Entre linhas paralelas : estudos sobre o portugues nas escolas / compil. Rui Vieira Castro ; co-aut. Maria De Lourdes Sousa Nível de parte analítica: Tomada da palavra na interaccao verbal. contributos para sua analise • Contributos para a caracterizacao do discurso pedagogico na aula de portugues • Para uma analise do discurso pedagogico. um estudo das representacoes formais da lingua em programas de portugues • Texto gramatica escolar : entre a polifonia e a intransitividade discursiva • Habitos e atitudes de leitura dos estudantes portugueses • Da leitura em interaccao a leitura como interaccao • Agora nao posso. estou a ler! • Leitura e escrita em contexto escolar. para a caracterizacao de um campo de investigacao • Portugues no curriculo. uma abordagem diacronicaPublicação: Braga : Angelus Novus, 1999Descrição: 251 p.Disponibilidade: Biblioteca ISPA Retirado temporariamenteCota: E CAST1 (1).
Relacao pedagogica : diferenca e inclusao / Jose Morgado Publicação: Lisboa : Presenca, 1999Descrição: 89 p.Disponibilidade: Biblioteca ISPA Retirado temporariamenteCota: E MORG1 (1).
Children's early text construction / compil. Clotilde Pontecorvo ; co-aut. Margherita Orsolini ; co-aut. Barbara Burge ; co-aut. Lauren Resnick Nível de parte analítica: Readers and writers talk about language • Reading aloud to young children : teacher's reading styles and kindergartner's text comprehension • Deaf children and the construction of written texts • Literacy in first grade : traditional and experimental situations • Uses of written language in primary school : codifying, recording, and interpreting • Informative texts of young schoolchildren • Looking for stylistic features in children composing stories : products and processes • Use of information in expository text writing • Children's use of punctuation marks : the case of quoted speech • Reflections on the comma • Pizza or piza? how children interpret the doubling of letters in writing • Approach to writing in kindergarten • Three accounts of literacy and the role of the environment • Children dictating a story : is together better? • Use of referential expressions in 4-year-old children's narratives : invented recalled stories • Rhythms of speech and writing • Roles of oral and written language as children approach conventional literacy • Writing and written language in children's developmentPublicação: Mahwah : Lawrence Erlbaum, 1996Descrição: 368 p.Disponibilidade:
Colóquio, X, de psicologia e educação : educação pré-escolar - modelos, investigação e práticas educativas - actas / compil. Margarida Alves Martins Nível de parte analítica: Montagem e dinamizacao de uma biblioteca infantil • Importancia de desenvolver precocemente as competencias da leitura-escrita • Linguagem escrita no jardim de infancia : o que pensam futuros educadores de infancia? • Evolucao das conceptualizacoes infantis sobre a escrita no sentido da fonetizacao • Animacao de mercados : uma experiencia de educacao infantil • Actividades expressivas : um espelho que fala • Actividades expressivas e criativas... sao experiencias cientificas • Pensar a arte e a expressao infantil : uma perspectiva de intervencao educativa • Representacoes de educacdores de infancia do 1§ ciclo do ensino basico sobre o papel do jardim de infancia e escola ... • Teorias implicitas do desenvolvimento e da educacao • Identidade pessoal e dimensoes da accao educativa no jardim de infancia tendo como referencia o construcionismo social • Importancia dos mecanismos semioticos nas interaccoes de tutela : a perspectiva referencial • Orientacoes curriculares para a educaco pre-escolar e praticas educativas • Orientacoes curriculares para a educacao pre-escolar • Orientacoes curriculares para a educacao pre-escolar : analise de um processo • Quando as rotinas se transformam em acontecimentos no jardim de infancia • Jardim de infancia/familia, que relacao? • Formacao de auxiliares de accao educativa como factor de qualidade da educacao pre-escolar • Metodo e praticas educativas da associacao de jardins escolas joao de deus • Representacao social da crianca em idade pre-escolar em educadores de infancia e professores do 1§ ciclo do ensino ... • Perspective constructiviste et options communicatives dans la condution de petits groupes d'apprentissage a l'ecole .... • Da gata borralheira a cinderella : cronica de uma paixao • Memorias e historias : o papel da representacao de experiencias de vida no desenvolvimento cognitivo • Literacia e educacao pre-escolarPublicação: Lisboa : ISPA, 1998Descrição: 294 p.Disponibilidade: Biblioteca ISPA Retirado temporariamenteCota: E MART/2B (1).
Handbook of reading research. vol 2 / compil. Rebecca Barr ; co-aut. Michael Kamil ; co-aut. Peter Mosenthal ; co-aut. P. Pearson Nível de parte analítica: Understanding progress in reading research • Remediation • Secondary school reading • Teacher and school effects in learning to read • Grouping students for reading instruction • Teachers instructional actions • Comprehension instruction • Conditions of vocabulary acquisition • Beginning reading • Emergent literacy • Word meanings • Basic literacy skills in the workplace • Diagrams in the comprehension of scientific texts • Development of strategic readers • Cognitive and neuropsychological foundations of word identification in poor and normally developing readers • Perspectives on reading disability research • Individual differences in reading skills • Mental models and reading comprehension • Research on response to literature • Word recognition : changing perspectives • Development of the ability to read words • Typography and discourse • Computers in reading and writing • Classroom assessment of reading • Research on the reading-writing relationship : interactions, transactions, and outcomes • Expository text • Toward a model of acquiring procedures from text • Narrative representation and comprehension • Politics, policy, and reading research • Publishing industry and textbooks • Linguistic diversity and reading in american society • Literacy acts • Development of literacy in the industrialized nations of the west • Literacy and society with particular reference to the non-western world • Sense of being literate : historical and cross-cultural featuresPublicação: Mahwah : Lawrence Erlbaum, 1991Descrição: 1086 p.Disponibilidade: : Biblioteca ISPA Retirado temporariamenteCota: E2 BARR/R1 (1).
Como ensinar a estudar / e outros Ana Carita, co-aut. Ana Cristina Silva, co-aut. Ana Filipa Monteiro, co-aut. Teresa Paula Dinis Publicação: Lisboa : Presenca, 1997Descrição: 125 p.Disponibilidade:
School talk : gender and adolescent culture / Donna Eder, co-aut. Catherine Evans, co-aut. Stephen Parker Publicação: New Brunswick : Rutgers University Press, 1995Descrição: 209 p.Disponibilidade:
Advances in school effectiveness research and practice / compil. David Reynolds ; co-aut. Bert Creemers ; co-aut. Pamela Nesselrodt ; co-aut. Eugene Schaffer ; co-aut. Sam Stringfield Nível de parte analítica: School effectiveness : the need for an international perspective • Conceptual frameworks on school effectiveness : rational control versus choice • Effective instruction : an empirical basis for a theory of educational effectiveness • Model of elementary school effects • Contributions of classroom observation to school effectiveness research • Integration of classroom and school process data in school effectiveness research • Study of context in school effects research : history, methods, results, and theoretical implications • Outlier studies of school effectiveness • Analysis of large date bases in school effectiveness research • School effectiveness research : a review of the international literature • History, value and purpose of school effectiveness studies • Preface and introductionPublicação: Kidlington : Pergamon, 1994Descrição: 251 p.Disponibilidade:
Progression in learning / compil. Martin Hughes Nível de parte analítica: Progression in learning about the nature of science : issues of conceptualisation and methodology • Children's performance of investigative tasks in science : a framework for considering progression • Progression in children's ideias about history • Progression in learning mathematics and science • Progression in learning : literacy and numeracy in the preschoolPublicação: Clevedon : Multilingual Matters, 1996Descrição: 139 p.Disponibilidade:
Effective schooling : research, theory and practice / Jaap Scheerens Publicação: London : Cassell, 1992Descrição: 168 p.Disponibilidade:
Perceptions of teaching and learning / compil. Martin Hughes Nível de parte analítica: Teachers and pupils perceptions of effective classroom learning : conflicts and commonalities • Perceptions of language learning in english and foreign language schools • Schools great - apart from the lesson's : students early experiences of learning in secondary school • Parents and teachers perceptions of assessment at key stage 1 • Teachers reports of curriculum coverage in response to change • Perceptions of teaching and learning in preschool centresPublicação: Clevedon : Multilingual Matters, 1994Descrição: 95 p.Disponibilidade:
Instructional models in reading / compil. David Stahl ; co-aut. David Hayes Nível de parte analítica: Powerful models or powerful teachers? an argument for teacher-as-entrepreneur • Beyond individual response : toward a dialogical approach to literature instruction • Response-based reading instruction in the elementary grades • Reading instruction in an integrated language perspective : collaborative interaction in classroom curriculum genres • Emergent-literacy perspective on reading instruction in kindergarten • Whole-language approaches to reading and writing • Fostering literate communities in school : a case for sociocultural approaches to reading instruction • Sociocultural model of reading instruction : the kamehameha elementary education program • Teaching from theory : decision making in reading recovery • Creating readers who read for meaning and love to read : the benchmark school reading program • Reading, writing, and language arts in success for all • Cognitive strategy instruction in reading • Direct-instruction reading • Models of professional practice in teacher thinking • Instructional models in reading : an introductionPublicação: Mahwah : Lawrence Erlbaum, 1997Descrição: 386 p.Disponibilidade:
Beginning to read : thinking and learning about orint / Marilyn Adams Publicação: Cambridge : Mit, 1998Descrição: 494 p.Disponibilidade:
Physical self : from motivation to well-being / compil. Kenneth Fox Nível de parte analítica: Therapeutic effects of exercise on the self • Disability, identity, and involvement in sport and exercise • Adolescent weight management and the physical self • Identity, sport, and youth development • Self-esteem in children and youth : the role of sport and physical education • Body image, exercise and eating behaviors • Physical self and processes in self-esteem development • Reflections on the socially constructed physical self • Cognitive theories of motivation and the physical self • Measurement of physical self-concept : a construct invalidation approach • Physical self-system : a mediator of exercise and self-esteem • Let's get physicalPublicação: Leeds : Human Kinetics, 1997Descrição: 328 p.Disponibilidade: