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Anatomia & fisiologia / Rod R. Seeley, Trent D. Stephens, Philip Tate ; trad. Maria Teresa Leal; Maria Cândida Durão; leonor AbecassisPublicação: Loures : Lusociência, 2011Descrição: 1141 p.Disponibilidade:

Formative experiences: the interaction of caregiving, culture and developmental psychobiology / eds. Carol M. Worthman, Paul M. Plotsky, Daniel S. Schechter, Constance A. CummingsNível de parte analítica: Global perspectives on the well-being of children • Global perspectives on the well-being of children • Public health, education, and policy implications • The basic affectuve circuits of mammalian brains: implications for healthy human development and the cultural landscapes of ADHD • Social stress as a formative experience: neurobiology of conditioned defeat • Interpersonal violence as a mediator of stress-related disorders in humans • Social stress as a formative experience: neurobiology of conditioned defeat • Ethological vignette: social stress as a formative experience: neurobiology of consitioned defeat • The evolution of social play • The Lemelson case study considered from a biological point of view • Ethonographic case study : Anak PKI: a longitudinal case study of the effects of social ostracism, political violencem and bullying on an adolescent Javanese boy • Fear, fun, and the boundaries of social experience • Sex / gender, culture, and development : issues in the emergence of puberty and attraction • Can watching Oprah cause PTSD? • Maria: cultural change and posttraumatic stress in the life of a Belizean adolescent girl • Maria: cultural change and posttraumatic stress in the life of a Belizean adolescent girl • Good expectations: a case study of perinatal child-parent psychotherapy to prevent the intergenerational transmission of trauma • Dood expectations: a case study of perinatal child-parent psychotherapy to prevent the intergenerational transmission of trauma • Bofi foragers and farmers: case studies on the determinants of parenting behavior and arly childhood experiences • Ethnographic case study: Bofi foragers and farmer's and farmers: case studies on the determinants and parenting behavior and early childhood experiences • Formative relationships within and across generations • We are social - therefore we are: the interplay of mind, culture, and genetics in Williams Syndrome • Confluence of individual and caregiver influences on socioemotional development in typical and atypical populations • Sensitive periods in the behavioral development of mammals • The social environment and the epigenome • How experience interacts with biological development • From measurement to meaning in caregiving and culture • Plasticity and variation : cultural influences on parenting and early child development within and across populationsPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2010Descrição: 587 p.Disponibilidade:

Developmental psychobiology: an interdisciplinary science / George F. Michel, Celia L. MoorePublicação: Cambridge : Bradford Book, 1995Descrição: 510 p.Disponibilidade:

Animal behaviour : mechanism, development, function and evolution / Chris BarnardPublicação: Harlow : Pearson, 2004Descrição: 726 p.Disponibilidade:

The construction of the self : developmental and sociocultural foundations / Susan HarterPublicação: New York : Guilford Press, 2012Descrição: 440 p.Disponibilidade:

Sérgio Niza : escritos sobre educação / org. António Novoa, Francisco Marcelino, Jorge Ramos do ÓPublicação: Lisboa : Tinta-da-China, 2012Descrição: 709 p.Disponibilidade:

Play and development: evolutionary, sociocultural, and functional perspectives / Artin Goncu, Suzanne GaskinsNível de parte analítica: Therapeutic advantages of play • The interplay of play and narrative in children's development : theorectical reflections and concrete examples • Of Hobbes and Harvey : the imaginary companions created by children and adults • Hard work for the imagination • The cultural construction of play • Children's play as cultural interpretation • Guyided participation : how mothers structure and children understand pretend play • On the significance of social relationships in the development of children's earliest symbolic play : an ecological perspective • The development and function of rough-and-tumble play in childhood and adolescence : a sexual selection theory perspective • Pretense in animals: the continuing relevance of children's pretense • Evolutionary foundations and functions of play : an overview • An integrative perspective on play and developmentPublicação: Mahwah : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2007Descrição: 310 p.Disponibilidade:

Social development, social inequalities and social justice / ed. Cacilia Wainryb, Juduth G. Smetana, Elliot TurielNível de parte analítica: In Defense of universal values • Honor, truth, and justice • The development of stereotype threat: consequences for educational and social equality • Leaving LGBT (Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender) students behind • The biology of social justice : linking social inequalities and health in adolescence • Affirmative action and ethnic minority university students: enlarging pipelines to support sucess • America's head start program : an effort for social justice • The moral judgment of the child reevaluated : heteronomy, early morality, and rasoning about social justice and inequalities • The trouble with the ways morality is used and how they impede social equality and social justicePublicação: New York : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2008Descrição: 250 p.Disponibilidade:

Readings on the develelopment of children / Mary Gauvain, Michael ColeNível de parte analítica: Late adolescents' self-defining memories about relationships • Antisocial boys and their friends in early adolescence : relationship characteristics, quality, and interactional process • Authority, autonomy, and family relationships among adolescents in urban and rural China • Development of logical reasoning and the school performance of african american adolescents in relation to socioeconomic status, ethnic identity, and self-esteem • Toward a new understanding of early menarche : the role of environmental stress in pubertal timing • Risk taking in adolescence: new perspectives from brain and behavioral science • How asian teachers polish each lesson to perfection • Ethnic diversity and perceptions of safety in urban middle schools • Cultural teaching : the development of teaching skills in Maya sibling interactions • Electronic bullying among middle school students • The role of age versus expertise in peer collaboration during joint planning • Children's perception of gap affordances : bicycling across traffic-filled intersections in an immersive virtual environment • Personal storytelling as a medium of socialization in chinese and american families • Gender and group process : a developmental perspective • Cultural differences in american and mexican mother-child pretend play • Transmission of aggression through imitation of aggressive models • Understanding minds and evidence for belief : a study of Mofu children in Cameroon • The credible shrinking room : very young children's performance with symbolic and nonsymbolic relations • Early experience and emotional development : the emergence of wariness of heights • Rethinking maternal sensivity : mothers' comments on infants' mental processes predict security of attachment at 12 months • Event categorization in infancy • Becoming a native listener • Development of object concepts in infancy : evidence for early learning in eye-tracking paradigm • Humans have evolved specializes skills of social cognition : the cultural intelligence hypothesis • Specificity and heterogeneity in children's responses to profound institutional privation • Temperament and the reactions of unfamiliarity • Culture and early infancy among central african foragers and farmers • Recall in infancy : a neurodevelopmental account • The interplay between genotypes and family relationships : reframing concepts of development and prevention • Of human bonding : newborns prefer their mothers' voices • Interaction between learning and development • Development and learning • Children of the garden island • Parent, child, and reciprocal influences • Ecological models of human development • The adaptative nature of cognitive immaturityPublicação: New York : Worth Publishers, 2009Descrição: 351 p.Disponibilidade:

Pathways to language : from fetus to adolescent / Kyra Karmiloff, Annette Karmiloff-SmithPublicação: Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 2001Descrição: 256 pDisponibilidade:

Ape, primitive man, and child : essays in the history of behavior / A. R. Luria, L. S. VygotskyPublicação: New York : Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1992Descrição: 171 p.Disponibilidade:

Making stories : law, literature, life / Jerome BrunerPublicação: New York : Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2002Descrição: 130 p.Disponibilidade:

Mind in context : interactionist perspectives on human intelligence / Robert J. Sternberg, Richard K. WagnerPublicação: New York : Cambridge University Press, 1994Descrição: 245 p.Disponibilidade:

Context and cognition : ways of learning and knowing / ed. Paul Light, George ButterworthNível de parte analítica: Contexts and cognitions: taking a pluralist view • The pragmatic bases of children's reasoning • Desituating cognition through the construction of conceptual knowledge • Sociocultural processes of creative planning in children's playcrafting • Word problems : a microcosm of theories of learning • Proportional reasoning in and out of school • Culture, context and the construction of knowledge in the classroom • Social class, context and cognitive development • Context and cognition in models of cognitive growthPublicação: New York : Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1992Descrição: 186 pDisponibilidade:

Avec Vygotsky : suivi d'une note de Léontiev sur un séminaire de Vygotsky / dir. Yves ClotNível de parte analítica: Le développement du concept de développement chez Vygotski • Le langage comme instrument?: Éléments pour une théorie instrumentale élargie • Quelles contradictions?: À propos de Piaget, Vygotski et Marx • Apprentissage et développement: tensions dans la zone proximale.... • Mot et dialogue chez Vygotski et Bakhtine • De Vygotski à Léontiev via Bakhtine • La rencontre Léontiev-Vygotski : quelques concepts clés • Vygotski, Politzer et la signification • Vygotski et Wallon : pour une pensée dialetique des rapports entre pensée et affect • Vygostki, Wallon et les débats actuels sur la theorie de la pensée • Vygotski, Wallon et les mondes communs • Vygotski et Freud : l'espace d'un dialogue • On n'a jamais fini de relire Vygotsky et Piaget • La conscience comme analyseur des épistémologies de Vygotsky et PiagetPublicação: Paris : La Dispute, 2002Descrição: 346 p.Disponibilidade:

Culture communication and cognition / James V. WertschNível de parte analítica: The road to competence in an alien land : a Vygotskian perspective on bilingualism • Exploring Vygotskyan perspectives in education : the cognitive value of peer interaction • The tacit background of children's judgments • Diagnosing zones of proximal development • Language viewed as action • The implications of discourse skills in Vygotsky's developmental theory • The functional stratification of language and ontogenesis • Language acquisition as increasing linguistic structuring of experience and symbolic behavior control • The concept of internalization in Vygotsky's account of the genesis of higher mental functions • The zone of proximal development: where culture and cognition creat each other • Vygotsky's uses of history • Vygotsky's ideas about units for the analysis of mind • Intellectual origins of Vygotsky's semiotic analysis • Vygotsky's theory and the activity-oriented approach in psychology • Vygotsky : a historical and conceptual perspectivePublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1985Descrição: 379 p.Disponibilidade:

Sociocultural studies of mind / ed. James V, Wertsch, Pablo del Río, Amelia AlvarezNível de parte analítica: Tossing, praying, and reasoning : the changing architectures of mind and agency • Socio-cultural-historical psychology : some general remarks and a proposal for a new king of cultural-genetic methodology • The constitution of the subject : a persistent question • Observibg sociocultural activity in three planes : participatory appro+riation, guided participationm and apprenticeship • An approach to an integrated sensoriomotor system in the human central brain and a subconscious computer • Writing and the mind • The need for action in sociocultural research • Cultural-historical psychology and the psychological theory of activity : retrospect and prospect • Sociocultural studies : history, action, and mediationPublicação: New York : Cambridge University Press, 1995Descrição: 252 pDisponibilidade:

Jean Piaget et Neuchatel : l'apprenti et le savant / dir. Jean-Marc Barrelet, Anne-Nelly Perret-ClermontPublicação: Lausanne : Jacques Scherrer, 1996Descrição: 303 p.Disponibilidade:

The imitative mind : development, evolution, and brain bases / ed. Andrew N. Meltzoff, Wolfgang PrinzNível de parte analítica: Imitation, apraxia, and hemisphere dominance • The role of imitation in body ownership and mental growth • Is there such a thing as functional equivalence between imagined, observed, and executed action? • Cell populations in the banks of the superior temporal sulcus of the macaque and imitation • From minor neurons to imitation: facts and speculations • What is the body schema? • On bodies and events • Visuomotor coupligs in object-oriented and imitative actions • Goal-directed imitation • Imitation : common mechanisms in the observation and execution of finger and mouth movements • Experimental approaches to imitation • Seeing actions as hiearchically organizad structures: great ape manual skills • The imitator's representation of the imitated : ape and child • Ego function of early imitations • Notes on individual differences and the assumed elusiveness of neonatal imitation • Self-awareness, other-awareness, and secondary representation • Imitation and imitation recognition: functional use in preverbial infants and nonverbal children with autism • Elements of a developmental theory of imitation • An introduction to the imitative mind and brainPublicação: New York : Cambridge University Press, 2002Descrição: 353 pDisponibilidade:

Instructor's resource manual : to accompany the development of children / Jennifer CootsPublicação: New York : Worth Publishers, 2005Descrição: 371 p.Disponibilidade:
