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Contemporary motivation research : from global to local perspectives / ed. Marold Wosnitza, Stuart A. Karabenick, Anastasia Efklides, Peter Ninniger

Ligado a: Striving for personal goals : the role of negative mood and the availability of mood-regulation strategiesLigado a: Incentives and flow experience in learning settings and the moderating role of individual differencesLigado a: Normative vs. non-normative performance goals : effects on behavioral and emotional regulation in achievement situationsLigado a: Influencing students' motivation for school : the case of first-year students from different ethnic backgrounds in the Netherlands in the lowest level of secondary schoolLigado a: Student's perceptions of parental attitudes toward academic achievement : effects on motivation, self-concept and school achievementLigado a: Motivation development in novice teachers : the development of utility filtersLigado a: Specification issues in the use of multilevel modeling to examine the effects of classroom context : the case of classroom goal structuresLigado a: The impact of goal and feedback treatments on self-determined motivation and situational interest in a computer-based learning contextLigado a: Interest and efficacy beliefs in self-regulated learning : does the task make a difference?Ligado a: Mediators and moderators of approach-performance and avoidance-performance relationships in children : theoretical and experimental aspectsLigado a: Linking personality to work motivation and performance : individual differences effectsLigado a: On a differential explanation of self-direction in motivating learning environmentsLigado a: Metacognitive experiences as the link between situational characteristics, motivation, and affect in self-regulated learningLigado a: Global and local perspectives on human affect : implications of the control-value theory of achievement emotionsLigado a: Motivational aspects of cognitive load theoryLigado a: A framework for personal content goals in colaborative learning contextsLigado a: Seeking help : generalizable self-regulatory process and social-cultural barometerLigado a: Motivation in school from contextual and longitudinal perspectivesAutor secundário: Wosnitza, Marold, ed.;Karabenick, Stuart A., ed.;Efklides, Anastasia, ed.;Nenninger, Peter, ed.Idioma: Inglês.País: Estados Unidos.Publicação: Cambridge : Hogrefe, 2009Descrição: 377 p.ISBN: 9780889373.Assunto - Nome comum: Psicologia Educacional | Aprendizagem escolar | Motivação | Aprendizagem | Auto-regulação | Aprendizagem colaborativa | Emoções | Desenvolvimento | Processo cognitivo | Professores | Auto-conceito Classificação: 3500 - Psicologia Educacional | 3550 - Aprendizagem Escolar Recursos em linha:Clicar aqui para aceder online Tipo de documento:
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