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A sua pesquisa recuperou 4 resultados.

Writing systems and cognition : perspectives from psychology. physiology, linguistics, and semiotics / ed. W. C. WattNível de parte analítica: Handwriting and the writing hand • Sensory and motor functions of the hand • On the interaction of Greek orthography and phonology : consonent cluster in the syllabic scripts • Forerunners of writing : the social implications • Hieratic is beautiful : ancient egyptian calligraphy revisited • Empirical methods for evaluating generative semiotic models : an application to the Roman majuscules • Curves as angles • Developmental morphographemics II • Some thoughts on a historico-genetic theory of the lettershapes of our alphabet • Some thoughts on a historico-genetic theory of the lettershapes of our alphabet • Some graphotactic constraints • Spelling as culture • A note on teaching writing to Rio slum-children • Predicting reading ability from the invented spellings of kindergarten children • Orthography, reading disability, and cerebral organizationPublicação: Dordrecht : Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994Descrição: 461 p.Disponibilidade:

A psicologia da criança / Jean Piaget , Bärbel InhelderPublicação: Porto : ASA, 1997Descrição: 143 p.Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para empréstimo: Biblioteca ISPACota: D PIAG45 (1).

Outils et signes : perspectives actuelles de la theorie de Vygotski / Sous la direction de Christiane Moro , Bernard Schneuwly, Michel BrossardNível de parte analítica: Action, discours et rationalisation : l'hypothese développementale de Vygotski revisitée • Objet, signe et sémiosis : fondements pour une approche sémiotique du développement préverbal • Le développement de la nouveauté dans le raisonnement : la coordination des processus inductifs et deductifs dans le raisonnement parental • Langage égocentrique, dialogue et intersubjectivité • Pratiques d'ecrit, fonctionnements et développement cognitifs • Fonctions sémiotiques et structures graphiques • Les déficiences et l'approche comparative du développement • Passez-moi la boussole! : methodologie historico-culturelle pour enseigner les mathématiques • Activités avec instruments et dynamique cognitive du sujet • Le myth de l'unité épistémologique de l'école historico-culturelle : L.S. Vygotski versus LéontievPublicação: Bern : Peter Lang, 1997Descrição: VI, 221 p.Disponibilidade:

Embodied grounding : social, cognitive, affective, and neuroscientific approaches / Gun R. Semin, Eliot R. SmithNível de parte analítica: Expression entails anticipation : towards a self-regulatory model of bodily feedback effects • The embobied emotional mind • The embodiment of emotion • Affective coherence : affect as embodied evidence in attitude, adversising, and art • Embodied persuasion : fundamental processes by wich bodily responses can impact attitudes • The embodiment of power and communalism in space and bodily contact • An embodied account of self-other overlap and its effects • Grounding social cognition : synchronization, coordination, and co-regulation • What thoughts are made of • Brain embodiment of category-specific semantic memory circuits • Toward the integration of bodily states, language, and action • Grounding symbolic operations in the brain's modal systems • Introducing embodied groundingPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2008Descrição: 312 p.Disponibilidade:
