Your search returned 251 results.

Conservation in a changing world / compil. Georgina Mace ; co-aut. Andrew Balmford ; co-aut. Joshua GinsbergPiece-Analytic Level: Global conservation and uk government policy • Global biodiversity priorities and expanded conservation policies • Integrating population abundance, dynamics and distribution into broad-scale priority setting • Key sites for conservation : area-selection methods for biodiversity • Indicator taxa for biodiversity assessment in the vanishing tropics • Endemism and species turnover with elevation in montane avifaunas in the neotropics : implications for conservation • Continent-wide conservation priorities and diversification processes • Butterfly distributional patterns, processes and conservation • Ecological and evolutionary importance of disturbance and catastrophes in plant conservation • Dynamic response of plants to environmental change and the resulting risks of extinction • Integrating endangered species protection and ecosystem management : the cape sable seaside-sparrow as a case study • Anthropogenic, ecological and genetic factors in extinction • Challenges to conservation in a changing world : putting processes on the mapPublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1998Description: 308 p.Availability:

Conservation biology / Andrew S. PullinPublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2002Description: 345 p.Availability:

Comprehension : a paradigm or cognition / Walter KintschPublication: New York : Cambridge University Press, 1998Description: 457 p.Availability:

Compliance ideologies : rethinking political culture / Richard WilsonPublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1992Description: 223 p.Availability:

Comparisons in human development : understanding time and context / compil. Jonathan Tudge ; co-aut. Michael Shanahan ; co-aut. Jaan ValsinerPiece-Analytic Level: Integrating psychology into social science • Promise of comparative, longitudinal research for studies of productive-reproductive processes in children's lives • Problems of comparison : methodology, the art of storytelling, and implicit models • Ecological approach : when labels suggest similarities beyond shared basic concepts in psychology • Developmental science : a case of the bird flapping its wings or the wings flapping the bird? • Everyday experiences of north american preschoolers in two cultural communities : a cross-disciplinary and cross-level... • Sociocultural promotions constraining children's social activity : comparisons and variability in the development of ... • Co-development of identity, agency, and lived worlds • Implications from developmental cross-cultural research for the study of acculturation in western civilizations • Value of comparisons in developmental psychology • Nested comparisons in the study of historical change and individual adaptation • Ecological perspectives in human development : a comparison of gibson and bronfenbrenner • Developmental concepts across disciplines • Developmental research and comparative perspectives : applications to developmental • Comparisons in human development : to begin a conversationPublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1997Description: 368 p.Availability:

Comparative social evolution / ed. Dustin R. Ribenstein, Patrick AbbotPiece-Analytic Level: Social synthesis: oportunities for comparative social evolution • Sociality in lizards • Sociality in fishes • Sociality in birds • Sociality in non-primate mammals • Sociality in primates • Sociality in shrimps • Sociality in spiders • Sociality in aphids and thrips • Sociality in termites • Sociality in wasps • Sociality in bees • Sociality in ants • The evolution of social evolutionPublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2017Description: 465 p.Availability:

Comparative primate socioecology / ed. P. C. LeePiece-Analytic Level: Evolutionary ecology and cross-cultural comparison : the case of matrilineal descent in sub-saharan africa • Hominid behavioural evolution : missing links in comparative primate socioecology • Ecology of sex differences in great ape foraging • Energetics, time budgets and group size • Why is female kin bonding so rare? comparative sociality of neotropical primates • Lemur social structure and convergence in primate socioecology • Mating systems, intrasexual competition and sexual dimorphism in primates • Sex and social evolution in primates • Evolutionary ecology of the primate brain • Some current ideas about the evolution of the human life history • Comparative ecology of postnatal growth and weaning among haplorhine primates • Socioecology and the evolution of primate reproductive rates • Phylogenetically independent comparisons and primate phylogeny • Claudistics as a tool in comparative analysis • Comparative method : principles and illustrations from primate socioecologyPublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1999Description: 412 p.Availability:

Comparative cognition / Mary C. OlmsteadPublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2015Description: 471 p.Availability: :

Communicating affection : interpersonal behavior and social context / Kory FloydPublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006Description: 222 p.Availability:

Cognitive structure of emotions / Andrew Ortony, co-aut. Gerald Clore, co-aut. Allan CollinsPublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1990Description: 207 p.Availability:

Clinical psychology for trainees : foundations of science-informed practice / Andrew C. Pege, Werner G. K. StritzkePublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006Description: 289 p.Availability:

Chimpanzee : lessons from our sister species / Kevin D. HuntPublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2020Description: 575 p.Availability:

Children's understanding of emotion / compil. Carolyn Saarni ; co-aut. Paul HarrisPiece-Analytic Level: Cultural differences in childrens knowledge of emotional scripts • Socialization of childrens emotions : emotional culture, competence, and exposure • Culture, scripts, and childrens understanding of emotion • Children know and feel in response to witnessing affective events • Understanding emotion and experiencing emotion • Awareness and self-regulation of emotion in young children • Childrens understanding of strategic control of emotional expression in social transactions • Childrens use of personal information to understand other peoples feelings • Causal attributions and childrens emotional understanding • Developmental changes in childrens understanding of single, multiple, and blended emotion concepts • Childrens understanding of changing emotional states • Young children's of emotion concepts • Children's understanding of emotion : an introductionPublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1989Description: 385 p.Availability:

Children, courts, and custody : interdisciplinary models for divorcing families / Andrew I. SchepardPublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2004Description: XVI, 224 p.Availability:

Child maltreatment: theory and research on the causes and consequences of child abuse and neglect / eds. Dante Cicchetti, Vicki CarlsonPublication: New York : Cambridge University Press, 1989Description: 794 p.Availability:

Child care and culture : lessons from Africa / Robert A. LeVine, et al.Publication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1994Description: 346 p.Availability:

Causal modeling, explanation and severe testing : III - Graphical causal modeling and error statistics exchanges with Clark Glymour / Aris SpanosSet Level: , Error and inference : recent exchanges on experimental reasoning, reliability, and the obejectivity and rationality of science , p. 364-375Publication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2010Availability: :
Biblioteca ISPA Consulta RestritaCall number: M MAYO2 (1).

Causal modeling, explanation and severe testing : II - Explanation and testing, exchanges with Clark Glymour / Deborah G. MayoSet Level: , Error and inference : recent exchanges on experimental reasoning, reliability, and the obejectivity and rationality of science , p. 351-363Publication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2010Availability: :
Biblioteca ISPA Consulta RestritaCall number: M MAYO2 (1).

Causal modeling, explanation and severe testing : I - Explnation and truth / Clark GlymourSet Level: , Error and inference : recent exchanges on experimental reasoning, reliability, and the obejectivity and rationality of science , p. 331-350Publication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2010Availability: :
Biblioteca ISPA Consulta RestritaCall number: M MAYO2 (1).

Can scientific theories be warrented with severity? : exchanges with Alan Chalmers / Deborah G. MayoSet Level: , Error and inference : recent exchanges on experimental reasoning, reliability, and the obejectivity and rationality of science , p. 73-112Publication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2010Availability: :
Biblioteca ISPA Consulta RestritaCall number: M MAYO2 (1).
