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A sua pesquisa recuperou 14994 resultados.

Reengenharia, pessoas e organizações : uma análise crítica da mudança organizacional / Rodolfo Miguel BegonhaPublicação: Lisboa : Dom Quixote, 2003Descrição: 379 p.Disponibilidade:

Personal relationships : implications for clinical and community psychology / Edited by Barbara R. Sarason ; Steve DuckNível de parte analítica: Social support dynamics in adjustment to disasters • Yours, mine, ours : the relational context of communal coping • The role of relationships in developmental trajectories of homeless and runaway youth • The role of personal relationships in transitions : controbutions of an ecological perspective • Distinguishing the theoretical functions of social ties : implicatiosn for support interventions • Interpersonal processes, attachment, and development of social competencies in individual and group therapy • Family relationships and major mental disorder : risk factors and preventive strategies • genetic testing and family relationships : mutual impact and future implications • Close personal relationships and health outcomes : a key to the role of social support • Weaving social support and relationships togetherPublicação: Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2001Descrição: XX, 300 p.Disponibilidade:

Principles of community psychology : perspectives and applications / Murray Levine , David V. PerkinsPublicação: New York : Oxford University Press, 1997Descrição: XIV, 497 p.Disponibilidade:

Building community in schools / Thomas J. SergiovanniPublicação: San Francisco : Jossey-Bass, 1994Descrição: XXI, 219 p.Disponibilidade:

Introdução à psicossociologia das organizações / François Petit , Michel DuboisPublicação: Lisboa : Instituto Piaget, 2000Descrição: 310 p.Disponibilidade:

Measures for clinical practice : a sourcebook / Edited by Kevin Corcoran ; Joel FischerPublicação: New York : Free Press, 2000Descrição: 2 Vols.Disponibilidade:

Nascimento e construção da mente / Antonio ImbasciatiPublicação: Lisboa : Climepsi, 2003Descrição: 297 p.Disponibilidade:

Quero-te muito : crónicas para pais sobre filhos / Pedro StrechtPublicação: Lisboa : Assirio & Alvim, 2004Descrição: 188 p.Disponibilidade:

Psychological and developmental assessment : children with disabilities and chronic conditions / Rune J. Simeonsson ; Susan L. RosenthalPublicação: New York : Guilford Press, 2001Descrição: XII, 386 p.Disponibilidade:

Handbook of developmental psychopathology / Edited by Arnold J. Sameroff ; Michael LewisNível de parte analítica: Dissociative disorders • Traumatic stress and posttraumatic stress disorder among children and adolescents • An ecological-transactional model of child maltreatment • Gender identity disorder • Psychopathology in individuals with mental retardation • Disorders of elimination • Toward a development of psychopathology : models, definitions, and prediction : A social interactional and contextual perspective • Alcoholism : A life span perspective on etiology and course • Obsessions and compulsions : the developmental and familial context • Mixed anxiety / depression in childhood and adolescence • Anxiety • A developmental psychopathology perspective on the cognitive components of child and adolescent depression • Development and depression • Conduct disorder • Are attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder and oppositional defiant disorder developmental precursors to conduct disorder? • The natural history and developmental functions of aggression • Attention-deficit / Hyperactivity disorder : a developmental view • The early caregiving environment : expanding views on nonparental care and cumulative life experiences • Developmental psychopathology of failure to thrive • Excessiv crying • Sleep and sleep disturbances : regulatory processes in infancy • Attachment disorders of infancy • Chronic medical conditions : impact on development • Temperament and goodness of fit : implications for developmental psychopathology • A biobehavioral perspective on developmental psychopathology : execessive aggression and serotonergic dysfunction on monkeys • Developmental behavioral genetics • Culture and psychopathology • Minorities in the united states : sociocultural context for mental health and developmental psychopathology • Adaptation and maladaptation in the peer system : developmental processes and outcomes • Schooling and mental health • Family context in developmental psychopathology • Prevention science • Relationships, development and psychopathology • Developmental epidemiology : A framework for developmental psychopathology • Assessment of psychopathology • Dialectical Processes in developmental psychopathology • Toward a development of psychopathology : models, definitions, and predictionPublicação: New York : Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers, 2000Descrição: XXXI, 813 p.Disponibilidade:

Outils et signes : perspectives actuelles de la theorie de Vygotski / Sous la direction de Christiane Moro , Bernard Schneuwly, Michel BrossardNível de parte analítica: Action, discours et rationalisation : l'hypothese développementale de Vygotski revisitée • Objet, signe et sémiosis : fondements pour une approche sémiotique du développement préverbal • Le développement de la nouveauté dans le raisonnement : la coordination des processus inductifs et deductifs dans le raisonnement parental • Langage égocentrique, dialogue et intersubjectivité • Pratiques d'ecrit, fonctionnements et développement cognitifs • Fonctions sémiotiques et structures graphiques • Les déficiences et l'approche comparative du développement • Passez-moi la boussole! : methodologie historico-culturelle pour enseigner les mathématiques • Activités avec instruments et dynamique cognitive du sujet • Le myth de l'unité épistémologique de l'école historico-culturelle : L.S. Vygotski versus LéontievPublicação: Bern : Peter Lang, 1997Descrição: VI, 221 p.Disponibilidade:

Resilience and vulnerability : adaptation in the context of childhood adversities / ed. Sunyia S. LutharNível de parte analítica: Research on resilience : an integrative review • Genetic influences on risk and protection : implications for understanding resilience • Toward building a better brain : neurobehavioral outcomes, mechanisms, and processes of environmental enrichment • Promoting resilience through early childhood intervention • Perceived discrimination and resilience • Positive adaptation among youth exposed to community violence • Adaptation among youth facing multiple risks : prospective research findings • Overcoming the odds? : Adolescent development in the context of urban poverty • Holistic contextual perspectives on risk, protection, and competence among low-income urban adolescents • Emerging perspectives on context specificity of children's adaptation and resilience : evidence from a decade of research with urban children in adversity • Poverty and early childhood adjustment • Rithinking resilience : a developmental process perspective • Correlational and experimental study of resilience in children of divorce and parentally bereaved children • Risk and resilience in children coping with their parents dicorce and remarriage • Sequelae of child maltreatment : vulnerability and resilience • Resilience to childhood adversity : results of a 21-year study • Maternal drug abuse versus other psychological disturbances • Resielience and vulnerability among sons of alcoholics : relationship to developmental outcomes between early childhood and adolescence • Risk and protective factors for children of depressed parents • Risk and protective factors for children of depressed parents • Young children with mentally ill parents : resilient developmental systems • A resilience frameworks for research, policy, and practicePublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2003Descrição: XXXI, 574 p.Disponibilidade:

La construction de l'intelligence dans l'interaction sociale / Anne-Nelly Perret-Clermont ; avec colaboration Michéle Grossen ; Michel Nicolet ; Maria Luisa Schubauer-LeoniPublicação: Bern : Peter Lang, 2000Descrição: 305 p.Disponibilidade:

Community psychology / Karen Grover Duffy , Frank Y. WongPublicação: Boston : Allyn and Bacon, 2003Descrição: XV, 352 p.Disponibilidade: :
Biblioteca ISPA Retirado temporariamenteCota: C8 DUFF2 (1).

A guide to careers in community development / Paul C. Brophy , Alice ShabecoffPublicação: Washington : Island Press, 2001Descrição: XV, 309 p.Disponibilidade:

Actas da III conferência desenvolvimento comunitário e saúde mental : participação, empowerment, e liderança comunitária / Editado por José H. Ornelas , Susana MariaNível de parte analítica: Aprender com a morte a viver a vida • A importância dos grupos de suporte para os cuidadores de doentes de alzheimer • Perspectiva sócio-política do movimento de ajuda mútua • Dinâmicas de envolvimento da família na vida escolar • Imprensa local, aprendizagem e poder : a produção de cidadania como um contributo para a re-invenção [moral] da democracia (o caso do Jornal de Telheiras) • Participação da comunidade na prevenção da violência contra as mulheres • Participação dos utentes na melhoria da qualidade dos serviços de saude • Uma sociedade civil forte , independente e interventiva • Investigação-acção participada numa comuniadde migrante : prevenção do VIH • Emprego apoiado : uma rede para a promoção da inclusão • Do Rancho Folclórico de Chãos à Cooperativa Terra Chã : um processo de desenvolvimento localPublicação: Lisboa : Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, 2003Descrição: IX, 257 p.Disponibilidade:

Autism and play / Jannik Beyer , Lone GammeltoftPublicação: London : Jessica Kingsley, 2000Descrição: 112 p. : il.Disponibilidade:

Children with autism : diagnosis and interventions to meet their needs / Colwyn Trevarthen, Kenneth Aitken, Despina Papoudi, Jacqueline RobartsPublicação: London : Jessica Kingsley, 2003Descrição: XVI, 348 p.Disponibilidade:

Infant, toddlers, and families : a framework for support and intervention / Martha Farrell Erickson , Karen Kurz-RiemerPublicação: New York : Guilford Press, 1999Descrição: XX, 204 p.Disponibilidade:

Handbook of theories of aging / Vern L. Bengston , K. Warner SchaieNível de parte analítica: Theories of aging : a personal perspective • Analyzing social theories of aging • On the dynamics of development and aging • A good old age : paradox or possibility • Applying theories of aging to gerontological practice through teaching and research • Public policy and theories of aging : constructing and reconstructing old age • The political economy perspective in aging • The aging and society paradigm • Paths of the life course : a typology • Constructionist perspectives on aging • Anthropological theories of age and aging • Emotions in adulthood • The self-concept in life span and aging research • Social-psychological theories and their applications to aging : from individual to collective • Theories of cognition • Theories of everyday competence and aging • Multilevel and systemic analysis of old age : theoretical and empirical evidence for a fourth age • The role of aging processes in aging-dependent diseases • Theories of neuropsychology and aging • Biological theories of senescence • Stress theories of aging • On reestablishing the phenomenon and specifying ignorance : theory development and research design in aging • Elements of a narrative gerontology • Historical development of theories of aging • Are theories of aging important? Models and explanations in gerontology at the turn of the centuryPublicação: New York : Springer Publishing, 1999Descrição: XVIII, 516 p.Disponibilidade:
