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Knowing and remembering in young children / compil. Robyn Fivush ; co-aut. Judith Hudson

Ligado a: Learning from the childrenLigado a: Recall and its verbal expressionLigado a: Remembering, forgetting, and childhood amnesiaLigado a: Suggestibility of preschollers' recollections : historical perspectives on current problemsLigado a: Children's concerns and memory : issues of ecological validity in the study of children's eyewitness testimonyLigado a: Autobiographical memory across the preschool years : toward reconceptualizing childhood amnesiaLigado a: Social and functional context of children's rememberingLigado a: Emergence of autobiographical memory in mother-child conversationLigado a: Children's play interests, representation, and activityLigado a: Young children's understanding of modelsLigado a: Children's organization of events and event memoriesLigado a: Developmental differences in the relation between scripts and episodic memory : do they exist?Ligado a: Remembering what happened next : very young children's recall of event sequencesLigado a: Introduction : what young children remember and whyAutor secundário: Fivush, Robyn;Hudson, JudithPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1990Descrição: 354 p.Assunto - Nome comum: Psicologia do Desenvolvimento Classificação: 2800 - Psicologia do Desenvolvimento Recursos em linha:Clicar aqui para aceder online Tipo de documento:
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Livro Livro Biblioteca ISPA D FIVU1 Disponível 5467

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