Your search returned 39 results.

Why we feel: the science of human emotions / Victor S. JohnstonPublication: Cambridge : Perseus Books, 1999Description: 210 p.Availability:

Vinculação pré-natal : estudo da ligação emocional ao bebé em mulheres e homens grávidos / Margarida Inês das Neves Logrado de FigueiredoPublication: Lisboa : Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, 2007Description: 109 p.Availability:

Toxic emotions at work : how compassionate managers handle pain and conflict / Peter J. FrostPublication: Boston : Harvard Business School, 2003Description: XII, 251 p.Availability:

The study of behavior: organization, methods, and principles / Jerry A. HoganPublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2017Description: 371 p.Availability:

Stress: concepts, cognition, emotion, and behavior / Ed. George FinkPiece-Analytic Level: Dental stress • religion, stress, and superheroes • Psychosomatic medicine • stess and coping in the menopause • Stretched thin: stress, in-role, and extra-role behavior of educators • Diet and stress: interactions with emotions and behavior • Indigenous societies • Industrialized societies • Chronic pain and perceived stress • Optimism, pessimism, and stress • Peacekeeping • Stress in policing • Stress in emergency personnel • Refugees: stress in trauma • Survivor guilt • Combat stress • Coping process • Burnout • Fatigue and stress • Stress generation • Childbirth and stress • Aging and psychological stress • The amygdala and fear • Aggressive behavior and social stress • Anger • Cortisol awakening response • Sociology of suicide • Psychology of suicide • Rumination, stress, and emotion • neuroimaging and emotion • Life events scale • Emotional inhibition • Depersonalisation: systematic assessment • Distress • The post-traumatic syndromes • Anxiety disorders • When the work is not enough: the sinister stress of boredom • The behavioral, cognitive, and neural correlates of deficient biological reactions to acute psychological stress • Adolescent cognitive control: brain network dynamics • Stress, trauma, and memory in PTSD • Trauma and memory • Effects of stress on learning and memory • Stress, memory, and memory impairment • Cognition and stress • Epigenetics, stress, and their potental impact on brain network function • Remodeling of neural networks by stress • Psychological stressors: overview • Life events scale • Evolutionary origins and fuctions of the stress response system • Environmental factors • Effort-reward imbalance model • Control and stress • Conservation of resources theory applied to major stress • Behavior: overview • central role of the brain in stress and adaptation: allostasis, biological embedding, and comulative change • The flight-or-flight response: a cornerstone of stress research • Corticosteroid receptor balance hypothesis: implications for stress-adaptation • The larm phase and the general adaptation syndrome: twoaspects of Slye's inconscient legacy • Stress, definitions, mechanisms, and effects outlined: lessons from anxietyPublication: Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2016Description: 487 p.Availability:

Socioemotional development in cultural context / ed. Xinyin Chen, Kenneth H. RubinPiece-Analytic Level: Psychosocial functioning in the context of social, economic, and political change • Culture, families, and children's aggression : findings from Jamaica, Japan and latinos in the United States • The culturtal context of child and adolescent conflict management • Morality, exclusion, and culture • Ethnic / Racial identity and peer relationships across elementary, middle, and high schools • Different faces of autonomy • Emotion, self-regulation, and social behavior cultural contexts • Pathways to emotion regulation : cultural differences in internalization • Parental ethnographies about children socioemotional development • Culture, public policy, and child development • Culture and children's socioemotional functioning : a contextual-developmental perspective • Culture and socioemotional development : an introductionPublication: London : Guilford Press, 2011Description: 342 p.Availability:

The self / ed. Constantine Sedikides, Steven J. SencerPiece-Analytic Level: Culture and self-expression • The socially excluded self • The self and intimate relationships • Self-esteem : on the relation between conceptualization and measurement • Self-esteem : a human elaboration of prehuman belongingness motivation • A matter of life and death : terror management and the existential relevance of self-esteem • Self-conscious emotions : where self and emotion meet • The importance of being modest • Self-regulation : how and why people reach (and fail to reach) their goals • The narcissistiv self : background, an extended agency model, and ongoing controversies • The self as a social comparer • How the self affects and reflects the content and subjective experience of autobiographical experience • Content and structure of the self-concept • Self-affection without self-reflection : origins , models, and consequences of implicit self-esteem • A social brain sciences approach to understanding selfPublication: New York : Psychology Press, 2007Description: 364 p.Availability:

A raiva em pré-adolescentes e adolescentes : a importância dos Maus Sentimentos / Ana PaisPublication: Lisboa : Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, 2000Description: 269 p.Availability:

A psychotherapy for the people: toward a progressive psychoanalysis / Lewis Aron, Karen StarrPublication: New York : Routledge, 2013Description: 442 p.Availability:

Psychology of self-regulation: congnitive, affective, and motivational processes / ed. Joseph P. Forgas, Roy F. Baumeister, Dianne M. TicePiece-Analytic Level: Regulatory focus and romantic alternatives • Executive functions and self-control • Self-regulation in the interpersonal sphere • Punishing difference and rewarding diversity: a deviance regulation analysis of social structure • Exerting control over allegedly automatic associative processes • Angry rumination and the self-regulation of aggression • Does emotion regulation help or hurt self-regulation? • How emotions affect self-regulation • Progress-induced goal shifting as a self-regulatory strategy • The dynamics of self-regulation • Goal gradients: challenges to a basic principle of motivation • Making goal pursuit effective expectancy-dependent goal setting and planned goal striving • Action, affect, multitasking, and layers of control • Fit in sports: self-regulation and athletics performances • On self-protection and self-enhancement regulation: the role of self-improvement and social norms • Unscrambling self-regulatory behavior determination: the interplay of impulse strenght, reflective processes, and control resources • What's interest got to do with it?: potential trade-offs in the self-regulation of motivation • Self-regulation as a limited resource strength model of control and depletion • The psychology of self-regulation: an introductory reviewPublication: New York : Psychology Press, 2009Description: 340 p.Availability:

A psicologia da depressão / Lewis WolpertPublication: Lisboa : Presença, 2000Description: 212 p.Availability:

Philosophical psychopathology / eds. George Graham, G. Lynn StephensPublication: Cambridge : Mit Press, 1994Description: 332 p.Availability:

Neuroscience : exploring the brain / Mark F. Bear, Barry W. Connors, Michael A. ParadisoPublication: Philadelphia : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2007Description: 857 p.Availability:

Negociação em situações de crise: uma perspectiva psicológica / Pedro Nogueira Antunes SimõesPublication: Lisboa : Chiado, 2016Description: 219 p.Availability:

The handbook of culture and psychology / ed. David MatsumotoPiece-Analytic Level: The A, B, Cs of acculturation • Cross-cultural studies of social influence • Culture and social psychology : toward a social psychology of cultural dynamics • Polishing the Jade : a modest proposal for improving the study of social psychology across cultures • Clinical psychology and culture • Abnormal psychology and culture • Culture and human inference : perspectives from three traditions • Culture and control orientations • Genger and culture • Culture and emotion • Culture and moral development • Everyday cognition : where culture, psychology, and education come together • Cognirtion across cultures • Culture, context, and development • The evolution of cross-cultural research methods • Culture, science, and indigenous psychologies • Indivudualism and collectivism • Culture and psychology at a crossroad : historical perspective and theoretical analysisPublication: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2001Description: 458 p.Availability:

Eu sou o melhor condutor do mundo! [texto policopiado] : ou será, simplesmente, que não sou emocionalmente inteligente? / Débora Maria Caldeira Marganho CorreiaPublication: Lisboa : Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, 2006Description: 66 p.Availability:

Emotion and reasoning / ed. Isabelle BlanchettePiece-Analytic Level: Does emotion affect reasoning?: yes, in multiple ways • Better safe than sorry: threat-confirming reasining bias in anxiety disorders • Emotion, reasoning, and psychopathology • Emotions, beliefs, and psychopathology • Conflict, arousal, and logical gut feelings • Emotion as an argumentative strategy : how induced mood affects the evaluation of neutral and inflamatory slippery slope arguments • Reasoning and emotion in the body • Pupil size reflects cognition emotion interactions in analogical reasoning • What is the role of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex in emotional influences on reason?Publication: London : Psychology Press, 2014Description: 178 p.Availability:

Emotion, aging, and health / eds. Anthony D. Ong, Corinna E. LockenhoffPiece-Analytic Level: The humanization of social relations: nourushment for resilience in midlife • Emotional experience and health: what we know, and where to go from here • Positive psychological functioning: an enduring asset for healthy aging • Default mode network and later-life emotion regulation: linking functional connectivity patterns and emotional outcomes • Emotional aging in different cultures: implications of affect valuation theory • Happy to be unhappy?: pro- and contrahedonic motivations from adolescence to old age • Regulatory flexibility and its role in adaptation to aversive events throughout the lifespan • Resources for emotion regulation in older age: linking cognitive resources with cognitive reappraisal • Age diferences in use and effectiveness of posivity in emotion regulation: the sample case of attention • Default mode network and later-life emotion regulation: linking functional connectivity patterns and emotional outcomesPublication: Washington : American Psychological Association, 2016Description: 237 p.Availability:

Emoção e cultura : as emoções dos japoneses em análise / Daniela CarvalhoSet Level: Psicologia, Educação e Cultura, Nº 7, Vol. 2 (2003), p. 314-358Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCall number: R4 (1). :

Emoção e comportamento social [Número Temático] / Org: Francisco Esteves, Augusta Gaspar, Patrícia ArriagaSet Level: Psicologia. vol. 22, nº 2 (2008)Availability: Items available for reference: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCall number: R1 (1). :
