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Resilience and vulnerability : adaptation in the context of childhood adversities / ed. Sunyia S. Luthar

Linked with: Research on resilience : an integrative reviewLinked with: Genetic influences on risk and protection : implications for understanding resilienceLinked with: Toward building a better brain : neurobehavioral outcomes, mechanisms, and processes of environmental enrichmentLinked with: Promoting resilience through early childhood interventionLinked with: Perceived discrimination and resilienceLinked with: Positive adaptation among youth exposed to community violenceLinked with: Adaptation among youth facing multiple risks : prospective research findingsLinked with: Overcoming the odds? : Adolescent development in the context of urban povertyLinked with: Holistic contextual perspectives on risk, protection, and competence among low-income urban adolescentsLinked with: Emerging perspectives on context specificity of children's adaptation and resilience : evidence from a decade of research with urban children in adversityLinked with: Poverty and early childhood adjustmentLinked with: Rithinking resilience : a developmental process perspectiveLinked with: Correlational and experimental study of resilience in children of divorce and parentally bereaved childrenLinked with: Risk and resilience in children coping with their parents dicorce and remarriageLinked with: Sequelae of child maltreatment : vulnerability and resilienceLinked with: Resilience to childhood adversity : results of a 21-year studyLinked with: Maternal drug abuse versus other psychological disturbancesLinked with: Resielience and vulnerability among sons of alcoholics : relationship to developmental outcomes between early childhood and adolescenceLinked with: Risk and protective factors for children of depressed parentsLinked with: Risk and protective factors for children of depressed parentsLinked with: Young children with mentally ill parents : resilient developmental systemsLinked with: A resilience frameworks for research, policy, and practiceSecondary Author: Luthar, Suniya S., ed.Language: Inglês.Country: Reino Unido.Edition Statement: 1st edPublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2003Description: XXXI, 574 p.ISBN: 0421001617.Subject - Topical Name: Psicologia do Desenvolvimento Classification: 2800 - Psicologia do Desenvolvimento | 2840 - Desenvolvimento Psicossocial e da Personalidade Online Resources:Click here to access online Item type:
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