A sua pesquisa recuperou 247 resultados.

Analizing race talk : multidisciplinary perspectives on the reseatrch interview / ed. Harry van den Berg, Margaret Wetherell, Hanneke Houtkoop-SteenstraPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2003Descrição: 317 p.Disponibilidade:

Alternative reproductive tactics : an alternative approach / ed. Rui F. Oliveira, Michael Taborsky, H. Jane BrockmanPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2008Descrição: 507 p.Disponibilidade:

Allometry of growth and reproduction / M. ReissPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1991Descrição: 182 p.Disponibilidade:

After-school centers and youth development: case studies of sucess and failure / Barton J. Hirsch, Nancy L. Deutsch, David L DuBoisPublicação: New York : Cambridge University Press, 2011Descrição: 355 p.Disponibilidade:

Affect and accuracy in recall : studies of flashbulb memories / ed. Eugene Winograd, Ulric NeisserNível de parte analítica: THe theorectical and empirical status of the flashbulb memory hypothesis • Constraints on memory • Remembering personal circumstances : a functional analysis • Special versus ordinary memory mechanisms in the genesis of flashbulb memories • Why do traumatic experiences sometimes produce good memory (flashbulbs) and sometimes no memory (repression) • Do flashbulb memories differ from other types of emotional memories? • Remembering the details of emotional events • A proposed neurobiological basis for regulating memory storage for significant events • Preschool children's memories of personal circumstances : the fire alarm study • Developmental issues in fashbulb memory research : children recall the challenger event • Potential flashbulbs : memories of ordinary news as the baseline • Phantom fashbulbs : false recolletions of hearing the news about challengerPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1992Descrição: 315 p.Disponibilidade:

An Ad Hoc save of a theory of adhocness? : exchanges with John Worrall / Deborah G. MayoNível de conjunto: , Error and inference : recent exchanges on experimental reasoning, reliability, and the obejectivity and rationality of science, p. 155-169Publicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2010Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: M MAYO2 (1). :

Achievement and motivation : a social-developmental perspective / ed. Ann Boggiano ; Thane PittmanNível de parte analítica: Divergent approaches to the study of motivation and achievement : the central role of extrinsic/intrinsic orientations • Self-handicapping and achievement • On being psyched up but not psyched out : an optimal pressure model of achievement motivation • Children's achievement-related behaviors : the role of extrinsic and intrinsic motivational orientations • Achievement is not intrinsically motivated : a theory of internalization and self-regulation in school • Developmental changes in competence assessment • Competence processes and achievement motivation : implications for intrinsic motivation • Relationship between perceived competence, affect, and motivational orientation within the classroom : processes and .... • Motivation for creativity in children • Intrinsic and extrinsic motivational orientations in peer interactions • Initiation and regulation of intrinsically motivated learning and achievement • Psychological perspective on motivation and achievementPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1992Descrição: 291 p.Disponibilidade:
