Reflexão sobre a escrita: o ensino de diferentes géneros de textos / coord. Luísa Álvares Pereira, Inês Cardoso Nível de parte analítica: Peensamento colectivo, no PNEP, sobre a implicações das TIC na aula de língua • Redemensionar a relação dos alunos com a escrita através da Web 2.0: uma experi~encia de dinamização de um blogue com alunos do 7º ano na disciplina de Língua Portuguesa • Cometários em blogues: subproduto ou subgénero ao serviço de aprendizagem? • Presença de perguntas em mapas argumentativos: onde se cruzam argumentação e questionamento? • Tomada de notas: uma escrita para a apropriação / construção do conhecimento no ensino superior • A transição para o Ensino Superior: novos contextos, novas práticas de literacia • Descrever, defenir, ...atos de aprendizagem da produção textual • Géneros de texto e ensino da escrita • (trans)formar práticas de ensino da escrita: aitorreflexão e erro • Os efeitos de diferentes práticas pedadógicas nas narrativas de alunos de 7º e 8º anos de escolaridade • Eu sou escritor: um programa para promover a autorregulação da escrita • Aprender el sistema de escritura alfabético a partir del uso de textos en los inicios de la lectura y escritura • Heterogeneidade da escrita no ensino: das modalidades às relações intergenéricas • A sequência de ensino como dispositivo didáctico para a aprendizagem da escrita num contexto de formação de professores • O desenvolvimento da escrita na perspectiva do interacionismo sociodiscursivoPublicação: Aveiro : Universidade de Aveiro, 2013Descrição: 349 p.Disponibilidade:
Handbook of early childhood education / Ed. Robert C. Pianta; Assoc. ed. W. Steven Barnett, Laura M. Justice, Susan M. Sheridan Nível de parte analítica: Making the case: why credentialing and certification matter • Higher education for early childhood educators and outcomes for young children: pathways toward greater effectiveness • Improving language and literary outcomes in child care • Enhancing teachers' intentional use of effective interactions with children: designing and testing professional development interventions • Access, participation, and supports: a framework for improving inclusive early education opportunities for children with disabilities • Implications of research on postinstitutionalized children for practice and policy in early education • Promoting young children's mental health throught early childhood consultation: ecological advances and research needs • Supporting the social competence of young children with challenging behavior in the context of the teaching pyramid model: research-based practives and implementation in early childhood settings • Interventions that promote social-emotional learning in Young Children • Fostering collaborative partnerships between early childhood professionals and the parents of young children • Scaffolding self-regulated learning in young children: Lessons from tools of the mind • Executive functioning and developental neuroscience: current progress and implications for early childhood education • An ecological perspective for understanding the early development of self-regulatory skills, social skills, and achievement • Claire E. Cameron • Teacher-child play interactions to achieve learning outcomes • Science and early education • Mathematics learning, assessment, and curriculum • Promoting early literacy and language development • Promoting lower- and higher-level language skills in early education classrooms • Poverty is a knot, and preschool is an untangler • Language, culture, and early education in the United States • Restructuring and aligning early education opportunities for cultural, language, and ethnic minority children • More than teachers: the early care and education workforce • Accountability and program evaluation in early education • Investments in early education: resources at the federal and state levels • Early childhood care and education: enrollment patterns and expenditures • Early education in the United StatesPublicação: New York : Guilford Press, 2012Descrição: 634 p.Disponibilidade:
Children's peer relations: issues in assessment and intervention / ed. Barry H. Schneider, Kenneth H. Rubin, Jane E. Ledingham Nível de parte analítica: Documenting the effects of social skill training with children: process and outcome assessment • Designing effective social problem-solving programs for the classrrom • Social behavior problems and social skills training in adolescence • Programmatic research on peers as intervention agents for socially isolate classmates • Children's social skills training: a meta-analysis • An evolving paradigm in social skill training research with children • Fitting social skills intervention to the target group • Socially withdrawn children: an "at risk" population? • The influence of the evaluator on assessments of children social skills • Assessment of children's attributions for social skills training • Children's peer relations: assessing self-perception • Observational assessment of social problem solving • What's the point?: issues in the selection of treatment objectives • Social competence and skill: a reassessement • Facets of social interaction and the assessment of social competence in childrenPublicação: New York : Springer-Verlag, 1985Descrição: 281 p.Disponibilidade:
Popularity in the peer system / ed. Antonius H. N. Cillessen, David Schwartz, Lara Mayeux Nível de parte analítica: Toward a theory of popularity • The high price of high status: popularity as a mechanism of risk • The power of popularity: influence processes in childhood and adolescence • Peer popularity in the context of ethnicity • Popularity in peer group perspective: the role of status in adolescent peer systems • Prosocial skills, social competence, and popularity • Popularity as a form of social dominance: an evolutionary perspective • Popularity and gender : the two cultures of boys and girls • social acceptance and popularity: two distict forms of peer status • Being there awhile: an ethnographic perspective on popularity • Conceptualization and measuring popularity • Popularity as a social concept: meanings and significancePublicação: New York : Guilford Press, 2011Descrição: 306 pDisponibilidade:
Measuring writing: recent insights into theory, methodology and practices / ed. Elke Van Steendam, Marion Tillema, Gert Rijllaarsdam, Huub Van den Bergh Nível de parte analítica: Challenges of using automated essay evaluation software for assessing multimodal writing • Raters' perceptions of textual borrowing in integrated writing tasks • Combinig score and text analysis to examine task equivalent in writing assessments • Examining the validity of single-occasion, sengle-genre, holistically scored writing assessments • Advantages and disadvantages of different text • Generalizing of text quality scores • The validity and generalizability of writing scores : the effect of rater, task and languagePublicação: London : Brill, 2012Descrição: 231 p.Disponibilidade:
Effective learning and teaching of writing : a writing in education / eds. Gert Rijlaardam, Huub Van den Bergh, Michel Couzijn Nível de parte analítica: Writing-to-learn and the graph-drawing as aids of the integration of text and graphs • Children's writings strategies : profiles of writers • The effect of student prior experience, attitudes, and approaches on performance in an undergraduate science witting program • Learning by writing hypertext: a research based design of university courses in writing hypertext • writing-to-learn: conducting a process log • Refelctive writing & reflective thinking • Fostering reflective witing by structuring writing-to-learn tasks • Enhancing thinking dispositions through informal writing • Composing a summary • Down the plughole: the pitfallsof testing the writing of L2 pupils • Digital information literacy : teaching students to use the internet in source-based writing • Assessment of agumentative writing • Adapting to the classroom setting: new research on teachers moving between traditional and computer classrooms • Fostering novices ability to write informative texts • Metacognition to learn how to write texts at school and to develop motivation to do it • Writing in your own words: children's use of information sources in research projects • Writing to learn : constructing the concept of genre in a writing workshop • Teaching writing : teaching oral presentation • teaching how to write argumentative texts at primary school • Action research : a study on using an integrative-narrative method to teach L2 writing in a Hong Kong primary school • Impact of regular philosophical discussion on argumentative skills • Teaching writing: using research to inform practice • The uptake of peer-based intervention in the writing classroom • Learning to read and write argumentative text by observation of peer learners • Learning to write instructive texts by reader observation and written feedback • Monitoring local coherence through bridging integration • Improving argumentative writing by fostering sargumentative speech • Stylistic imitation as a tool in writing pedagogy • Deaf ways of writing narratives: a bilingual approach • Using a structured writing workshop to help good readers who are poor writers • Thegarden of thought: about writing poems in upper secondary school • Popular culture: a resource for writing in secondary english classrooms • Making digital annotations using the world wide web • The directivity of teacher strategies in collaborative writing tasks • Metacognitive regulations, peer interactions and revision of narratives by sixth-graders • Contextual factors enhancing cognitive and metacognitive activity during the process of collaborative writing • Rewriting to introduce punctuations in the second grade: a didactic approach • Looking at reading and writing through language • Emergent writing in kindergarten and the emergence of the alphabetic principle • Effective learning and teaching of writingPublicação: New York : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2005Descrição: 670 p.Disponibilidade:
Discutindo se aprende: interacção social, conhecimento e escola / Clotilde Pontecorvo, Anna Maria Ajello, Cristina Zucchermaglio Nível de parte analítica: Compartilhar socialmente a convecionalidade da lingua escrita • Raciocínio social e interacção de grupo • Explicador de fenômenos históricos • Construir modelos compartilhados sobre fenômenos naturais • As disciplinas como artefactos culturais e como práticas de discurso • Professores e crianças nos discursos: a construção de textos escritos • Professores e discussões: formação e prática pedagógica • A construção do discurso nas discussões em sala de aula: uma análise sequencial • As crianças reescrevem a história: a construção retórica do ponto de vista • Discutir, argumentar e pensar na escola: o adulto como regulador da aprendizagem • Interação social e construção do conhecimento: confronto de paradigmas e perspectivas de pesquisa • A perspectiva pedagógica no estudo dos processos sociais da escola • A contribuição da perspectiva Vygotskyana à Psicologia da educaçãoPublicação: Porto Alegre : Artmed, 2005Descrição: 296 pDisponibilidade:
Revision cognitive and instructional processes / eds. Linda Allal, Lucile Chanquoy, Pierre Largy Nível de parte analítica: The study of revision as a writing process and a learning-to-write process • Efects of coolaborative revision on children's ability to write understandable narrative texts • Integrated writing instruction and the development of revision skills • Insights from instructional reasearch on revision with struggling writers • Revision of form and meaning in learning to write comprehensible text • Audience perspective in young writers' compising and revising • Revision in the context of different drafting strategies • Orthographic revision : the case of subject-verb agreement in French • Processing time and cognitive effortin revision : effects of error type and of working memory capacity • What triggers revision?Publicação: Boston : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004Descrição: 233 p.Disponibilidade:
Plano Bullying : como apagar o bullying da escola / eds. Luís Fernandes; Sónia Seixas Publicação: Lisboa : Plátano, 2012Descrição: 192 p. +
1 cd\rom com materiais editáveisDisponibilidade:
Sérgio Niza : escritos sobre educação / org. António Novoa, Francisco Marcelino, Jorge Ramos do Ó Publicação: Lisboa : Tinta-da-China, 2012Descrição: 709 p.Disponibilidade: