Young children's cognitive development: interrelationships among executive functioning, working memory, verbal ability, and theory of mind / ed. Wolfgang Schneider, Ruth Schumann-Hengsteler, Beate Sodian Piece-Analytic Level: Executive functions, working memory, verbal ability, and theory of mind - does it all come together? • Interrelationships among theory of mind, executive control, language development, and working memory in young children : a longitudinal analysis • Theory of mind, language, and executive functions in Autism: a longitudinal perspective • Theory of mind, working memory, and verbal ability in preshool children: the proposal of a relay race model of the developmental dependencies • What fMRI can tell us about the ToM-EF connection : false beliefs, working memory, and inhibition • The developmental relation of theory of mind and executive functions : a study of advanced theory of mind abilities in children with attention deficit hyperctivity disorder • The evolution of theory of mind: big brains, social complexity, and inhibition • On the specificity of the relarion between executuve function and children's theories of mind • Theory of mind: the case for conceptual development • Hot and cool aspects of executive function : relations in early development • From rag(bag) to riches: measuring the developing central executive • Working memory and its relevance for cognitive development • Introduction and overviewPublication: Mahwah : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2005Description: 318 p.Availability:
Writing systems and cognition : perspectives from psychology. physiology, linguistics, and semiotics / ed. W. C. Watt Piece-Analytic Level: Handwriting and the writing hand • Sensory and motor functions of the hand • On the interaction of Greek orthography and phonology : consonent cluster in the syllabic scripts • Forerunners of writing : the social implications • Hieratic is beautiful : ancient egyptian calligraphy revisited • Empirical methods for evaluating generative semiotic models : an application to the Roman majuscules • Curves as angles • Developmental morphographemics II • Some thoughts on a historico-genetic theory of the lettershapes of our alphabet • Some thoughts on a historico-genetic theory of the lettershapes of our alphabet • Some graphotactic constraints • Spelling as culture • A note on teaching writing to Rio slum-children • Predicting reading ability from the invented spellings of kindergarten children • Orthography, reading disability, and cerebral organizationPublication: Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994Description: 461 p.Availability:
Writing and cognition : research and applications / Mark Torrance, Luuk Van Waes, David Galbraight Piece-Analytic Level: Supporting indiviual view and mutual awareness in a collaborative writing task : the case of collaboracion • Learning by hypertext writing : effects of considering a single audience versus multiple audiences on knowledge acquisition • Longitudinal studies of the effects of new technologies on writing : two cases studies • How do writers adapt to speech recognition software? : the influence of learning styles on writing processes in speech technology environments • Talking to write : investigating the practical impact and theoretical implications of speech recognition (SR) software on real writing tasks • Preformulation in press releases : what the writing process tells us about product characteristics • Cognitive processes in discursive synthesis : the case of intertextual processing strategies • Approaches to writing • Developmental trends in a writing to learn task • The effect of writting of phonological awareness in Spanish • The writing superiority effect in the verbal recall of knowledge : sources and determinants • Skilled writers' generating strategies in L1 and L2 : an exploratory study • The dynamics of idea generation during writing : an online study • Effects of note-taking and working-memory span on cognitive effort and recall performance • Verbal and visual working memory in written sentence production • GIS for writing : applying geographical information systems techniques to data mine writings' cognitive processes • The word.level focus in text production by adults with reading and writing difficulties • Enfluence of typing skill on pause-execution cycles in written composition • From written word to written sentence production • Parallel processing before and after pauses : a combined analysis of graphomotor and eye movements during procedural text productionPublication: Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2007Description: 363 p.Availability:
Visual word recognition: models and methods, orthography, and phonology / James S. Adelman Piece-Analytic Level: An early and integral role in identifying words • The orthographic similarity of printed words • The front end of visual word recognition • Brain asymetry and visual word recognition: do we have a split fovea? • Methodological issues with words • Megastudies: what do millions (or so) of trials tell us about lexical processing • Mathematical models of the lexical decision task • A parallel activation model with a sequential twist • Learned orthographic representations facilities large-scale modeling of word recognition • Dual-route theories of reading aloudPublication: London : Psychology Press, 2012Description: 234 pAvailability:
Understanding marriage : developments in the study of couple interaction / ed. Patricia Noller, Judith A. Feeney Piece-Analytic Level: Does working at a relationship work? : relationship self-regulation and relationship outcomes • Risk factors, risk processes, and the longitudinal course of newlywed marriage • Care givings and its influence on marital interaction between older spouses • Allocation and performance of household tasks : a comparison of new parents and childless couples • Adult attachment, the transition to parenthood and marital well-being • The communication of couples in violent and nonviolent retaionships : temporal association with own and partners anxiety / arousal and behavior • Approaches to the study of power in violent and nonviolent marriages, and in gay male and lesbian cohabitation relationships • Demand-withdraw communication during couple conflict : a review and analysis • The war of th roses : an interdependence analysis of betrayal and forgiveness • On empathic accuracy and husbands abusiveness : the overattribution bias • Coping with disappointment in marriage : when partner's standards are unmet • Shared participation in self-expanding activities : positive effects on experienced marital quality • Bases for giving benefits in marriage : what is ideal? what is realistic? what really happens? • Observational windows to intimacy processes in marriage • Cognition and communication during marital conflict : how alcohol affects subjective codeing of interaction in aggressive and nonaggressive couples • Competition in romantic relationships : do partners build niches? • Self-evaluation motives in close relationships : a model of global enhancement and specific verification • Thought and action : connecting attributions to behaviors in married couples interactionsPublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2002Description: 571 p.Availability:
Understanding and changing health behaviour from health beliefs to self-regulation / Ed. Paul Norman, Charles abraham, Mark Conner Piece-Analytic Level: Towards a psychology of health-related behavior change • Health promotion from the perspective of social cognitive theory • Goal setting and goal pursuit in the regulation of body weight • The emergence and implementation of health goals • A critical review of the transtheorectical model applied to smoking cessation • Relationships among the theory of planned behavior, stages of change, and exercise behaviour in older persons over a three year period • The attitude-social influence-efficacy model applied to the prediction of motivational transitions in the process of smoking cessation • Discriminating between behavioural intention and behavioural williangness : cognitive antecedents to adolescent health risk • Behavioural and normative beliefs about condom use : comparing measurement alternatives within the theory of reasoned action • Attitudinal and normative processes in health behaviour • Comparing the theory of planned behaviour and the health belief model : the example of sfety helmet use among schoolboy cyclists • Can protection motivation theory predict breast self-examination? : a longotudinal test exploring the role of previous behaviour • Using the thory of reasoned action to predict condom use among high-risk heterosexual teens • Understanding and chanfging health behaviour : from health beliefs to self-regulationPublication: London : Routledge, 2000Description: 374 p.Availability:
Thinking, reasoning, and decision making in autism / eds. Kinga Morsanyi, Ruth M. J. Byrne Piece-Analytic Level: How do individuals with autism think? • The dual process theory of autism • Decision-making processes of high-functioning adults on the autism spectrum • Analogical reasoning in autism: a systematic review and meta-analysis • Counterfactual and false-belief reasoning in individuals with autism • Pragmatic reasoning in autism • Reasoning and discourse coherence in autism spectrum disorderPublication: London : Routledge, 2020Description: 161 p.Availability: