Entre bastidores : o lado oculto da organização escolar / Miguel Ángel Santos Guerra Publicação: Porto : Asa, 2002Descrição: 320 p.Disponibilidade:
Descobrindo a linguagem escrita : uma experiência de aprendizagem da leitura e da escrita numa escola de intervenção prioritária / Manuela Castro Neves, Margarida Alves Martins Publicação: Lisboa : Escolar Editora, 2000Descrição: 153 p.Disponibilidade:
Maîtriser la lecture : poursuivre l'apprentissage de la lecture de 8 à 11 ans / Michel Fayol, Jacques David, Daniel Dubois, Martine Rémond Publicação: Paris : Editions Odile Jacob, 2000Descrição: 355 p.Disponibilidade:
Designing for virtual communities in the service of learning / Edited by Sasha A. Barab, Rob Kling, James H. Gray Nível de parte analítica: Sociocultural analysis of online professional development : a case study of personal, interpersonal, community, and technical aspects • Shared we and shared they indicators of group identity in online teacher professional development • Computer-mediated discourse analysis : an approach to researching online behavior • Scholarly networks as learning communities : the case of TechNet • From ambitious vision to partially satisfying reality : an evolving socio-technical design supporting community and collaborative learning in teacher education • Co-evoution of technological design and pedagogy in an online learning community • An exploration of community in knowledge forum classroom : an activity system analysis • The centrality of culture and community to participante learning at and with the math forum • Community of practice : a metaphor for online design? • Teacher professional development, technology, and communities of practice : are we putting the cart before the horse? • Group behavior and learning in electronic forums : a socio-technical approach • Designing systems dualities : characterizing an online professional development community • Online learning communities : common ground and critical differences in designing technical environments • Designing for virtual communitiesin the service of learningPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2004Descrição: XXV, 451 p.Disponibilidade:
Production du langage / Direction de Michel Fayol Nível de parte analítica: La génération automatique de textes • La critique génétique et l'étude des processus d'écriture litteraires • La production de textes techniques ecrits • Les ateints neuropsychologiques de la production verbale • Approche psycholinguistique des troubles de la production verbale dans les pathologies psychiatriques • Développement de la production verbale orale • Apprentissage de la gestion de la production et contraintes de capacité • La gestion en temps réel de la production verbale : méthodes et données • La production de phrases • Les niveaux de traitement dans la production verbale orale et ecrite de mots isolés a partir d'images • Modeles linguistiques de production • Les modeles de redaction de textes • Les modeles de la production de la parolePublicação: Paris : Hermès Science, 2002Descrição: 314 p.Disponibilidade:
Outils et signes : perspectives actuelles de la theorie de Vygotski / Sous la direction de Christiane Moro , Bernard Schneuwly, Michel Brossard Nível de parte analítica: Action, discours et rationalisation : l'hypothese développementale de Vygotski revisitée • Objet, signe et sémiosis : fondements pour une approche sémiotique du développement préverbal • Le développement de la nouveauté dans le raisonnement : la coordination des processus inductifs et deductifs dans le raisonnement parental • Langage égocentrique, dialogue et intersubjectivité • Pratiques d'ecrit, fonctionnements et développement cognitifs • Fonctions sémiotiques et structures graphiques • Les déficiences et l'approche comparative du développement • Passez-moi la boussole! : methodologie historico-culturelle pour enseigner les mathématiques • Activités avec instruments et dynamique cognitive du sujet • Le myth de l'unité épistémologique de l'école historico-culturelle : L.S. Vygotski versus LéontievPublicação: Bern : Peter Lang, 1997Descrição: VI, 221 p.Disponibilidade:
Dyslexia and literacy : theory and practice / Edited by Gavin Reid ; Janice Wearmouth Nível de parte analítica: Changing definitions and concepts of literacy : implications for pedagogy and research • Critical literacy and access to the lexicon • Metacognition and literacy • Paired thinking : developing thimking skills through structured interaction with peers, parents and volunteers • A cognitive approach to dyslexia : learning styles and thinking skills • Individual education plans and dyslexia : some principles • Dyslexia and literacy : challenges in the secondary school • Dealing with diversity in the primary classroom - a challenge for the class teacher • The role of the learning support co-ordinator : addressing the challenges • Issues in the assessment of children learning english as an aditional language • From assessment to intervention : the educational psychology perspective • Reading processes, acquisition, and instructional implications • Literacy standards and factors affecting literacy : what national and international assessments tell us • Dyslexia : cognitive factors and implications for literacy • The balance model of reading and dyslexia • Visual processes • The phonological represenattions hypothesis of dyslexia : from theory to practice • Resolving the paradoxes of dyslexia • The neurobiology of dyslexia • Dyslexia and literacy : key issues for researchPublicação: Chichester : John Wiley & Sons, 2002Descrição: XI, 353 p.Disponibilidade:
Avaliação educacional : regulamentação e emancipação : para uma sociologia das políticas avaliativas contemporâneas / Almerindo Janela Afonso Publicação: São Paulo : Cortez, 2000Descrição: 151 p.Disponibilidade: