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Joining society : social interaction and learning in adolescence and youth / Edited by Anne-Nelly Perret-Clermont ; Clotilde Pontecorvo ; Lauren B. Resnick ; Barbara Burge

Ligado a: Joining society : whith what certainty?Ligado a: Youth and unions in North America's service societyLigado a: To be young in Yugoslavia : life after a social ChernobylLigado a: The school-to-work transition : problems and indicatorsLigado a: Joining society in Europe : convergence or sustainability of national specificitiesLigado a: Thinking Youth, thinking school : social representations and fieldwork in educational researchLigado a: Interactive minds : a paradigm from life span psychologyLigado a: The role of discourse in the transformation of parent-adolescent relationshipsLigado a: Thinking with others : the social dimension of learning in families and schoolsLigado a: Young people's use of information asnd communication technologies : the role of sociocultural abilitiesLigado a: Talking matters : studying the use of interdependencies of individual and collective action in youthful learningLigado a: Practice and discourse as the intersection of individual and social in human developmentLigado a: From learning lessons to living knowledge : instructional discourse and life experiences of youth in complex societyLigado a: Preapprenticeship : a transitional spaceLigado a: From the provinces of meaning to the capital of a good self : some reflections on learning and thinking in the process of growing adult in societyLigado a: Learning and thinking in adoelscence and youth : how to inhabit new provinces of meaningLigado a: cecoming a member by following the rulesLigado a: A new identity, a new lifestyleLigado a: Youth between integration and disaffiliation in french citiesLigado a: Risks, rules and roles : youth perspectives on the work of learning for community developmentLigado a: Overview of the volumeLigado a: Prospects for youth in postindustrial societiesLigado a: Thinking spaces of the youngCo-autor: Pontecorvo, Clotilde, ed.;Perret-Clermont, Anne-Nelly, ed.;Resnik, Lauren B., ed.;Zittoun, Tania, ed.;Burge, Barbara, ed.Idioma: Inglês.País: Reino Unido.Publicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2004Descrição: XVII, 342 p.ISBN: 0521520428.Coleção: The Jacobs Foundation Series on AdolescenceAssunto - Nome comum: Psicologia do Desenvolvimento | Interacção Social | Aprendizagem | Adolescência | Desenvolvimento | Identidade | Ciclo de Vida | Cooperação | Desenvolvimento Cognitivo | Ensino | Educação | Relações Interpessoais Classificação: 2800 - Psicologia do Desenvolvimento | 2820 - Desenvolvimento Cognitivo e Desenvolvimento Perceptivo Recursos em linha:Clicar aqui para aceder online Tipo de documento:
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