A sua pesquisa recuperou 24 resultados.

Thinking and reasoning : Special issue - development and reasoning / ed. Henry Markovitz, Pierre BarrouilletNível de parte analítica: From inference to reasoning : the construction of rationality • Developing reason • Working memory, inhibitory control and the development of children's reasoning • A dual-process approach to cognitive development : the case of children's understanding of sunk cost decisions • The development of deductive reasoning : how important is complexity? • Introduction : why is understanding the development of reasoning important?Publicação: Hove : Psychology Press, 2004Descrição: 126 p.Disponibilidade:

Reasoning, rationality and dual processes / Jonathan St B. T. EvansPublicação: London : Psychology Press, 2014Descrição: 278 pDisponibilidade:

Psychology and the real world: an introduction / James R. Pomerantz, Morton Ann GensbacherDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: S1 GERN1 (1). :

Psicologia cognitiva e perturbações emocionais / J. Mark G. Williams, et al.Publicação: Lisboa : Climepsi, 2000Descrição: 423 p.Disponibilidade:

Processando a informação sobre os outros II : representação cognitiva de pessoas e inferências espontâneas de traço / ed. Teresa Garcia Marques, Leonel Garcia MarquesNível de parte analítica: Inferências espontâneas de traço : ligadas ao actor ou à acção? • Facilitação da reaprendizagem de informação relativa a traços como evidência da geração de inferências espontâneas • Quão automáticos são os julgamentos sociais? • Acerca dos pensamentos silenciados : inferência social e auto-regulação do comportamento • Ocupação cognitiva : quando os percepientes encontram os percepcionados • Constrangimentos induzidos pelo percepiente : interpretações de realidades autoconstruídas • A atribuição de atitudes • Papéis sociais, controlo social e enviesamentos nos processos de percepção social • Percepção social e causalidade fenomenológica • Inferir primeiro e pensar depois : inferências de traço na cognição socialPublicação: Lisboa : ISPA, 2005Descrição: 271 p. : quadros, gráficosDisponibilidade:

Percursos da investigação em psicologia social e organizacional / Org. Maria Benedicta Monteiro, et al.Publicação: Lisboa : Colibri, 2007Descrição: 182 p.Disponibilidade:

Para além do QI : uma perspectiva mais ampla de inteligência / Alexandra BrancoPublicação: [S.l.] : Quarteto, 2004Descrição: 224 pDisponibilidade: :

The nature of emotion : fundamental questions / ed. Paul Ekman ; Richard DavidsonPublicação: New York : Oxford University Press, 1994Descrição: 496 p.Disponibilidade:

Modelling word recognition and reading aloud [Número Temático] / Guest editors: Johannes C. Ziegler, Jonathan Grainger, Marc BrysbaertNível de conjunto: European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, Vol. 22 nº 5 (2010)Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R5 (1). :

International handbook of emotions in education / ed. Reinhard Pekrun, Lisa Linnenbrink-GarciaNível de parte analítica: Conclusions and future directions • Measuring situated emotion • Autonomic nervous system measurement of emotion in education and achievement settings • Neuroscientific contributions to understanding and measuring emotions in educational contexts • Observational appraoches to the measurement of emotions • Self-report measures of academic emotions • The influence of culture on emotions • Caregiving influences on emotion regulation: educational implications of a behavioral perspective • Teacher emotions • Emotions in advanced learning technologies • Situating emotions in classroom practices • Emotions in science education • Perspectives on emotion in mathematical engagement, learning, and problem solving • Transforming students lives with social and emotional learning • Regulating emotions related to testing • The role of emotion in engagement, coping, and the development of motivational resilience • Academic boredom • Confusion • Anxiety in education • Shame and pride and their effects on student achievement • Curiosity • Interest and enjoyment • Emotion regulation in education : conceptual foundations, current applications and future directions • Emotional intelligence in education • Achievement goals and emotions • Control-value theory of achievement emotions • An attributional approach to emotional life in the classroom • Implicit motives, affect, and the development of competencies: a virtuous-circle model of motive-driven learning • The experience of emotions during goal pursuit • Affect and cognitive processes in educational contexts • Concepts and structures of emotions • Introduction to emotions in educationPublicação: New York : Routledge, 2014Descrição: 698 pDisponibilidade:

Handbook of eyewitness psychology / eds. R. C. L. Lindsay, David F. Ross, J. Don Read, Michael P. TogliaPublicação: New York : Psychology Press, 2007Descrição: 601 p.Disponibilidade:

Handbook of educational psychology / ed. Patricia A. Alexander, Philip H. WinnePublicação: Mahwah : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2006Descrição: 1055 p.Disponibilidade:

Fundamentos filosóficos da neurociência / M. R. Bennett, P. M. S. HackerPublicação: Lisboa : Instituto Piaget, 2005Descrição: 497 p.Disponibilidade:

Dual process theory 2.0 / Wim de NeysNível de parte analítica: Dual process theory 2.0: an introduction • A perspective on the theorectical foundation of dual process models • The parallel processing model of belief bias • Bias, conflict, and fant logic: towards a hybrid dual process future? • Comparing dual process theories: evidence from event-related potentials • The fuzzy-trace dual process model • Conflict and dual process theory: the case of belief bias • Dual process theory: perspectives and problemsPublicação: London : Routledge, 2018Descrição: 159 p.Disponibilidade:

The developmental psychology of reasoning and decision-making / Ed. Henry MarkovitsNível de parte analítica: The development of counterfactual reasoning • How to develop a logical reasoner: a hierarchical model of the role of divergent thinking in the development of conditional reasoning • Heuristics, biases and the development of conflict detection during reasoning • Epistemic domains of reasoning • Heuristics and biases during adolescence: developmental reversals and individual differences • A developmental mental model theory of conditional reasoning • Gist processing in judgment and decision making: developmental reversals predicted by fuzzy-trace theory • Assessing the development of rationalityPublicação: Hove : Psychology Press, 2014Descrição: 189 pDisponibilidade:

Contemporary motivation research : from global to local perspectives / ed. Marold Wosnitza, Stuart A. Karabenick, Anastasia Efklides, Peter NinnigerNível de parte analítica: Striving for personal goals : the role of negative mood and the availability of mood-regulation strategies • Incentives and flow experience in learning settings and the moderating role of individual differences • Normative vs. non-normative performance goals : effects on behavioral and emotional regulation in achievement situations • Influencing students' motivation for school : the case of first-year students from different ethnic backgrounds in the Netherlands in the lowest level of secondary school • Student's perceptions of parental attitudes toward academic achievement : effects on motivation, self-concept and school achievement • Motivation development in novice teachers : the development of utility filters • Specification issues in the use of multilevel modeling to examine the effects of classroom context : the case of classroom goal structures • The impact of goal and feedback treatments on self-determined motivation and situational interest in a computer-based learning context • Interest and efficacy beliefs in self-regulated learning : does the task make a difference? • Mediators and moderators of approach-performance and avoidance-performance relationships in children : theoretical and experimental aspects • Linking personality to work motivation and performance : individual differences effects • On a differential explanation of self-direction in motivating learning environments • Metacognitive experiences as the link between situational characteristics, motivation, and affect in self-regulated learning • Global and local perspectives on human affect : implications of the control-value theory of achievement emotions • Motivational aspects of cognitive load theory • A framework for personal content goals in colaborative learning contexts • Seeking help : generalizable self-regulatory process and social-cultural barometer • Motivation in school from contextual and longitudinal perspectivesPublicação: Cambridge : Hogrefe, 2009Descrição: 377 p.Disponibilidade:

A compendium of neuropsychological tests : administration, norms, and commentary / Esther Strauss, Elizabeth M. S. Sherman, Otfried SpreenPublicação: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2006Descrição: 1216 p.Disponibilidade:

Cogniton et émotions / ed. Gilles KirouacNível de parte analítica: Perception des symptomes et reactions emotionnelles lors des maladies mortelles • Émotion, cognition et immunité • L'interaction cognition-émotion et la psychologie clinique • La régulation des comportements expressifs émotionnels • Les promesses et limites de l'étude de l'émotion en laboratoire • Émotion ressentie et simulée • La reconnaissanxce de k'expression faciale des émotions • Émotion et mémoire : la rémanence des expériences émotionnelles • Le langage des émotions : leur donner une voix ou les mettre en paroles? • Facteurs cognitifs et reactións corporelles dans les processus émotionnel • Le systeme mental en tant que composant de l'emotionPublicação: Coimbra : Imprensa da Universidade, 2004Descrição: 223 p.Disponibilidade:

Cognitive diathesis-stress theories of depression : toward an adequate evaluation of the theories' validities / Lyn Abramson, co-aut. Lauren Alloy, co-aut. Gerald MetalskyDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: C1 ALLO1 (2). :

Clinical neuropsychology / ed. Kenneth M. Heilman, Edward ValensteinNível de parte analítica: Pharmacotherapy of cognition • Recovery of cognition • Neuropsychology of dementia • Amnesic disorders • Hallucinations and related conditions • Emotional disorders associated with neurological diseases • The frontal lobes • The callosal syndromes • Neglect and related disorders • Agnosia • Apraxia • Anosognosia • Acalculia and disturbances of the body schema • Disorders of visual-spatial perception and cognition • Agraphia • Acquired dyslexia • Lexical-semantic aspects of language disorders • Syntactic aspects of language disorders • Phonologic aspects of language disorders • Aphasic syndromesPublicação: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2003Descrição: 716 p.Disponibilidade:
