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A sua pesquisa recuperou 65 resultados.

Handbook of imagination and mental simulation / ed. Keith D. markman, William M. P. Klein, Julie A. SuhrNível de parte analítica: Preparedness, mental simulations, and future outlooks • On the consequences of mentally simulating future foregone outcomes : a regret regulation perspective • Mental contrasting of the future and reality to master negative feedback • Possible selves : from content to process • It's hard to imagine : mental simulation, metacognitive experiences, and the sucess of debiasing • Subjective proximity of future selves : implications for current identity, future appraisal, and goal pursuit motivation • On the excessive rationality of tyhe emotional imagination : a two-systems account of affective forecasts and experiences • Imagining a rosy future : the psychology of optimism • Perspective taking : misstepping into others' shoes • Making it up and making do : simulation, imagination, and empathic accuracy • Two forms of perspective taking : imagining how another feels and imaging how you would feel • Simulated worlds : transportation into narratives • Daydreaming and fantasizing thought flow and motivation • Children's imaginary companions : what is it like to have an invisible friend? • It's hard to imagine : mental simulation, metacognitive experiences, and the sucess of debiasing • Counterfactual thinking : function and dysfunction • The counterfactual mind-set : a decade of research • Cognitive processes in counterfactual thinking • temporally asymmetric constraints on mental simulation : retrospection is more constrained than prospection • Episodic future thought : remembering the past to imagine the future • Hypnosis and memory : from Bernheim to the present • False memories : the role of plausibility and autobiographical belief • Implementation intentions : the mental representations and cognitive procedures of if-then planning • Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image : the distance dependence of representation • Mental imagery and implicit memory • Expertise and the mental simulation of action • Action representation and its role in social interactionPublicação: New York : Taylor & Francis, 2009Descrição: 476 p.Disponibilidade:

Grupo: manual de psicanálise de grupo / Claudio NeriPublicação: Rio de Janeiro : Imago, 1995Descrição: 273 p.Disponibilidade:

Gestão e articulação de dimensões do curriculo por professores do primeiro ciclo do ensino básico : impacte de um programa de formaçãoNível de conjunto: Revista de Educação, Vol. 12, nº 1, 2004, 49-62Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R8 (1). :

Emotion and reasoning / ed. Isabelle BlanchetteNível de parte analítica: Does emotion affect reasoning?: yes, in multiple ways • Better safe than sorry: threat-confirming reasining bias in anxiety disorders • Emotion, reasoning, and psychopathology • Emotions, beliefs, and psychopathology • Conflict, arousal, and logical gut feelings • Emotion as an argumentative strategy : how induced mood affects the evaluation of neutral and inflamatory slippery slope arguments • Reasoning and emotion in the body • Pupil size reflects cognition emotion interactions in analogical reasoning • What is the role of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex in emotional influences on reason?Publicação: London : Psychology Press, 2014Descrição: 178 p.Disponibilidade:

Effective learning and teaching of writing : a writing in education / eds. Gert Rijlaardam, Huub Van den Bergh, Michel CouzijnNível de parte analítica: Writing-to-learn and the graph-drawing as aids of the integration of text and graphs • Children's writings strategies : profiles of writers • The effect of student prior experience, attitudes, and approaches on performance in an undergraduate science witting program • Learning by writing hypertext: a research based design of university courses in writing hypertext • writing-to-learn: conducting a process log • Refelctive writing & reflective thinking • Fostering reflective witing by structuring writing-to-learn tasks • Enhancing thinking dispositions through informal writing • Composing a summary • Down the plughole: the pitfallsof testing the writing of L2 pupils • Digital information literacy : teaching students to use the internet in source-based writing • Assessment of agumentative writing • Adapting to the classroom setting: new research on teachers moving between traditional and computer classrooms • Fostering novices ability to write informative texts • Metacognition to learn how to write texts at school and to develop motivation to do it • Writing in your own words: children's use of information sources in research projects • Writing to learn : constructing the concept of genre in a writing workshop • Teaching writing : teaching oral presentation • teaching how to write argumentative texts at primary school • Action research : a study on using an integrative-narrative method to teach L2 writing in a Hong Kong primary school • Impact of regular philosophical discussion on argumentative skills • Teaching writing: using research to inform practice • The uptake of peer-based intervention in the writing classroom • Learning to read and write argumentative text by observation of peer learners • Learning to write instructive texts by reader observation and written feedback • Monitoring local coherence through bridging integration • Improving argumentative writing by fostering sargumentative speech • Stylistic imitation as a tool in writing pedagogy • Deaf ways of writing narratives: a bilingual approach • Using a structured writing workshop to help good readers who are poor writers • Thegarden of thought: about writing poems in upper secondary school • Popular culture: a resource for writing in secondary english classrooms • Making digital annotations using the world wide web • The directivity of teacher strategies in collaborative writing tasks • Metacognitive regulations, peer interactions and revision of narratives by sixth-graders • Contextual factors enhancing cognitive and metacognitive activity during the process of collaborative writing • Rewriting to introduce punctuations in the second grade: a didactic approach • Looking at reading and writing through language • Emergent writing in kindergarten and the emergence of the alphabetic principle • Effective learning and teaching of writingPublicação: New York : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2005Descrição: 670 p.Disponibilidade:

Education for thinking / Deanna KuhnPublicação: Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 2005Descrição: 209 p.Disponibilidade:

Dyslexia and literacy : key issues for research / Angela J. FawcettDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: E2 REID1 (1). :

Dicionario do pensamento kleiniano / R. HinshelwoodPublicação: Porto Alegre : Artes Médicas, 1992Descrição: 507 p.Disponibilidade:

Designing for science : implications from everyday, classroom, and professional settings / Edited by Kevin Crowley ; Christian D. Schunn ; Takeshi OkadaNível de parte analítica: Intenet epistemology : contributions of new information technologies to scientific research • The role of hypothesis formation in a community of psychology • Facets of students thinking : designing to cross the gap from research to standards-based practice • Everyday activuty and the development of scientific thinking • Epistemologically authentic scientific reasoning • High throughput discovery : search and interpretation on the path to new drugs • Developing reflective inquiry practices : a case study of software, the teacher, and students • Reconsidering the role of experiment in science education • From cognition to instruction to cognition : a case study in elementary school science instruction • Complexity, emergence, and synthetic models in science education • Scientific Thinking : a cognitive-historical Approach • What scientific thinking reveals about the nature of cognition • Acquiring expertise in science : explorations of what, when, and how • The rhythms of scientific thinking : a study of collaboration in an earthquake microworld • Explanatory conversations and young children's developing scientific literacy • Seek and ye shall find : how curiosity engenders discoveryPublicação: Mahwah : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2001Descrição: XIV, 498 p. : il.Disponibilidade:

Defining and describing reason / Jacqueline P. LeightonDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: P2 LEIG1 (1). :

Critical thinking in psychology : separating sense from nonsense / John RuscioPublicação: Belmont : Thomson, 2006Descrição: 226 p.Disponibilidade:

Critical feeling: how to use feelings strategically / Rolf ReberPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2016Descrição: 298 p.Disponibilidade:

Creativity and reason in cognitive development / ed. James C. Kaufman, John BaerNível de parte analítica: How early school experiences inpact creativity : an ecological perspective • The relationship among schooling, learning, and creativity : all roads lead to creativity or you can't get there from here? • Higher level thinking in gifted education • Does culture always matter : for creativity, yes, for deductive reasoning, no! • Is it reasonable to be creative? • A young artist's story : advancing and the development of artistic talent and creativity in children • Crativity in young children's thought • Opening up creativity : the lenses of axis and focus • From alexithymia, borne of trauma and oppression, to symbolic elaboration, the creative expression of emotions, and rationality • Creative thinking and reasoning : can you have one without the other? • The role of domain knowledge in creative problem solving • The role of knowledge base in creative thinking • Alternative knowledge structures in creative thought : scheme, associations, and cases • Reasoning and personal creativity • The creativity of everyday moral reasoning : empathy, disgust, and moral persuasion • Dynamic processes within associative memory stores : piercing together the neural basis of creative cognition • Creative genius, knowledge, and reason • Expertise and reason in cretive thinkingPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006Descrição: 369 p.Disponibilidade:

Creativity : understanding innovation in problem solving, science, invention, and the arts / Robert W. WeisbergPublicação: Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2006Descrição: 622 p.Disponibilidade:

Costurando as linhas da psicopatologia borderland (estados-limite) / Carlos Amaral DiasPublicação: Lisboa : Climepsi, 2004Descrição: 166 p.Disponibilidade:

Cognitive psychology: a student's handbook / Michael W. Eysenck, Mark T. KeanePublicação: Hove : Psychology Press, 2015Descrição: 838 p.Disponibilidade:

Cognitive psychology : a student's handbook / Michael W. Eysenck, Mark KeanePublicação: Hove : New York : Psychology, 2005Descrição: IX, 646 P. : quadros, gráficosDisponibilidade:

The Cambridge handbook of thinking and reasoning / ed. Keith J. Holyoak, Robert G. MorrisonNível de parte analítica: Learning to think : the challenges of teaching thinking • Intelligence • Thinking and reasoning in medicine • Scientific thinking and reasoning • Ellsworth, Phoebe C. • Language and thought • Reasoning and thinking in nonhuman primates • Effects of aging on reasoning • Mathematical cognition • Development of thinking • Cognitive and neuroscience aspects of thought disorder • Cognive neuroscience of deductive reasoning • Thinking in working memory • Thinking as a production system • Complex declarative learning • Creativity • Problem solving • Motivated thinking • A model of heuristic judgment • Decision making • Visuospatial reasoning • Mental models and thought • Deductive reasoning • Causal learning • Analogy • Approaches to modeling human mental representations : what works, what doesn't, and why • Concepts and categories : memory, meaning, and metaphysics • Similarity • Thinking and reasoning : a reader's guidePublicação: New York : Cambridge University Press, 2005Descrição: 858 p.Disponibilidade:

The Cambridge handbook of expertise and expert performance / ed. K. Anders Ericsson, Neil Charness, Paul J. Feltivich, Robert R. HoffmanNível de parte analítica: Modes of expertise in creative thinking : evidence from case studies • Social and sociological factors in the development of expertise • Aging and expertise • Artistic performance : acting, ballet, and contemporary dance • Development and adaptation of expertise : the role of self-regulatory processes and beliefs • The influence of experience and deliberate practice on the development of superior expert performance • Brain changes in the development of expertise : neuroanatomical and neurophysiological evidence about skill-based adaptations • Expertise and situation awareness • Tacit knowledge, practical intelligence and expertise • A merging theory of expertise and intelligence • Expertise in history • Mathematical expertise • Exceptional memory • Expertise in chess • Perceptual-motor expertise • Artistic performance : acting, ballet, and contemporary dance • Expert performance in sport : a cognitive perspective • Music • The making of a dream team : when expert teams do best • Decision-making expertise • Professional judgments and naturalistic decision making • Professional writing expertise • Expertise in software design • Expertise and transportation • Expertise in medicine and surgery • Historiometric methods • Time, budgets, diaries, and analysis of concurrent practice activities • Retrospective interviews in the study of of expertise and expert performance • laboratory studies of training, skill acquisition, and retentions of performance • Simulations for performance and training • Protocol analysis and expert thought : concurrent verbalizations of thinking during experts performance on representative tasks • Eliciting and representing the knowledge of experts • Task Analysis • laboratory methods for assessing experts and novices knowledge • Methods for studying the structure of expertise : psychometric approaches • Observation of work practices in natural settings • Professionalization, scientific expertise, and elitism :a sociological perspective • Expert systems : a perspective from computer science • Educators and expertise : a brief history of theorie and models • Studies of expertise from psychological perspectives • Expertise, talent, and social encouragement • Two approaches to the study of experts characteristics • An introduction to The Cambridge handbook of expertise and expert performance : its development, organization and contentPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006Descrição: 901 p.Disponibilidade:

Blink : the power of thinking without thinking / Malcolm GladwellPublicação: New York : Little, Brown and Company, 2005Descrição: 277 p.Disponibilidade:
