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Your search returned 247 results.

Social representations and the development of knowledge / compil. Gerard Duveen ; co-aut. Barbara LloydPiece-Analytic Level: Social psychology and developmental psychology : extending the conversation • Prototypes of the psychologist and professionalisation : diverging social representations of a developmental process • Social cognition to social representations in the study of intelligence • Acquisition of reflexive social emotions : the transmission and reprodution of social control through joint action • What is an image? the structure of mothers' images of the child and their influence on conversational styles • Social representations of childhood : an implicit theory of development • Children's representations of social relations • Semiotic analysis of the development of social representations of gender • Underlife of the nursery school : young children's social representations of adult rules • IntroductionPublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1990Description: 191 p.Availability:

The social mind : construction of the idea / Jaan Valsiner, René Van de VeerPublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2000Description: 488 p.Availability:

Social logic of space / Bill Hillier, co-aut. Julienne HansonPublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1984Description: 281 p.Availability:

Social influences on vocal development / ed. Charles Snowdon ; ed. Martine HausbergerPiece-Analytic Level: Crafting activities : building social organization through language in girls and boys groups • Reciprocal interactions and the development of communication and language between parents and children • Resilience of language in humans • Social influences on vocal learning in human and nonhuman primates • Some general features of vocal development in nonhuman primates • Social influences on vocal development in new world primates • Vocal learning in cetaceans • Vocal learning in captive bottlenose dolphins : a comparison with humans and nonhuman animals • Social influences on the acquisition of human-based codes in parrots and nonhuman primates • Social influences on song acquisition and sharing in the european starling - sturnus vulgaris • What birds with complex social relationships can tell us about vocal learning • Vocal learning in wild and domesticated zebra finches : signature cues for kin recognition of epiphenomena? • Field observations, experimental design, and the time and place of learning bird songs • Building a social agenda for the study of bird song • Social interaction and vocal development in birds • Social interaction and sensitive phases for song learning : a critical reviewPublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1997Description: 352 p.Availability:

The social costs of underemployment : inedequate employment as disguise unemployment / David Dooley, Joann PrausePublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2004Description: IX, 274 p.Availability:

Social comparison and social psychology : understanding cognition, intergroup relations and culture / ed. Serge GuimondPiece-Analytic Level: Social comparisons across cultures II : change and stability in self-views - experimental evidence • Social comparisons across cultures I: gender stereotypes in hight and low power distance cultures • Ambivalent sexism, power distance, and gender inequality across cultures • The cultural norm of individualism and group status : implications for social comparison • Stereotype content across cultures as a function of group status • Social comparison and the personal-group discrimination discrepancy • The counter-intuitive effect of relative gratification on intergroup attitudes : ecological validity, moderators and mediators • Social comparison and group emotions • Attitudes toward redistributive social policies : the effects of social comparisons and policy experience • The variable impact of upward and downward social social comparisons on self-esteem : when the level of analysis matters • Predicting comparison choices in intergroup settings : a new look • Comparing oneself overtime : the temporal dimension in social comparison • Autibiographical memory, the self, and comparison processes • Social comparison orientation : a new perspective on those who do and those who don't compare with others • Introduction : social processes and levels of analysisPublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006Description: 354 p.Availability:

Social cognitive development : frontiers and possible futures / ed. John H. Flavell, Lee RossPublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1981Description: 322 p.Availability:

Social cognition and social development : a sociocultural perspective / ed. E. Tory Higgins, Diane N. Ruble, Willard H. HartupPiece-Analytic Level: What would my mother say? reactions to gleanings from developmental studies on • Interaction and development in social cognition • Development of social-comparison processes and their role in achivement-related • What's social about social-cognitive development? • Culture as a cognitive system : differentiated rule understandings in children • Social cognition, social behavior, and children's friendships • Let's not overattribute to the attribution process. comments on social cognition • Social-control processes and the internalization of social values : an attribution • Social cognition and the social life of the child : stages as subcultures • Affective and cognitive processes in moral internalization • Social cognition and social interaction in childhood • Internalization of altruistic dispositions : a cognitive analysis • Social antecedents, cognitive processing and comprehension of socialportrayals • Beyond the information processed : socialization in the development of attributi • Five questions for research in social-cognitive developmentPublication: London : Cambridge University Press, 1983Description: 415 pAvailability:

Social behaviour: genes, ecology and evolution / Tamás Székely, Allen J. Moore, Jan KomdeurPiece-Analytic Level: Prospects for research in social behavior : systems biology meets behaviour • Social behaviour in conservation • Social behaviour and speciation • Population density, social behaviour and sex allocation • Molecular and genetic influences on the neural sbstrate of social cognition in humans • Personality and individual social specialisation • Social behaviour in humans • Social environments, social tactics and their fitness consequences in complex mammalian societies • Social behaviour in microorganisms • Adaptations and constraints in the evolution of delayeddispersal : implications for cooperation • Pair bonds and parental behaviour • Sexual behaviour : conflict, cooperation and coevolution • Important topics in group living • Social influences on communication signals : from honesty to exploitation • Aggression : towards an integration of gene, brain and behaviour • Social evolution : a review of methods and approachs • Recent advances in comparative methods • Evolutionary game theory • Social behaviour and bird song from a neural and endocrine perspective • The quantitative genetics of social behaviour • Nature-nurture interactions • The uphill climb of sociobiology : towards a new synthesisPublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2010Description: 562 p.Availability:

Situated learning: legitimate peripheral participation / Jean Lave, Etienne WengerPublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1991Description: 138 p.Availability:

Sequential analysis : a guide for behavioral researchers / John Gottman, co-aut. Anup RoyPublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1990Description: 275 p.Availability:

Self-efficacy in changing societies / Albert BanduraPiece-Analytic Level: Self-efficacy and addictive behavior • Changing risk behaviors and adopting health behaviors : the role of self-efficacy beliefs • Self-efficacy in career choice and development • Self-efficacy and educational development • Seldefficacy in stressful life transitions • Cross-cultural perspectives on self-efficacy • Impact of family processes on control beliefs • Developmntal analysis of control beliefs • Life trajectories in changing societies • Exercise of personal and colelctive efficacy in changing societiesPublication: cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1995Description: 334 p.Availability:

Scientific realism and the plascity of mind / Paul ChurchlandPublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1979Description: 157 p.Availability:

Science and ethics / Bernard E. RollinPublication: New York : Cambridge University Press, 2006Description: 292 p.Availability:

Schools and delinquency / Denise C. GottfredsonPublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2001Description: 316 p.Availability:

Sampling and statistical methods for behavioral ecologists / Jonathan Bart, co-aut. Michael Fligner, co-aut. William NotzPublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1998Description: 330 p.Availability:

Routes to child language : evolutionary and developmental precursors / Joanna BlakePublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2000Description: 278 p.Availability:

The roots of evil : the origins of genocide and other group violence / Ervin StaubPublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1989Description: 336 p.Availability:

Rivising Critical Rationalism : critical rationalism, explanation, and severe tests / Alan MusgraveSet Level: , Error and inference : recent exchanges on experimental reasoning, reliability, and the obejectivity and rationality of science , p. 88-112Publication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2010Availability: :
Biblioteca ISPA Consulta RestritaCall number: M MAYO2 (1).

Risk and reason : safety, law, and the environment / Cass R. SunsteinPublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2002Description: XV, 342 p.Availability:
