergenerational studies : definition, design and use • Intergenerational longitudinal research : conceptual and methodological considerations • Studying the impact of ordinary life a developmental model, research plan and words of caution • Normative life events as risk factors in childhood • School effects : the use of planned intervention to study causal processes • School experiences as risk / protective factors • Delinquent development : theoretical and empirical considerations • Studying changes with individuals : the causes of offending • Logitudinal and systemic approaches in the study of biological high- and low-risk groups • Follow-up of biological high-risk groups • A person-process-context approach • Statistical modelling of longitudinal data • Individual and variable-based approaches to longitudinal research on early factors • Longitudinal strategies, causal reasoning and risk research : a commentary • Longitudinal data in the study of causal processes : some uses and some pitfallsPublication: New York : Cambridge University Press, 1988Description: 392 p.Availability:

Street mathematics and school mathematics / Terezinha Nunes, co-aut. Analucia Schkiemann, co-aut. David CaraherPublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1993Description: 170 p.Availability:

Stereotypes as explanations : the formation of meaningful beliefs about social groups / Edited by Craig MacGarty ; Vincent Y. Yzerbyt, Russell SpearsPublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2002Description: X, 231 p.Availability:

Socioemotional development and health from adolescence to adulthood / ed. Lea Pulkkinen, Jaakko Kaprio, Richard J. RosePiece-Analytic Level: Summary and future directions • Personality, work career, and health • Unemployment and psychological distress, and education as a resource factor for employment • Sense of coherence and optimism : a more positive approach to health • Identity formation, personal control over development, and well-being • Grandparents as resource factors in the family • parental work and children's behavior : the mediator roles of partner relationship and parenthood • Parental knowledge and family atmosphere in relation to children's socioemotional behavior • Emotion regulation and well-being • Genetic and environmental factors in girls and boys socioemotional behavior • Self-rated health : precursors and implications • Genetic and environmental influences on the initiation and continuation of smoking and drinking • Pubertal development and health-related behavior • Body size and overweight from birth to adulthood • Social behaviors and health in twins • Genetic and environmental influences on social behavior and health • The Jyvaskyla longitudinal study of personality and social development (JYLS)Publication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006Description: 421 p.Availability:

Sociocultural studies of mind / ed. James V, Wertsch, Pablo del Río, Amelia AlvarezPiece-Analytic Level: Tossing, praying, and reasoning : the changing architectures of mind and agency • Socio-cultural-historical psychology : some general remarks and a proposal for a new king of cultural-genetic methodology • The constitution of the subject : a persistent question • Observibg sociocultural activity in three planes : participatory appro+riation, guided participationm and apprenticeship • An approach to an integrated sensoriomotor system in the human central brain and a subconscious computer • Writing and the mind • The need for action in sociocultural research • Cultural-historical psychology and the psychological theory of activity : retrospect and prospect • Sociocultural studies : history, action, and mediationPublication: New York : Cambridge University Press, 1995Description: 252 pAvailability:
