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Homosexual behaviour in animals : an evolutionary perspective / ed. Volker Sommer, Paul L. Vasey

Linked with: Against nature?! : an epilogue about animal sex and the moral dimensionLinked with: Where do we go from here? : research on the evolution of homosexual behaviour in animalsLinked with: The evolution of male homosexuality and its implications for human psychological and cultural variationsLinked with: Social grease for females? : same-sex genital contacts in wild bonobosLinked with: Playful encounters : the develop,ent of homosexual behaviour in male mountain gorillasLinked with: A wild mixture of motivations : same-sex mounting in Indian langur monkeysLinked with: Getting to know you : female-female consotships in free-ranging rhesus monkeysLinked with: The pursuit of pleasure : an evolutionary history of female homosexual behaviour in Japanese macaquesLinked with: Frustated felines : male-male mounting in feral catsLinked with: Exciting ingulates : male-male mounting in fallow, white-tailed and red deerLinked with: Going with the herd : same-sex interaction and competition in American bisonLinked with: Establishing trust : sociao-sexual behaviour and the development of male-male bonds among indian ocean bottlenose dolphinsLinked with: Pink flamingos : atypical partenerships and sexual activity in colonially breeding birdsLinked with: Making the ebst of a bad situation : homosociality in male greylag geeseLinked with: Homesexual behaviour in animals : topics, hypotheses and research trajectoriesSecondary Author: Sommer, Volker, ed.;Vasey, Paul L., ed.Language: Inglês.Country: Reino Unido.Publication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006Description: 382 p.ISBN: 0521864461.Subject - Topical Name: Etologia | Comportamento Animal | Homossexualidade | Teoria da Evolução | Primatas | Papeis Sexuais | Comportamento Sexual Classification: 2400 - Psicologia Experimental Animal / Psicologia Comparativa | 2440 - Comportamento Social / Comportamento Instintivo Online Resources:Click here to access online Item type:
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Livro Livro Biblioteca ISPA ET SOMM1 Available 17287

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