Escalas e testes na demência / eds. Mário R, Simões, Isabel Santana, Grupo de Envelhecimento Cerebral e Demência Nível de parte analítica: Questionário de personalidade de Eysenck - Forma revista (EPQ-R) • Entrevista de Zarit para a sobrecarga de cuidador: (Burden Interview) • World Health Organization quality of life - Old modulo (WHOQOL-OLD) • Quality of life-Alzheimer's disease scale (QOL-AD) • Vilnerable elders survey (VES-13) • Camberwell assessment of need for the elderly (CANE) • Elder assessment instrument (EAI) • Family confusion assessment method (FAM-CAM) • Confusion assessment method (CAM) • Inventário de avaliação funcional de adultos e idosos (IAFAI) • Escala de atividades de vida diária para defeito cognitivo ligeiro (ADCS MCI ADL) • Escala de atividades instrumentais de vida diária (AIVD): (Instrumental Activities of Daily Living - ADL) • Inventário de comportamento frontal: (Frontal Behavior Inventory - FBI) • Geriatric depression scale (GDS-30) • Inventário neuro-psiquiatrico (NPI): The neuropsychiatric inventory • Teste de Stroop • Trail making test (TMT) • Teste da figura complexa de Rey-Osterrieth-A (FCR-O) • Teste de recordação selectiva livre e guiada (TRSLG): (Free and Cued Selective Reminding Test - FCSRT) • Escala de memória de Wechsler - 3ª edição (WMS-III) • Bateria computorizada de testes neuro-psicológicos de Cambridge para a avaliação da demência • Ineco Frontal Screening • Bateria de avaliação frontal (FAB): (Frontal Assessment Battery, FAB) • Escala de avaliação da demência - 2: (Dementia Rating Scale - 2, DRS-2) • Matrises progressivas coloridas de Raven • Teste de leitura de palavras irregulares (TeLPI) • Escala de queixas subjctivas de memória (QSM) • Teste do desenho do relógio • Addenbrook's cogntivine examination - revisited (ACE-R) • Montreal cognive assessment (MOCA= • Mini mental state examination (MMSE) • Avaliação clínica da demência: (clinical dementia rating scale, CDR)Publicação: Porto : Novartis, 2015Descrição: 216 p.Disponibilidade:
The experience of thinking: how the fluency of mental processes influences cognition and bahavior / ed. Christian Unkerlbach, Rainer Greifeneder Nível de parte analítica: Thinking about experiences of thinking • Fluency and behavior regulation: adaptative and maladaptative consequences of a good feeling • About swift defaulys and sophisticated safety nets: a process prospective on fluency's validity in judgment • The ecological validity of fluency • Critical feeling: the strategic use of precessing fluency • Almost everything you always wanted to know about ease-of-retrieval effects • When good blends go bad: how fluency can explain when we like and dislike ambiguity • Assimilation or contrast?: how fluency channels comparison processing • ease and persuasuin: multiple processes, meanings, and effects • Disfluency sleeper effect: disfluency today promotes fluency tomorrow • Fluency in context: discrepancy makes processing experiences informative • Once more with feeling!: famililiarity and positivity as integral consequences of previous exposure • The sources of fluency: identifying the underlying mechanisms of fluency effects • A general model of fluency effects in judgment and decision making • Experiencing thinkingPublicação: Hove : Psychology Press, 2013Descrição: 275 p.Disponibilidade:
Heuristics: the foundations of adaptative behavior / ed. Gerd Gigerenzer, Ralph Hertwig, Thorsten Pachur Nível de parte analítica: Aggregate age-at-marriage patterns from individual mate-search heuristics • Applying one reason decision-making: the prioritisation of literature searches • If...: satisficing algorithms for mapping conditional statements onto social domains • Green defaults: information presentation and pro-environmental behaviour • Instant customer base analysis: managerial heuristic often get it right • Parental investment: how an equity motive can produce inequality • Optimal versus naive diversification: how inefficient in the 1/N portfolio strategy • How dogs navigate to catch fisheries • Simply heuristics that help us win • Predicting Wimbledon 2005 tennis results by mere player name recognition • Take-the-best in expert-novice decision strategies for residential burglary • Geographic profiling: the fast, frugal, and accurate way • Psycholkogical models of professional decision making • The use of recognition in group decision-making • Fluency heuristic: a model of how the mind exploits a by-product of information retrieval • Why you yhink Milan is larger than Modena: neural correlates of the recognition heuristic • The recognition heuristic in memory-based inference: is recognition a non-compensatory cue? • On the psycohology of the recognition heuristic: retrieval primacy as a key determinant of its use • The aging decision maker: cognitive aging and the adaptative selection of decision strategies • Does imitation benefit cue order learning? • Sequential processing of cues in memory-based multiattribute decisions • A response-time approach to comparing generalized rational and take-the-best models of decision making • Empirical tests of a fast-and-frugal heuristic: not everyone takes-the-best • The quest for take-the-best: insights and outlooks from experimental research • The relative success of recognition-based inference in multichoice decisions • A signal detection analysis of the recognition heuristic • Categorization with limited resources: a family of simple heuristics • Heuristic and linear models of judgment: matching rules and environments • Fast, frugal, and fit: simple heuristics for paired comparison • SSL: a theory of how people larn to select strategies • Hindsight Bias: a by-product of knowledge updating • Moral satisficing: rethinking moral behavior as bounded ratinality • One-reason decision-making: modeling violations of expected utility theory • The priority heuristic: making choices without trade-offs • Naive and yet enlightened: from natural frequencies to fast and frugal decision trees • Simple heuristics and rukles of thumb: where psychologists and behavioural biologists might meet • How forgetting aids heuristic inference • Models of ecological rationality: the recognition heuristic • Reasoning the fast and frugal way: models of bounded rationality • Homo heuristicus: why biased minds make better inferencesPublicação: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011Descrição: 844 p.Disponibilidade:
Cognition and conditionals : probability and logic in human thinking / eds. Mike Oaksford, Nick Chater Nível de parte analítica: Open issues in the cognitive science of conditionals • Two aspects of reasoning competence : a challenge for current accounts and a call for new conceptual tools • A multi-layered dual-process approach to conditional reasoning • Towards a metacognitive dual process theory of conditional reasoning • Conditional inference and constraint satisfaction: reconsiling mental models and the probabilistic approach • Towards a reconciliation of mental model theory and probabilistic theories of conditionals • Reasoning with conditionals in artificial intelligence • Pragmatic conditionals, conditional pragmatics, and the pragmatic component of conditional reasoning • A successive-conditionalization approach to conditional reasoning • How semantic memory processes temper causal inferences • Counterexample retrieval and inhibition during conditional reasoning: direct evidence from memory probing • Semantic memory retrieval, mental models, and the development of conditional inferences in children • The conditional in mental probability logic • Conditionals and non-constructive reasoning • Causal discounting and conditional reasoning in children • Conditionals and probability • The logical response to a noisy world • Logic and/in psychology : the paradoxes of material implication and psychologism in the cogntive science of human reasoning • Conditionals and possibilities • The mental logic theory of conditional propositions • Cognition and conditionals : an introductionPublicação: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2012Descrição: 410 p.Disponibilidade:
In two minds : dual processes and beyond / Jonathan St. B. T. Evans, Keith Frankish Nível de parte analítica: Reason and intuition in the moral life : a dual-process account of moral justification • In two minds about rationality? • What zombies can't do : a social cognitive neuroscience approach to the irreducibility of reflective consciousness • Cognitive and social cognitive development : dual-process research and theory • The two systems of learning : an architectural perspective • Thinking across cultures : implications for dual processes • Dual process models : a social psychological perspective • Dual-process theories : a metacognitive perspective • Intuitive and reflective inferences • The magical number two, plus or minus : dual-process theory as a theory of cognitive kinds • An architecture for dual reasoning • Systems and levels : dual-system theories and the personal-subpersonal distinction • Distinguishing the reflective, algorithmic, and autonomous minds : is it time for a tri-process theory? • How many dual-process theories do we need? One, two, or many? • The duality of mind : an historical perspectivePublicação: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2009Descrição: 369 p.Disponibilidade:
Handbook of imagination and mental simulation / ed. Keith D. markman, William M. P. Klein, Julie A. Suhr Nível de parte analítica: Preparedness, mental simulations, and future outlooks • On the consequences of mentally simulating future foregone outcomes : a regret regulation perspective • Mental contrasting of the future and reality to master negative feedback • Possible selves : from content to process • It's hard to imagine : mental simulation, metacognitive experiences, and the sucess of debiasing • Subjective proximity of future selves : implications for current identity, future appraisal, and goal pursuit motivation • On the excessive rationality of tyhe emotional imagination : a two-systems account of affective forecasts and experiences • Imagining a rosy future : the psychology of optimism • Perspective taking : misstepping into others' shoes • Making it up and making do : simulation, imagination, and empathic accuracy • Two forms of perspective taking : imagining how another feels and imaging how you would feel • Simulated worlds : transportation into narratives • Daydreaming and fantasizing thought flow and motivation • Children's imaginary companions : what is it like to have an invisible friend? • It's hard to imagine : mental simulation, metacognitive experiences, and the sucess of debiasing • Counterfactual thinking : function and dysfunction • The counterfactual mind-set : a decade of research • Cognitive processes in counterfactual thinking • temporally asymmetric constraints on mental simulation : retrospection is more constrained than prospection • Episodic future thought : remembering the past to imagine the future • Hypnosis and memory : from Bernheim to the present • False memories : the role of plausibility and autobiographical belief • Implementation intentions : the mental representations and cognitive procedures of if-then planning • Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image : the distance dependence of representation • Mental imagery and implicit memory • Expertise and the mental simulation of action • Action representation and its role in social interactionPublicação: New York : Taylor & Francis, 2009Descrição: 476 p.Disponibilidade:
Human memory / Ian Neath, Aimée M. Suprenant Publicação: Belmont : Thomson, 2003Descrição: 474 p.Disponibilidade:
Human memory : an introduction to research, data, and theory / Ian Neath Publicação: Pacific Grove : Brooks/Cole, 1998Descrição: 424 p.Disponibilidade:
Comportamento anti-social e crime : da infância à idade adulta / ed. António Castro Fonseca Nível de parte analítica: Diferenças individuais no desenvolvimento do comportamento anti-social : o contributo dos estudos longitudinais • Estará o crime nos genes? : Revisão crítiva de estudos de género e de adoptados • Genética do comportamento e conduta anti-social : perspectivas desenvolvimentistas • Vinculação e comportamentos anti-sociais • Violência na televisão e desenvolvimento do comportamento agressivo : o papel da aprendizagem social • Comportamento anti-social nos jovens : o modelo dos objectivos de aumento da reputação • Predisposição para problemas do comportamento na infância e na adolescência : análise de um modelo desenvovimentista • O desenvolvimento da delinquência : uma perspectiva interaccionista • O estudo de desenvolvimento da delinquência de Cambridge : principais resultados dos primeiros 40 anos • Comportamento anti-social : técnicas e instrumentos de avaliação • Dos indicadores de risco aos mecanismos de causalidade: análise de alguns percursos cruciais • Comportamento anti-social : contributos culturais, vivenciais e temperamentaisPublicação: Coimbra : Almedina, 2004Descrição: 461 p.Disponibilidade: