A sua pesquisa recuperou 6607 resultados.

Alfabetização em processo / Emilia FerreiroPublicação: São Paulo : Cortez Editora, 1986Descrição: 144 p.Disponibilidade:

Na vida dez, na escola zero / ed. Terezinha Carraher, David Carraher, Analúcia SchliemannPublicação: São Paulo : Cortez, 1995Descrição: 182 p.Disponibilidade:

Lar de Infância e Juventude: gestão da qualidade das respostas sociais / Cristina Fangueiro, Maria Clara Guterres; Cons. Maria Manuela MachadoPublicação: Lisboa : Instituto da Segurança Social, 2008Descrição: 7 Cadernos (63, 32, 80, 79, 90, 54, 14p.)Disponibilidade:

Participatory learning in the early years: research and pedagogy / ed. Donna Berthelsen, Jo Bownlee, Eva JohanssonNível de parte analítica: If you think they can do it - then you can: two-year-olds in Aotearoa New Zealand kindergartens and changing professional perspectives • Dialogue, listening and discerning in professional practice with parents and their children in an infant program: a Canadian perspective • Looking and listening for participatory practice in an english day nursery • In support of a relationship-based approach to practice with infants and toddlers in the United States • Beliefs about toddler's learning in child care programs in Australia • Friendships and participation among young children in a Norwegian Kindergarten • The desireble toddler in preschool: values communicated in teacher and child interactions • Doing the right thing: a moral concern from the perspectives of young preschool children • The guiding principles of participation: infant, toddler groups and the united nations convention on the rights of the child • International perspectives on participatory learning: young children's perspectives across rich and poor countries • Participatory learning: issues for research and practicePublicação: New York : Routledge, 2009Descrição: 218 pDisponibilidade:

Psychology of self-regulation: congnitive, affective, and motivational processes / ed. Joseph P. Forgas, Roy F. Baumeister, Dianne M. TiceNível de parte analítica: Regulatory focus and romantic alternatives • Executive functions and self-control • Self-regulation in the interpersonal sphere • Punishing difference and rewarding diversity: a deviance regulation analysis of social structure • Exerting control over allegedly automatic associative processes • Angry rumination and the self-regulation of aggression • Does emotion regulation help or hurt self-regulation? • How emotions affect self-regulation • Progress-induced goal shifting as a self-regulatory strategy • The dynamics of self-regulation • Goal gradients: challenges to a basic principle of motivation • Making goal pursuit effective expectancy-dependent goal setting and planned goal striving • Action, affect, multitasking, and layers of control • Fit in sports: self-regulation and athletics performances • On self-protection and self-enhancement regulation: the role of self-improvement and social norms • Unscrambling self-regulatory behavior determination: the interplay of impulse strenght, reflective processes, and control resources • What's interest got to do with it?: potential trade-offs in the self-regulation of motivation • Self-regulation as a limited resource strength model of control and depletion • The psychology of self-regulation: an introductory reviewPublicação: New York : Psychology Press, 2009Descrição: 340 p.Disponibilidade:

International handbook of emotions in education / ed. Reinhard Pekrun, Lisa Linnenbrink-GarciaNível de parte analítica: Conclusions and future directions • Measuring situated emotion • Autonomic nervous system measurement of emotion in education and achievement settings • Neuroscientific contributions to understanding and measuring emotions in educational contexts • Observational appraoches to the measurement of emotions • Self-report measures of academic emotions • The influence of culture on emotions • Caregiving influences on emotion regulation: educational implications of a behavioral perspective • Teacher emotions • Emotions in advanced learning technologies • Situating emotions in classroom practices • Emotions in science education • Perspectives on emotion in mathematical engagement, learning, and problem solving • Transforming students lives with social and emotional learning • Regulating emotions related to testing • The role of emotion in engagement, coping, and the development of motivational resilience • Academic boredom • Confusion • Anxiety in education • Shame and pride and their effects on student achievement • Curiosity • Interest and enjoyment • Emotion regulation in education : conceptual foundations, current applications and future directions • Emotional intelligence in education • Achievement goals and emotions • Control-value theory of achievement emotions • An attributional approach to emotional life in the classroom • Implicit motives, affect, and the development of competencies: a virtuous-circle model of motive-driven learning • The experience of emotions during goal pursuit • Affect and cognitive processes in educational contexts • Concepts and structures of emotions • Introduction to emotions in educationPublicação: New York : Routledge, 2014Descrição: 698 pDisponibilidade:

Emotion in education / Ed. Paul A. Schutz, Reinhard PekrunNível de parte analítica: Where do we go from here? implications and future directions for inquiry on emotions in education • The power and politics of emotions in teaching • There's no place for feeling like this in the workplace: women teachers' anger in school settings • Teachers' anger, frustation and self-regulation • Scaffolding emotions in classroom • Teacher identities, beliefs, and goals related to emotions in the classroom • The impact of race and racism on student's emotions: a critical race analysis • Student's emotions: a key component of self-regulated learning? • Test anxiety in educational contexts: comcepts, findings, and future directions • Being and feeling interested: transient state, mood, and disposition • A dynamical systems perspective regarding student's learning processes: shame reactions and emergent self-organizations • The role of affect in studennt learning: a multi-dimensional approach to considering the interaction of affect, motivation, and engagement • A macro cultural-psychological theory of emotions • Examining emotional diversity in the classroom: an attribution theorist considers the moral emotions • Emotion in the hierarchical model of approach-avoidance achievement motivation • Understanding students' affective processes in the classroom • The control-vallue theory of achievement emotions: an integrative approach to emotions in education • Introduction to emotion in educationPublicação: Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2007Descrição: 348 pDisponibilidade:

Handbook of self-regulation / Ed. Monique Boekaerts, Paul R. Pintrich, Moshe ZeidnerNível de parte analítica: Self-regulation: directions and challenges for future research • Self-regulation interventions with a focus on learning strategies • Self-regulation: a chararacteristic and a goal of mathematics education • Teacher innovations in self-regulated learning • Self-regulation and academic learning: self-efficacy enhancing interventions • Self-management of chronic illness • Self-regulation and distress in clinical psychology • Measuring self-regulated learning • Motivation and action in self-regulated learning • The role of goal orientation in self-regulated learning • Self-regulated learning: finding a balance between learning goals and ego-protective goals • regulation, self-regulation, and the construction of the self in the maintenance of physical health • Self-regulation and health behavior: the health behavior goal model • Self-regulation in organizational settings: a tale of two paradigmas • Communal aspects of self-regulation • THe role of intention in self-regulation:toward intentional systemic mindfulness • Organization and development of self-understanding and self-regulation: toward a general theory • Personality, self-regulation, and adaptation: a cognitive-social framework • A functional-design approach to motivation and self-regulation: the dynamics of personality systems interactions • Aspects of goal networks: implications fro self-regulation • On the structure of behavioral self-regulation • Attaining self-regulation: a social cognitive perspective • Self-regulation: an introductory overviewPublicação: San Diego : Academic Press, 2005Descrição: 784 p.Disponibilidade:

Self-esteem issues and answers: a sourcebook of current perspectives / ed. Michael H. KernisPublicação: New York : Psychology Press, 2006Descrição: 471 p.Disponibilidade:

L'estime de soi: une controverse éducative / Jean-Pierre Famose, Jean BertschPublicação: Paris : PUF, 2009Descrição: 203 p.Disponibilidade:

The new lives of teachers / Christopher Day, Qing GuPublicação: Abingdon : Routledge, 2010Descrição: 224 p.Disponibilidade:

The decade ahead: theoretical perspectives on motivation and achievement / ed. Timothy C. Urdan, Ed. Stuart A. KarabenickPublicação: Bingley : Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2010Descrição: 249 p.Disponibilidade:

The decade ahead: theoretical perspectives on motivation and achievement / ed. Timothy C. Urdan, Ed. Stuart A. KarabenickPublicação: Bingley : Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2010Descrição: 264 p.Disponibilidade:

Personality, stress and coping: implications for education / ed. Gretchen M. Reevy, Erica FrydenbergNível de parte analítica: Personality hardiness as a pathway to resielce under educational stresses • Building inner resilience in teachers and students • You are who you are: a mixed method study of affectivity and emotional regulation in curbing teacher burnout • Personality traits, preventive coping, and self-care in master's level counselor training • Relationships of big five traits and coping mechanisms with college grade point average • Implict theories of personality, stress, and coping of chinese nursing students • College student's meaning making following sgnificante loss • Optimism, emotional support, and depression among first-year university students: implications for psychological functionong within the educational setting • The relationship between positive development during the transation to adulthood and education, temperament, and personality • Understanding adolescent risk taking behavior: exploring the motivations, personalities and coping styles of young people in a school-based population • Coping styles and anxiety among gemale victims of bullying • Implicit theories of personality predict motivation to use prosocial coping responses after bullying in high school • The relationship between coping strategies, decision-coping patterns, and self-efficacy in adolescence • Adolescent coping styles and task-specific responses: does style roreshadow action?Publicação: Charlotte : Information Age Publishing, 2011Descrição: 323 pDisponibilidade:

Every teacher matters / Kathryn LovewellPublicação: Herts : Ecademy Press, 2012Descrição: 191 p.Disponibilidade:

Awakened: change your mindset to transform your teaching / Angela WatsonPublicação: [s.i.] : Due Season Press, 2011Descrição: 208 p.Disponibilidade:

Criatividade na escola: o desenvolvimento de potencialidades, altas habilidades / superdotação (AH/SD) e talentos / coord. Fernanda Hellen Ribeiro Piske, Sara BahiaNível de parte analítica: Criatividade nas organizações: a influência das variáveis individuais e contextuais • Criatividade na educação inclusiva na escola na via web • Creatividade na escola: a necessidade de reavaliar as praticas educacionais aos alunos superdotados • Imaginação, criatividade e escola • Caminhos criativos e paradoxais na constituição de jovens leitores em meios populares • Medindo a criatividade na escola e no mundo: a interseção do conhecimento • Evaluacion y desarrollo de la creatividadPublicação: Curitiba : Juruá, 2013Descrição: 201 p.Disponibilidade:

Metacognition in learning and instruction: theory, research and practice / Hope J. HartmanNível de parte analítica: Metacognition, abilities, and developing expertise: what makes an expert student? • Matacognition and EFL / ESL reading • Enhancing self-monitoring durind self-regulated learning of speech • Metacognition in science teaching and learning • teaching metacognitively • Mathematics teaching as problem solving: a framework for studying teacher metacognition underlying instructional practice in mathematics • Contextual differences in student motivation and self-regulated learning in mathematics, english and social studies classrooms • Cognitive, metacogtive, and motivational aspects of problem solving • The ability to estimate knowledge and performance in college: a metacognitive analysis • Developing student's metacogtive knowledge and skills • Metacognition in basic skills instruction • Promoting general metacognitive awarenessPublicação: Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002Descrição: 287 p.Disponibilidade:
