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Personality, stress and coping: implications for education / ed. Gretchen M. Reevy, Erica Frydenberg

Ligado a: Personality hardiness as a pathway to resielce under educational stressesLigado a: Building inner resilience in teachers and studentsLigado a: You are who you are: a mixed method study of affectivity and emotional regulation in curbing teacher burnoutLigado a: Personality traits, preventive coping, and self-care in master's level counselor trainingLigado a: Relationships of big five traits and coping mechanisms with college grade point averageLigado a: Implict theories of personality, stress, and coping of chinese nursing studentsLigado a: College student's meaning making following sgnificante lossLigado a: Optimism, emotional support, and depression among first-year university students: implications for psychological functionong within the educational settingLigado a: The relationship between positive development during the transation to adulthood and education, temperament, and personalityLigado a: Understanding adolescent risk taking behavior: exploring the motivations, personalities and coping styles of young people in a school-based populationLigado a: Coping styles and anxiety among gemale victims of bullyingLigado a: Implicit theories of personality predict motivation to use prosocial coping responses after bullying in high schoolLigado a: The relationship between coping strategies, decision-coping patterns, and self-efficacy in adolescenceLigado a: Adolescent coping styles and task-specific responses: does style roreshadow action?Autor secundário: Reevy, Gretchen M., ed.;Frydenberg, Erica, ed.Idioma: Inglês.País: Estados Unidos.Publicação: Charlotte : Information Age Publishing, 2011Descrição: 323 pISBN: 9781617355233.Coleção: Research on Stress and coping in educationAssunto - Nome comum: Psicologia Educacional | Personalidade | Estrategia de Coping | Stress | Professores | Tomada de decisão | Estratégias | Ensino | Aprendizagem Classificação: 3500 - Psicologia Educacional Recursos em linha:Clicar aqui para aceder online Tipo de documento:
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