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A sua pesquisa recuperou 2677 resultados.

Animal learning and cognition: an introduction / John M. PearcePublicação: Hove : Psychology Press, 1997Descrição: 333 p.Disponibilidade:

Chimpazee politics: power and sex among apes / Frans de WallPublicação: Baltimore : The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2007Descrição: 235 p.Disponibilidade:

Animal cognition: evolution, behavior and cognition / Clive D. L. Wynne, Monique A. R. UdellPublicação: Hampshire : Palgrave Macmillan, 2013Descrição: 346 p.Disponibilidade:

Biosonar / Annemarie Surlykke, et alNível de parte analítica: Echolocation in air and water • Analysis of natural scenes by echolocation in bats and dolphins • On-animal methods for studying echolocation in free-ranging animals • Localization and classification of targets by echolocating bats and dolphins • Hearing during echolocation in whales and bats • Sound intensities of biononar signals from bats and toothed whales • Production of biosonar signals: structure and form • Sonar signals of bats and toothed whales • Biosonar of bats and toothed whales: an overviewPublicação: New York : Springer, 2014Descrição: 304 pDisponibilidade:

Animal thinking : contemporary issues in comparative cognition / ed. Randolf Menzel, Julia FischerNível de parte analítica: Social Knowledge • How folk psychology reuined comparative psychology : and how Scrub Jays can save it • Cooperation in nonhuman primates : function and cognition • Simple reactions to nearby neighbors and complex social behavior in primates • How intelligent is machiavellian behavior? • Communication • Language and episodic sharing • Communication in social insects : sophisticated problem solving by groups of tiny-brained animals • Where is the information in animal communication • Planning, memory, and decision making • Mechanisms for decisions about the future • Goal-directed behavior and future planning in animals • Animal navigation : a synthesis • Making the case for the intelligence of avian navigation • Navigating in a three-dimensional world • Navigation and communication in honeybees • Animal thinking : an introductionPublicação: Cambridge : MIT Press, 2011Descrição: 342 p.Disponibilidade:

Animal behavior : evolution and mechanics / ed. Peter KappelerNível de parte analítica: Levels and mechanisms of behavioral variability • Social learning and culture in animals • Animal personality and behavioural syndromes • Alternative reproductive tactics and life history phenotypes • The social modulation of behavioural development • Mating systems, social behaviour and hormones • Monogynous mating strategies in spiders • Extreme polyandry in social Hymenoptera : evolutionary causes and consequences for colony organization • Extra-pair behavior • Mate choice and reproductive conflict in simultaneous hermaphodites • The quantitative study of sexual and natural selection in the wwild and in the laboratory • Parental care : adjustments to conflict and cooperation • Group deecision-making in animal societies • Cooperation between unrelated individuals: a game theorectic approach • Conflict resolution in social insects • Individual performance in complex social systems : the greylag goose example • Honeybee cognition • Kin recognition : an overview of conceptual issues, mechanisms and evolutionary theory • Vocal communication in social groups • Visual communication : evolution, ecology, and functional mechanismsPublicação: Gottingen : Springer, 2010Descrição: 707 p.Disponibilidade:

From genes to animal behavior : social structures, personalities, communication by color / Miho Inoue-Murayama, Shoji Kawamura, Alexander WeissNível de parte analítica: Molecular brain imaging of personality traits in nonhuman primates : a study of the common marmoset • Fuctional association between the brain and physiological responses accompanying negative and positive emotions and its regulation by genetic factors • Effect of endocrine-disrupting chemicals on the development of macaque socialization • Evolutionary diversification of visual opsin genes in fish and primates • Evolutionary genetics of coloration in primates and other vertebrates • Personality-associated genetic variation in birds and its possible significance for avian evolution, conservation, and welfare • Genetics and the social behavior of the dog revisited : searching for genes relating to personality in dogs • Molecular behavioral research in great apes • Genetic variants of the dopaminergic system in humans and model organisms • Developing and validating measures of temperament in livestock • Applications of personality to the management and conservation of nonhuman animals • Toward a basis for the phenotyupic gambit : advances in the evolutionary genetics of animal personality • Evolutionary genetics of personality in nonhuman primates • How to meaure animal personality and why does it matter? : integrating the psychological and biological approaches to animal personality • Social structures and conflict resolution in primitively eusocial polistes wasps • Male reproductive skew and paternal kin-biased behavior in primates • Extra-pair paternity and sexual selection • Female mate choice in rodentsPublicação: Tokyo : Springer, 2011Descrição: 413 pDisponibilidade:

Chimpazee politics : power and sex among apes / Frans de WallPublicação: London : Unwin Paperbacks, 1982Descrição: 223 p.Disponibilidade:

Human evolutionary psychology / Louise Barrett, Robin Dunbar, John LycettPublicação: Houndmills : Palgrave Macmillan, 2002Descrição: 434 p.Disponibilidade: :

The handbook of evolutionary psychology / Ed. David M. BussNível de parte analítica: Evolutionary psychology and the law • Literature and evolutionary psychology • Evolutionary psychology and mental health • Biological function and dysfunction • Evolutionary personality psychology • Evolutionary developmental psychology • Evolutionary social psychology • Evolutionary cognitive psychology • The evolution of morality • The evolution of cognitive bias • The evolution of language • Dominance, status, and social hierarchies • Managing ingroup and outgroup relationships • Aggression • Neurocognitive adaptations designed for social exchange • Hormones and the human family • Altruism and genetic relatedness • parental investment and parent-offspring conflict • Evlution of paternal investiment • Cooperation and conflict among kin • Commitment, love, and mate retention • Sexual coercion • Female infedility and sperm competition • Adaptations to ovulution • Physical attractiveness in adaptationist perspective • Adaptationism and human mating psychology • Adaptations top dangers from humans • Adpatations to predators and prey • Locating places • Controversial issues in evolutionary psychology • Methods of evolutionary sciences • Domain specificity and ituitive ontology • Life history theory and evolutionary psychology • Conceptual foundations of evolutionary psychology • Foundations of evolutionary psychologyPublicação: New York : John Wiley & Sons, 2005Descrição: 1028 p.Disponibilidade: :
Biblioteca ISPA Retirado temporariamenteCota: ET BUSS2 (1).

Animal innovation / ed. Simon M. Reader, Kevin N. LalandNível de parte analítica: To innovate or not to innovate? that is the question • Human creativty : two Darwiniam analysis • Innovation and creativity in forest-living rehabilitant orang-utans • Innovation as a behavioural response to environmental challenges : a cost and benefit approach • Novelty in deceit • Conditions of innovative behavior in primates • Characteristics and propensities of marmosets and tamarins : implications for studies of inovation • The role of neophobia and neophilia in the development of innovative behavior of birds • Experimental studies of innovation in the Guppy • Social learning : promoter or inhibitor of innovation • Is innovation in bird song adaptative? • Environmental variability and primate behavioural flexibility • Behavioural innovation : a neglected issue in the ecological and evolutionary literature? • Positive and negative correlates of feeding innovations in birds : evidence for limited modularity • Animal innovation : an introductionPublicação: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2003Descrição: 344 p.Disponibilidade:

Homosexual behaviour in animals : an evolutionary perspective / ed. Volker Sommer, Paul L. VaseyNível de parte analítica: Against nature?! : an epilogue about animal sex and the moral dimension • Where do we go from here? : research on the evolution of homosexual behaviour in animals • The evolution of male homosexuality and its implications for human psychological and cultural variations • Social grease for females? : same-sex genital contacts in wild bonobos • Playful encounters : the develop,ent of homosexual behaviour in male mountain gorillas • A wild mixture of motivations : same-sex mounting in Indian langur monkeys • Getting to know you : female-female consotships in free-ranging rhesus monkeys • The pursuit of pleasure : an evolutionary history of female homosexual behaviour in Japanese macaques • Frustated felines : male-male mounting in feral cats • Exciting ingulates : male-male mounting in fallow, white-tailed and red deer • Going with the herd : same-sex interaction and competition in American bison • Establishing trust : sociao-sexual behaviour and the development of male-male bonds among indian ocean bottlenose dolphins • Pink flamingos : atypical partenerships and sexual activity in colonially breeding birds • Making the ebst of a bad situation : homosociality in male greylag geese • Homesexual behaviour in animals : topics, hypotheses and research trajectoriesPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006Descrição: 382 p.Disponibilidade:

Evolutionary psychology : the new sience of the mind / David M. BussPublicação: Boston : Pearson, 2008Descrição: 477 p.Disponibilidade:

In nature's interests? : interests, animal rights, and environmental ethics / Gary E. VarnerPublicação: New York : Oxford University Press, 1998Descrição: 154 p.Disponibilidade:

Encyclopedia of animal behavior / ed. Marc BekoffPublicação: Westport : Greenwood Press, 2004Descrição: 3 vol.Disponibilidade:

Biology and freedom : an essay on the implications of human ethology / S. A. BarnettPublicação: New York : Cambridge University Press, 1988Descrição: 376 p.Disponibilidade:

Animal behavior : a reader / ed. Johan J. Bolhuis, Jerry A. HoganNível de parte analítica: Structure and development of behavior systems • Mother-infant separation and the nature of inter-individual relationships : experiments with Rhesus monkeys • Social deprivation in monkeys • Omtogeny of social behaviour in Burmese Red Junglefowl (gallus gallus spadiceus) (excerpt) • Suckling isn't feeding, or is it? : a search for develomental continuities • Motor patterns in development (excerpt) • Aspects of learning in the ontogeny of bird song : where, from whom, when, how many, which, and how accurately? • Sensory templates in species-specific behavior • Development of perceptual mechanisms in birds : predispositions and imprinting • The companion in the bird's world (excerpt) • Development of species identification in Ducklings - VI : specific mbryonic experience required to maisntain species-typical perception in Peking Ducklings • The developing brain • semantic and conceptual issues in the nature-nurture problem • Evolution and modification of behavior (excerpt) • Heredity and environment in mammalian behavior • A Critique of Konrad Lorenz's theory of instinctive behavior (excerpt) • Behavioral development : toward understanding processes • Development changes in sensivity to experience • From watsonnoan behaviorism to behaviour epigenetics • Ontogenetic adaptations and retrogressive processes in the development of the nervous system and baheviour ; a neuroembryological perspective • Principles of development and diferentiation (excerpt)Publicação: Oxford : Blackwell Publishers, 1999Descrição: 322 p.Disponibilidade:

Echolocation in bats and dolphins / Jeanette A. Thomas, Cynthia F. Moss, Marianne VaterNível de parte analítica: Pinniped sensory systems and the echolocation issue • A biologically plausibre framework for auditory perception in FM bats • Ecological and evolutionary aspects if echolocation in bats • Performance and cognition in echolocating mammals • Relationship between frequency and delay tuning in the FM bat myotis lucifugus • Modulation of frequency tuning of thalamic and midbrain neurons and cochlear hair cells by the descending auditory system in the mustached bat • The auditiry cortex of the horseshoe bat : neuroarchitecture and thalamic connections of physiologically characterized fields • Auditory communication and echolocation in the mustached bat : computing for dual functions within neurons • Corticofugal modeulation of midbrain auditory sensivity in the bat • The auditiry cortex of the little brown bat, myotis lucifugus • Feature extraction and neural activity : advances and perspectives • Temporal procesing of rapidly following sounds in dolphins : evoked-potential study • Neural processing of target distance : transformation of combination-sensitive responses • Temporal dynamics of amplitude-tuning in the inferior colliculus of the little brown bat • Sensivity to interaural time differences in the sound envelope in the inferior colliculus and auditory cortex of the pallid bat • Midbrain integrative mechanisms and temporal pattern analysis en echolocating bats • Central auditory processing of temporal information in bats and dolphins • The effect of projector position on the underwater hearing thresholds of bottlenose dolphins (tursiops truncatus) at 2, 8, and 12 kHz • The ears of whales and bats • The harbor porpoise (phocoena phocoena) : modeling the sonar transmission mechanism • Modeling of the click-production mechanism in the dolphin • Acoustic properties of echolocation signals by captive pacific white-sided dolphins (lagenorhynchus obliquidens) • Echolocation and social signals from white-beaked dolphins, Lagenorrhynchus albiristris, recorded in Icelandic Waters • Echolocation in the Risso's dolphin, Grampus griseus : a preliminary report • Comparison of click characteristics among odontocete species • Biosonar pulse production in odontocetes : the state of our knowledge • Sensory-motor behavior of free-flying FM bats during target capture • New aspects of Doppler-Shift compensation in the horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus rouxi • Vocal control and acoustically guided behavior in bats • A comparison of the sonar capabilities of bats and dolphinsPublicação: Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 2004Descrição: 604 p.Disponibilidade:
