Cognitive psychology : connecting mind, research, and everiday experience / E. Bruce Goldstein Publicação: Belmont : Thomson, 2008Descrição: 552 p.Disponibilidade:
Cognitive psychology : a student's handbook / Michael W. Eysenck, Mark Keane Publicação: Hove : New York : Psychology, 2005Descrição: IX, 646 P. :
quadros, gráficosDisponibilidade:
Child psychology : a handbook of contemporary issues / compil. Lawrence Balter ; co-aut. Catherine Tamis-Lemonda Nível de parte analítica: Behavioral inhibition and impulsive aggressiveness : insights from studies with rhesus monkeys • Who should help me raise my child? a cultural approach to understanding nonmaternal child care decisions • Nature of parents race-related communications to children : a developmental perspective • Cultural, social, and maturational influences on childhood amnesia • New family forms : children raised in solo mother families, lesbian mothers families, and in families created by .... • Effects of community violence on children • Effects of poverty on children • Role of gender knowledge in children's gender-typed preferences • Parenting • Emotion, emotion-related regulation, and quality of socioemotional functioning • Academic and motivational pathways through middle childhood • Metacognitive development • Emotion regulation in peer relationships during middle childhood • Telling two kinds of stories : sources of narrative skill • Role of reminders in young children's memory development • Taking a hard look at concreteness : do concrete objects help young children learn symbolic relations? • Pretense and counterfactual thought in young children • Peer relations • Signs and sounds of early language development • Development of recognition and categorization of objects and their spatial relations in young infants • Visual information processing in infancy : reflections of underlying mechanisms • Infant-parent attachment • What, why, and how of temperament : a piece of the action • Emotional self-regulation in infancy and toddlerhoodPublicação: Philadelphia : Psychology Press, 1999Descrição: 542 p.Disponibilidade:
The Cambridge handbook of expertise and expert performance / ed. K. Anders Ericsson, Neil Charness, Paul J. Feltivich, Robert R. Hoffman Nível de parte analítica: Modes of expertise in creative thinking : evidence from case studies • Social and sociological factors in the development of expertise • Aging and expertise • Artistic performance : acting, ballet, and contemporary dance • Development and adaptation of expertise : the role of self-regulatory processes and beliefs • The influence of experience and deliberate practice on the development of superior expert performance • Brain changes in the development of expertise : neuroanatomical and neurophysiological evidence about skill-based adaptations • Expertise and situation awareness • Tacit knowledge, practical intelligence and expertise • A merging theory of expertise and intelligence • Expertise in history • Mathematical expertise • Exceptional memory • Expertise in chess • Perceptual-motor expertise • Artistic performance : acting, ballet, and contemporary dance • Expert performance in sport : a cognitive perspective • Music • The making of a dream team : when expert teams do best • Decision-making expertise • Professional judgments and naturalistic decision making • Professional writing expertise • Expertise in software design • Expertise and transportation • Expertise in medicine and surgery • Historiometric methods • Time, budgets, diaries, and analysis of concurrent practice activities • Retrospective interviews in the study of of expertise and expert performance • laboratory studies of training, skill acquisition, and retentions of performance • Simulations for performance and training • Protocol analysis and expert thought : concurrent verbalizations of thinking during experts performance on representative tasks • Eliciting and representing the knowledge of experts • Task Analysis • laboratory methods for assessing experts and novices knowledge • Methods for studying the structure of expertise : psychometric approaches • Observation of work practices in natural settings • Professionalization, scientific expertise, and elitism :a sociological perspective • Expert systems : a perspective from computer science • Educators and expertise : a brief history of theorie and models • Studies of expertise from psychological perspectives • Expertise, talent, and social encouragement • Two approaches to the study of experts characteristics • An introduction to The Cambridge handbook of expertise and expert performance : its development, organization and contentPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006Descrição: 901 p.Disponibilidade:
Bridging cognitive science and education : learning, memory, and metacognition [Número Temático] / Lisa K. Son, André Vandierendonck (eds.) Nível de conjunto: European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, Vol. 19 nº 4 & 5, 2007Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R4 (1). :
The brain and the inner world : an introduction to the neuroscience of subjective experience / Mark Solms, Oliver Turnbull Publicação: London : Other, 2002Descrição: 343 p.Disponibilidade:
Auto-avaliação da memória do quotidiano : algumas questões relativas ao uso de questionários de metamemória e estudo das propriedades psicométricas do questionário de funcionamento da memória (QFM) / Maria Salomé Pinho, Mário R. Simões Nível de conjunto: Psicologia, Educação e Cultura, Vol. 9, nº 2 (2005), p. 437-452Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R4 (1). :
Art and the performance of memory : sounds and gestures of recollection / Ed. Richard Cándida Smith Nível de parte analítica: Private reflections / public matters : public art in the city • Official art, official publics : public sculpture under the federal Art-in-Architecture Program since 1972 • Memories of mamy • Composite past : photography and family memories in Brazil (1850-1950) • Les gammes : making visible the representative modern man • Hope... teach, yaknowhati'msayin : freestylin knowledge through Detroit hiphop • Muscle memory : performing embidied knowledge • Eros in the studio • Cities memory voices collage • Stratum and resonance: displacement in the work of Renée Green • Precarious boundaries : affect, mise-en-scéne, and the senses • Truth and consequences : art in response to the truth and reconciliation commission • Resonating testimonies from / in the space of death : performing Buenaventura's La Maestra • Introduction : performing the archivePublicação: London : Routledge, 2002Descrição: 290 pDisponibilidade:
Affect and accuracy in recall : studies of flashbulb memories / ed. Eugene Winograd, Ulric Neisser Nível de parte analítica: THe theorectical and empirical status of the flashbulb memory hypothesis • Constraints on memory • Remembering personal circumstances : a functional analysis • Special versus ordinary memory mechanisms in the genesis of flashbulb memories • Why do traumatic experiences sometimes produce good memory (flashbulbs) and sometimes no memory (repression) • Do flashbulb memories differ from other types of emotional memories? • Remembering the details of emotional events • A proposed neurobiological basis for regulating memory storage for significant events • Preschool children's memories of personal circumstances : the fire alarm study • Developmental issues in fashbulb memory research : children recall the challenger event • Potential flashbulbs : memories of ordinary news as the baseline • Phantom fashbulbs : false recolletions of hearing the news about challengerPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1992Descrição: 315 p.Disponibilidade:
Advances in the study of behavior / H. Jane Brockmann, et al. Nível de parte analítica: Suckling, milk, and the development of preferences toward maternal cues by neonates : from early learning to filial attachment?Publicação: Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2006Descrição: 470 p.Disponibilidade: