The Wiley handbook of educational supervision / eds. Sally J. Zepeda, Judith A. Ponticell Piece-Analytic Level: Conflits, convergence, and wicked problems: the evolution of educational supervision • Supervisory identity: cultural shift, critical pedagogy, and the crisis of supervision • High-performing teachers, student achievement, and equity as an outcome of educational supervision • Shaping the school-wide learning environment through supervisiory leadership • Improving teacher practice-based knowledge: what teachers need to know they come to know it • Necessity is the mother of re-invention: making teaching excellence the norm through policy and established clinical practice • The principal: building the future based on the past • Principal supervisors and the challenge of principal support and development • Teacher performance assessments mandated during the Duncan Era • National in instructional supervision since the implementation of recent federal legislation • Encouraging relective practice in educational supervision through action research and appreciative inquiry • From supervision to super vision: a developmental approach to collaboration and capacity building • Peer coaching in education • Teacher mentoring in service of beginning teachers' learning to teach • Observation, feedback, and reflection • Managing collaborative inquiry for continuously better practice: a cross-industry perspective • Discretion and trust in professional supervisory practices • Coming to understand the wicked problem of teacher evaluation • Acoountability, control, and teachers' work in American Schools • Instructional supervision en an era of high-stakes accountability • Job-embedded learning: how school leaders can use job-embedded learning as a mechanism for school improvement • Theories of professions and the status of teaching • Foundations of adult development and learning: implications for educational supervision • A policyand political history of educational supervisionPublication: Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2019Description: 646 p.Availability: :
Violência contra a mulher : um olhar psicanalítico / Juana Berezin de Guiter Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCall number: C3 ALIZ5 (1). :
Vidas de professores / António Nóvoa Piece-Analytic Level: episódios do passado evocados por professores aposentados • Fico ou vou-me embora? • A carreira das professoras do ensino primário • Persursos de formação e de trans-formação • Investigando a vida profissional dos professores : diários biográficos • Dar voz ao professor : as histórias de vida dos professores e o seu desenvolvimento profissional • O ciclo de vida profissional dos professores • Os professores e as histórias da sua vidaPublication: Porto : Porto Editora, 2000Description: 214 p.Availability:
Trabalhando com adolescentes : teoria e intervenção psicológica / Org. Luísa Fernanda Habigzang, Eva Diniz, Sílvia H. Koller Piece-Analytic Level: tecnologia social de capacitação profissional para intervenção com adolescentes vítimas de violencia sexual • Atuação do profissional da psicologia na avaliação e intervenção em situações de violência sexual contra adolescentes • Propostas terap~euticas para adolescentes usuários de substancias psicoativas • Psicoterapia baseada em evidências para adolescentes no contexto da América Latina • Orientação de projectos profissionais na adolescência: a importancia do contexto • Promovendo saúde: encontros de bate-papo com adolescentes • Participação juvenil: encontros para promoção de protagonismo • Adolescência no contexto das novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação • As emoções no universo moral dos adolescentes • Adolescência no contexto rural • Adolescência no contexto institucional escolar: discussões sobre o cenário da violência contemporânea • Relacionamentos de amizade, grupos de pares e tribus urbanas na adolescência • Adolecência e contexto familiar • Adolescentes e adultos emergentes em transição para a vida adulta • Desafios metodológicos na pesquisa em comunidades em situação de vulnerabilidade: a gravidez na adolescência como modelo • Gravidez durante a adolescência • Comportamentos de risco na adolecência • Desenvolvimento da identidade e do sentido de vida na adolescência • Adolescentes e adolescênciasPublication: São Paulo : Artmed, 2014Description: 332 p.Availability:
Taking sides : clashing views in controversial : issues in sex and gender / Elizabeth L. Paul Publication: Guilford : MacGraw-Hill, 2002Description: 378 p.Availability:
Surviving time [dvd] : suicide and the persistence of identity in the face of radical cultural and developmental change / Michael Chandler, Centro de Investigação e Intervenção Publication: Lisboa : ISPA, Centro de Audiovisuais, 2003Description: 1 disco óptico (DVD) :
som, col.Availability:
Surviving time [vídeo] : suicide and the oersistence of identity in the face of radical cultural and developmental change / Michael Chandler, Centro de Investigação e Intervenção Publication: Lisboa : ISPA, Centro de Audiovisuais, 2003Description: 1 cassete (VHS) :
som, col.Availability:
Studies on femininity / ed. Alcira Mariam Alizade Piece-Analytic Level: A clandestine identity : pathways of contemporary femininity • The green continent : the constitution of feminity in a clinical case • The woman clinician in clinical work with infants and adults • The ambiguity of bisexuality in psychoanalysis • Gender and affect • A pause for changing life : climacteric change and menopause • Too late : ambivalence about motherhood, choice, and time • The first lipstick : the fear of femininity in parents of adolescent girls • A particular kind on anxiety in women : it's nothing at all, really : and doubly soPublication: London : New York : Karnac, 2003Description: XI, 144 p.Availability:
The structure and development of self-consciousness : interdisciplinary perspectives / ed. Dan Zahavi, Thor Grunbaum, Josef Parnas Piece-Analytic Level: Self and identity • Tetraplegia and self-consciousness • Agency, ownership, and alien control in schizophrenia • Drom self-recognition to self-consciousness • The embodied self-awareness on the infant : a challenge to the theory-theory of mind? • Threesome intersubjectivity in infancy : a contribution to the development of self-awareness • The emergence of self-awareness as co-awareness in early child development • The ambiguity of self-consciousness : a prefacePublication: Amsterdam : John benjamins Publishing, 2004Description: 160 p.Availability: :
Socioemotional development and health from adolescence to adulthood / ed. Lea Pulkkinen, Jaakko Kaprio, Richard J. Rose Piece-Analytic Level: Summary and future directions • Personality, work career, and health • Unemployment and psychological distress, and education as a resource factor for employment • Sense of coherence and optimism : a more positive approach to health • Identity formation, personal control over development, and well-being • Grandparents as resource factors in the family • parental work and children's behavior : the mediator roles of partner relationship and parenthood • Parental knowledge and family atmosphere in relation to children's socioemotional behavior • Emotion regulation and well-being • Genetic and environmental factors in girls and boys socioemotional behavior • Self-rated health : precursors and implications • Genetic and environmental influences on the initiation and continuation of smoking and drinking • Pubertal development and health-related behavior • Body size and overweight from birth to adulthood • Social behaviors and health in twins • Genetic and environmental influences on social behavior and health • The Jyvaskyla longitudinal study of personality and social development (JYLS)Publication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006Description: 421 p.Availability:
Sociedade de bairro : dinâmicas sociais da identidade cultural / António Firmino da Costa Publication: Oeiras : Celta, 1999Description: 539 p.Availability:
Social psychology of consumer behavior / ed. Michaela Wanke Piece-Analytic Level: The dynamics of self-regulation : when goals commit versus liberate • The impulsive consumer predicting consumer behavior with implicit reaction time measures • The persuasive power of regulatory fit • Taking the Target's perspective : the persuasion knowledge model • Normative influences on consuption and conservation behaviors • Television viewing and social reality effects and underlying processes • Cross-cultural issues in consumer behavior • When thinking is dificult : metacognitive experiences as information • The lexicon and grammar of affect as information in consumer decision making : the GAIM • Conditiioning as a source of liking : there is nothing simple about it • Compensatory reasoning in choice • Brands and susessful brand e extensions : a social psychology perspective on economic perspective on economic questions • The rational uncounscious : conscious versus unconscious thought in complex consumer choice • Psychological distance and consumer behavior : a construal level theory perspective • Social psychology and consumer psychology : an unexplored interface • What's social about consumer behavior?Publication: New York : Psychology Press, 2009Description: 396 p.Availability: