A sua pesquisa recuperou 6607 resultados.

Evaluation formative : une analyse critique / Roland AbrechtPublicação: Bruxelles : De Boeck, 1991Descrição: 144 p.Disponibilidade:

Evaluation des actions educatives / Charles HadjiPublicação: Paris : Puf, 1992Descrição: 230 p.Disponibilidade:

Atribuições causais e expectativas de controlo do desempenho na matemática / António Marcelino Barros de OliveiraPublicação: Braga : U.M./i.E.P., 1996Descrição: 245 p.Disponibilidade:

Do pensamento do professor a sala de aula / Carlos JanuarioPublicação: Coimbra : Almedina, 1996Descrição: 217 p.Disponibilidade:

Challenging behaviour in schools / compil. Peter Gray ; co-aut. Andy Miller ; co-aut. Andy NoakesNível de parte analítica: Balancing school and individual approaches • Helping children to become more self-directing in their behaviour • Activity analysis as a means of clarifying teachers expectations of pupils • Role of non-teaching assistants in school responses to difficult behaviour • Management of playground and lunchtime behaviour • Resolving conflict in schools • Promoting peer support among teachers • Building better behaved schools : effective support at the whole-school level • Induction and training of support staff • Moving from consumer survey to service evaluation • Parents and teachers working together : a case example • Parents and dificult behaviour : always the problem of part of the solution? • Providing effective support to mainstream schools : issues and strategies • Teachers and social workers working together • Support in secondary schools : a complex problem • Using support effectively at primary level • Mainstream teachers talking about successful behaviour support • Supporting effective responses to challenging behaviour : from theory to practice • Challenging behaviour in schools : an introductionPublicação: London : Routledge, 1994Descrição: 271 p.Disponibilidade:

Relaciones interpersonales en la educacion. 3 ed / David HargreavesPublicação: Madrid : Narcea, 1973Descrição: 418 p.Disponibilidade:

Orientacion psicopedagogica para la prevencion y el desarrollo / Rafael Bisquerra AlzinaPublicação: Barcelona : Boixareu, 1992Descrição: 321 p.Disponibilidade:

Avaliacao continua e exames : nocoes de decimologia / Gilbert De LandsheerePublicação: Coimbra : Almedina, 1976Descrição: 330 p.Disponibilidade:

Avaliação formativa : que desafios?I - Os professores e a avaliação formativa : justifica-se o esforço?II - Avaliação formativa : utopia ou prática possível? / Luisa CortesãoPublicação: Porto : Asa, 1996Descrição: 48 p.Disponibilidade:

Comment l'enfant devient lecteur : pour une psychologie cognitive et culturelle de la lecture / Gerard Chauveau, co-aut. Eliane Rogovas-Chauveau, co-aut. Margarida Alves MartinsPublicação: Paris : Retz, 1997Descrição: 192 p.Disponibilidade:

Self in european and north american culture : development and processes / compil. Annerieke Oosterwegel ; co-aut. Robert WicklundNível de parte analítica: Multifaceted multilevel attack on the self • Liberating and constraining aspects of self : why the free bird finds a new cage • Self and taking and intentional stance • Possum, ergo sum - nequeo, ergo sum qui sum • What evidence does one accept for the workings of a self? • Isolating the collective self • Facets of self in northern ireland : explorations and further questions • Three dimensions of the social self • Cognitive distinctness of self - we- others schemata and the tendency to social categorization • Distinction between self- and other-related failure outcome expectancies : an internal domain study of indian and ... • Dimensions of math and verbal self-concept and the internal/external frame of reference model • Self-concept and motivation during adolescence : their influence on school achievement • Role of optimism versus pessimism in the experience of the self • Paranoia and self-focused attention • Low mutuality of self- and other-descriptions as a risk factor for adolescents competence and self-esteem • On integrating cognitive and motivational explanations in psychology • Self-concept and information-processing : methodological problems and theoretical implications • Self as a virtual machine : structure versus content • Private goals and social influences : the complexity of studying self-esteem development • Development of the ability to represent oneself • Narrative self, understanding, and action • Self-narratives as personal structures of meaning • Problem of self-continuity in the context of rapid personal and cultural change • Adolescent identity development and social context : towards an integrative perspective • Identity status development and students perception of the university environment : a cohort-sequential study • Identity and identity processes : what are we talking about? • Self from all directionsPublicação: Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic, 1994Descrição: 395 p.Disponibilidade:

Mind, culture, and activity : seminal papers from the laboratory of comparative human cognition / compil. Michael Cole ; co-aut. Yrjo Engestrom ; co-aut. Olga VasquezNível de parte analítica: Just say no : responsibility and resistance • Why must might be right? observations on sexual herrschaft • Learning to be deaf : conflicts between hearing and deaf cultures • Wisdom from the periphery : talk, thought, and politics in the ethnographic theater of john millington synge • Politics of representation • Coordination, cooperation, and communication in the courts : expansive transitions in legal work • Mind in action : a functional approach to thinking • Mediation and automatization • Selling candy : a study of cognition in context • Low-income children's preschool literacy experiences : some naturalistic observations • Performance before competence : assistance to child discourse in the zone of proximal development • But it's important data! making the demands of a cognitve experiment meet the educational imperatives of the classroom • Functional environments for microcomputers in education • Kanji help readers of japanese infer the meaning of unfamiliar words • Organization of bilingual lessons : implications for schooling • Competence/incompetence paradox in the education of minority culture children • Students interactional competence in the classroom • Collective memory : issues from a sociohistorical perspective • Invention of writing and the development of numerical concepts in sumeria : some implications for developmental ... • Non-cartesian artifacts in dwelling activities : steps towards a semiotic ecology • Sound of the violin • Activity consciousness and communication • One developmental line in european activity theories • Early history of the vygotskian school : the relationship between mind and activity • Body analogy and the cognition of rotated figures • Looking for big bird : studies of memory in very young children • Sociolinguistic structure of word lists and ethnic-group differences in categorized recall • What's special about experiments as contexts for thinking • Concepts of ecological validity : their differing implications for comparative cognitive research • Plying frames can be dangerous : some reflections on methodology in cognitive anthropology • When isa context? some issues and methods in the analysis of social competencePublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1997Descrição: 501 p.Disponibilidade:

Avaliar e medir? / Jean CardinetPublicação: Rio Tinto : Asa, 1993Descrição: 256 p.Disponibilidade:

Avaliacao, regras do jogo : das intensoes aos instrumentos / Charles HadjiPublicação: Porto : Porto Editora, 1994Descrição: 189 p.Disponibilidade:

Ensino-aprendizagem das linguas estrangeiras : sugestoes para tornar a aprendizagem um prazer / Manuel AzenhaPublicação: Lisboa : Iie, 1997Descrição: 80 p.Disponibilidade:

Indisciplina na sala de aula : como prevenir? como remediar? / Ana Carita, co-aut. Graca FernandesPublicação: Lisboa : Presenca, 1997Descrição: 161 p.Disponibilidade:

Self : an eclectic approach / Randall OsbornePublicação: Boston : Allyn And Bacon, 1996Descrição: 223 p.Disponibilidade:

Managing classroom behaviour. 2 ed / David FontanaPublicação: Leicester : B.P.S, 1994Descrição: 186 p.Disponibilidade:

Ensinar e aprender a pensar / Maria Helena SalemaPublicação: Lisboa : Texto, 1997Descrição: 125 p.Disponibilidade:

Formacao cooperada : ensaio de auto-avaliacao dos efeitos da formulacao no projecto amadora / Sergio NizaPublicação: Lisboa : Educa, 1997Descrição: 94 p.Disponibilidade:
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