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Clinical neuropsychology / ed. Kenneth M. Heilman, Edward Valenstein

Linked with: Pharmacotherapy of cognitionLinked with: Recovery of cognitionLinked with: Neuropsychology of dementiaLinked with: Amnesic disordersLinked with: Hallucinations and related conditionsLinked with: Emotional disorders associated with neurological diseasesLinked with: The frontal lobesLinked with: The callosal syndromesLinked with: Neglect and related disordersLinked with: AgnosiaLinked with: ApraxiaLinked with: AnosognosiaLinked with: Acalculia and disturbances of the body schemaLinked with: Disorders of visual-spatial perception and cognitionLinked with: AgraphiaLinked with: Acquired dyslexiaLinked with: Lexical-semantic aspects of language disordersLinked with: Syntactic aspects of language disordersLinked with: Phonologic aspects of language disordersLinked with: Aphasic syndromesSecondary Author: Heilman, Kenneth M., ed.;Valenstein, Edward, ed.Language: Inglês.Country: Estados Unidos.Publication: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2003Description: 716 p.ISBN: 0195133676.Subject - Topical Name: Psicobiologia | Neuropsicologia | Cérebro | Perturbação Cognitiva | Processo Cognitivo | Demência | Delírio | Neurobiologia | Deficiência Mental | Apraxia | Imagem do Corpo | Afasia | Linguagem | Perturbação da Linguagem | Dislexia | Perturbações Emocionais | Lobo Frontal | Farmacologia Classification: 2520 - Neuropsicologia e Neurologia | 2570 - Psicobiologia Online Resources:Click here to access online Item type:
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Livro Livro Biblioteca ISPA P3 HEIL1 Available 17339

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