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The Cambridge handbook of expertise and expert performance / ed. K. Anders Ericsson, Neil Charness, Paul J. Feltivich, Robert R. Hoffman

Linked with: Modes of expertise in creative thinking : evidence from case studiesLinked with: Social and sociological factors in the development of expertiseLinked with: Aging and expertiseLinked with: Artistic performance : acting, ballet, and contemporary danceLinked with: Development and adaptation of expertise : the role of self-regulatory processes and beliefsLinked with: The influence of experience and deliberate practice on the development of superior expert performanceLinked with: Brain changes in the development of expertise : neuroanatomical and neurophysiological evidence about skill-based adaptationsLinked with: Expertise and situation awarenessLinked with: Tacit knowledge, practical intelligence and expertiseLinked with: A merging theory of expertise and intelligenceLinked with: Expertise in historyLinked with: Mathematical expertiseLinked with: Exceptional memoryLinked with: Expertise in chessLinked with: Perceptual-motor expertiseLinked with: Artistic performance : acting, ballet, and contemporary danceLinked with: Expert performance in sport : a cognitive perspectiveLinked with: MusicLinked with: The making of a dream team : when expert teams do bestLinked with: Decision-making expertiseLinked with: Professional judgments and naturalistic decision makingLinked with: Professional writing expertiseLinked with: Expertise in software designLinked with: Expertise and transportationLinked with: Expertise in medicine and surgeryLinked with: Historiometric methodsLinked with: Time, budgets, diaries, and analysis of concurrent practice activitiesLinked with: Retrospective interviews in the study of of expertise and expert performanceLinked with: laboratory studies of training, skill acquisition, and retentions of performanceLinked with: Simulations for performance and trainingLinked with: Protocol analysis and expert thought : concurrent verbalizations of thinking during experts performance on representative tasksLinked with: Eliciting and representing the knowledge of expertsLinked with: Task AnalysisLinked with: laboratory methods for assessing experts and novices knowledgeLinked with: Methods for studying the structure of expertise : psychometric approachesLinked with: Observation of work practices in natural settingsLinked with: Professionalization, scientific expertise, and elitism :a sociological perspectiveLinked with: Expert systems : a perspective from computer scienceLinked with: Educators and expertise : a brief history of theorie and modelsLinked with: Studies of expertise from psychological perspectivesLinked with: Expertise, talent, and social encouragementLinked with: Two approaches to the study of experts characteristicsLinked with: An introduction to The Cambridge handbook of expertise and expert performance : its development, organization and contentSecondary Author: Ericsson, K. Anders, ed.;Charness, Neil, ed.;Feltovich, Paul J, ed.;Hoffman, Robert R., ed.Language: Inglês.Country: Reino Unido.Publication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006Description: 901 p.ISBN: 0521600812.Subject - Topical Name: Desempenho | Peritagem | Desenvolvimento | Capacidade | Modelos | Aprendizagem | Profissionalização | Metodologia | Pensamento | Tomada de Decisão | Arte | Desportos | Musica | Dança | Percepção Motora | Xadrez | Memória | Matemática | Inteligência | Neuropsicologia | Auto-Regulação | Envelhecimento | Criatividade Classification: 2300 - Psicologia Experimental, Psicologia Cognitiva | 2340 - Processos Cognitivos Online Resources:Click here to access online Item type:
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