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Comparative social evolution / ed. Dustin R. Ribenstein, Patrick Abbot

Linked with: Social synthesis: oportunities for comparative social evolutionLinked with: Sociality in lizardsLinked with: Sociality in fishesLinked with: Sociality in birdsLinked with: Sociality in non-primate mammalsLinked with: Sociality in primatesLinked with: Sociality in shrimpsLinked with: Sociality in spidersLinked with: Sociality in aphids and thripsLinked with: Sociality in termitesLinked with: Sociality in waspsLinked with: Sociality in beesLinked with: Sociality in antsLinked with: The evolution of social evolutionSecondary Author: Rubenstein, Dustin R., ed.;Abbot, Patrick, ed.Language: Inglês.Country: Reino Unido.Publication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2017Description: 465 p.ISBN: 9781107647923.Subject - Topical Name: Etologia | Evolução | Invertebrados | Evolução social | Comportamento animal | Comportamento social | Primatas | Grupos sociais | Mamíferos | Pássaros | Peixes | Socialização Classification: 2440 - Comportamento Social / Comportamento Instintivo | 6000 - Ciências Biológicas | 6050 - Métodos de Investigação Biológica | 6130 - Biologia Animal Online Resources:Click here to access online Item type:
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Livro Livro Biblioteca ISPA ET RUBE/D1 Available 20705

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