Your search returned 207 results.

The Wiley handbook of educational supervision / eds. Sally J. Zepeda, Judith A. PonticellPiece-Analytic Level: Conflits, convergence, and wicked problems: the evolution of educational supervision • Supervisory identity: cultural shift, critical pedagogy, and the crisis of supervision • High-performing teachers, student achievement, and equity as an outcome of educational supervision • Shaping the school-wide learning environment through supervisiory leadership • Improving teacher practice-based knowledge: what teachers need to know they come to know it • Necessity is the mother of re-invention: making teaching excellence the norm through policy and established clinical practice • The principal: building the future based on the past • Principal supervisors and the challenge of principal support and development • Teacher performance assessments mandated during the Duncan Era • National in instructional supervision since the implementation of recent federal legislation • Encouraging relective practice in educational supervision through action research and appreciative inquiry • From supervision to super vision: a developmental approach to collaboration and capacity building • Peer coaching in education • Teacher mentoring in service of beginning teachers' learning to teach • Observation, feedback, and reflection • Managing collaborative inquiry for continuously better practice: a cross-industry perspective • Discretion and trust in professional supervisory practices • Coming to understand the wicked problem of teacher evaluation • Acoountability, control, and teachers' work in American Schools • Instructional supervision en an era of high-stakes accountability • Job-embedded learning: how school leaders can use job-embedded learning as a mechanism for school improvement • Theories of professions and the status of teaching • Foundations of adult development and learning: implications for educational supervision • A policyand political history of educational supervisionPublication: Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2019Description: 646 p.Availability: :

Understanding psychological preparation for sport : theory and practice of elite performers / Lew Hardy, co-aut. Graham Jones, co-aut. Daniel GouldPublication: Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 1996Description: 346 p.Availability:

Understanding and conducting research in the health sciences / Christopher J. L. Cunningham, Bart L. Weahington, David J. PittengerPublication: Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2013Description: 525 p.Availability:

The tretament of personality adaptations using redecision therapy / Vann S. JoinesSet Level: Handbook of personality disorders : theory and practice , p. 194-220Publication: Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2004Availability: :
Biblioteca ISPA Consulta RestritaCall number: C1 MAGN1 (1).

Trends in organizational behavior, vol.8 : employee versus owner issues in organizations / compil. Cary Cooper ; co-aut. Denise RousseauPiece-Analytic Level: Employee stock transfers in smes : understanding and infrequent event • Bringing open-book management into the academic line of sight : sharing the firm's financial information with workers • Achieving a sense of ownership among employees : a critical look at the role of reward systems • When employees become owners : can employee loyalty be bought? • Psychological consequences of employee ownership : on the role of risk, reward, identity and personality • When employers share ownership with workers • Employee equity : employee versus owner issues in organizational behaviorPublication: Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2001Description: 145 p.Availability:

Trends in organizational behavior. vol 6 - the virtual organization / compil. Cary Cooper ; co-aut. Denise RousseauPiece-Analytic Level: Collaboration in the virtual organization • Interdependence in virtual organizations • Context for geographically dispersed teams and networks • Human resource management and the virtual organization : mapping the future research issues • Managers in a virtual context : the experience of self-threat and its effects on virtual work organizations • Virtual organization : promises and payoffs, large and small • Virtual workplaces : implications for organizational behaviorPublication: Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 1999Description: 124 p.Availability:

Trends in organizational behavior. vol 5 / compil. Cary Cooper ; co-aut. Denise RousseauPiece-Analytic Level: Extra- and intra-organizational work values and behavior : a multiple-level model • Human resource management practices in the networked organization : impacts of electronic communication systems • Relational models and organizational studies : applications to resource allocation and group process • Dysfunctional work behaviors in organizations • International management and the circulation of ideas • Job insecurity is important, but not for the reasons you might think : the example of contingent workers • Employees behaving badley : dimensions, determinants and dilemmas in the study of workplace deviancePublication: Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 1998Description: 179 p.Availability:

Trends in organizational behavior. vol 4 / compil. Cary Cooper ; co-aut. Denise RousseauPiece-Analytic Level: New facets of commitment in response to organizational change : research trends and the dutch experience • Continuing american dilemma : studying racism in organizations • Letting them down gently : conceptual advances in explaining controversial organizational policies • Effective team management and cooperative decisions in decisions in chinese organizations • Relative deprivation approach to understanding underemployment • Electronic office • Determinants of participation in training and development • Asking why? in the workplace : causal attributions and organizational behaviorPublication: Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 1997Description: 129 p.Availability:

Trends in organizational behavior : vol.7 - time and organizational behavior / compil. Cary Cooper ; co-aut. Denise RousseauPiece-Analytic Level: Organizational identify in transition over time • Work-life initiatives : greed or benevolence regarding workers time? • Time, person-career fit, and the boundarryless career • Alternative ways of describing time in cross-cultural careers research • All in timing : team pacing behaviors in dynamic conditions • Reduced-load work and the experience of time among professionals and managers : implications for personal and .... • Importance of time scalesPublication: Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2000Description: 116 p.Availability:

Treatment of personality disorders with co-ocurring substance dependence : dual focus schema therapy / Samuekl A. BallSet Level: Handbook of personality disorders : theory and practice , p. 398-425Publication: Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2004Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCall number: C1 MAGN1 (1). :

Treatment of personality disorders in older adults : a community mental health model / Rosemary Snapp Kean ; Kathleen M. Hoey ; Stephen L. PinalsSet Level: Handbook of personality disorders : theory and practice , p. 498-510Publication: Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2004Availability: :
Biblioteca ISPA Consulta RestritaCall number: C1 MAGN1 (1).

Treatment of dramatic personality disorders in children and adolescents / Efrain BleibergSet Level: Handbook of personality disorders : theory and practice , p. 467-497Publication: Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2004Availability: :
Biblioteca ISPA Consulta RestritaCall number: C1 MAGN1 (1).

Toward a unified model of treatment for personality dysfunction / Jeffrey J. MagnavitaSet Level: Handbook of personality disorders : theory and practice , p. 528-553Publication: Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2004Availability: :
Biblioteca ISPA Consulta RestritaCall number: C1 MAGN1 (1).

Toward a psychology of being. 3 ed / Abraham MaslowPublication: New York : John Wiley & Sons, 1999Description: 270 p.Availability:

Topics in health psychology / compil. S. Maes ; co-aut. C. Spielberger ; co-aut. P. Defares ; co-aut. I. SarasonPiece-Analytic Level: Trade-off between the expediency of health promotion and the durability of health education • Health motivation : health education from a social psychological point of view • Working women : occupational health and safety • Work-health relations as mediated through stress reactions and job socialization • Organizational stress • Social support, personality, and health • Social power and compliance in health care • Coping with surgical stress : some results and some problems • Stressful medical procedures : analysis of the effects of psychological interventions and of the stressfulness procedures • Stressful medical events : a survey of patients' perceptions • Cognitive management of health behaviour outcomes in asthmatic patient • Health psychology and asthma : current status and future directions • Hyperventilation, stress and health-risk behavior • Exhaustion : cardiac rehabilitation's starting point • Prevention of smoking in adolescents : conceptualization and intervention strategies of a prototypical research program • Cognitive-developmental approach to smoking intervention • Psychosocial types and chronic diseases : results of the heidelberg prospective psychosomatic intervention study • Psychogenic factors in cancer, especially its incidence • Vital exhaustion as a precursor of myocardial infarction • Some recent findings relative to the relationship of type a behavior pattern to coronary heart disease • Behavioral health : the role of good and bad habits in health and illness • IntroductionPublication: Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 1988Description: 314 p.Availability:

Time-limited dynamic Psychotherapy / Hanna LevensonSet Level: Handbook of personality disorders : theory and practice , p. 254-279Publication: Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2004Availability: :
Biblioteca ISPA Consulta RestritaCall number: C1 MAGN1 (1).

Testosterone Inc : tales o CEOs gone wild / Christopher ByronPublication: New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons, 2004Description: 402 p.Availability:

Temperament in childhood / ed. Geldoph A. Kohnstamm ; John E. Bates ; Mary Klevjord RothbartPiece-Analytic Level: Temperament research in scandinavia • Temperament and character : the french school • Psychology of character and temperament in italy : a historical review and recent trends • Temperament in childhood : the german contribution • Historical and international perspectives • Australian temperament project • Sociocultural factors and temperament • On the functional significance of temperamental individuality : a developmental contextual view of the concept of ... • Temperament in childhood : cross-cultural and sex differences • Temperament : conceptual issues and clinical implications • Activity level, distractibility, and persistence : critical characteristics in early schooling • Applying temperament research to school • Should adverse temperament matter to the clinician? an empirically based answer • Practical applications in pediatrics • Temperament in developmentally disabled children • Issues in the clinical application of temperament • Sleep-loss stress an temperamental difficultness : psychobiological processes and practical considerations • Applications of temperament concepts • Neonatal irritability and the development of attachment • Longitudinal stability of temperament within a behavioral style framework • Temperament and cognition : relations between temperament and mental test scores • Temperament and personality • Temperament and development • Biological and behavioral differences in infant reactivity and regulation • Temperamental reactivity in non-human primates • Dymamics of temperament-physiology relations : a comment on biological processes in temperament • Issues in the study of temperament • Behavior-genetic approaches to temperament • Biological processes in temperament • Temperament in childhood : a framework • Temperaments as personality traits • Regulative theory of temperament as a result of east-west influences • Temperament as an intervening variable • Concepts and measures of temperamentPublication: Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 1989Description: 641 p.Availability:

Tell me what happened: structured investigative interviews of child victim and witness / Michael E. Lamb, et al.Publication: Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2008Description: 372 p.Availability:

Tell me what happened: questioning children about abuse / eds Michael E. Lamb, et al.Publication: Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2018Description: 326 p.Availability:
