A sua pesquisa recuperou 3 resultados.

Personality, stress and coping: implications for education / ed. Gretchen M. Reevy, Erica FrydenbergNível de parte analítica: Personality hardiness as a pathway to resielce under educational stresses • Building inner resilience in teachers and students • You are who you are: a mixed method study of affectivity and emotional regulation in curbing teacher burnout • Personality traits, preventive coping, and self-care in master's level counselor training • Relationships of big five traits and coping mechanisms with college grade point average • Implict theories of personality, stress, and coping of chinese nursing students • College student's meaning making following sgnificante loss • Optimism, emotional support, and depression among first-year university students: implications for psychological functionong within the educational setting • The relationship between positive development during the transation to adulthood and education, temperament, and personality • Understanding adolescent risk taking behavior: exploring the motivations, personalities and coping styles of young people in a school-based population • Coping styles and anxiety among gemale victims of bullying • Implicit theories of personality predict motivation to use prosocial coping responses after bullying in high school • The relationship between coping strategies, decision-coping patterns, and self-efficacy in adolescence • Adolescent coping styles and task-specific responses: does style roreshadow action?Publicação: Charlotte : Information Age Publishing, 2011Descrição: 323 pDisponibilidade:

Handbook of research methods in early childhood education: review of research methodologies / ed. Olivia N. SarachoNível de parte analítica: Elements in writing scientific research publications • Reading and interpreting early childhood research • Re-examining the literature review: purposes, approaches, and issues • Methods for developing scientific education: research-based development of practices, pedagogies, programs, and policies • Past as prologue : doing historical research in early childhood education • Conducting historical research in early childhood education • Preschoolers' selective learning from adults: Lessons for research methods in early childhood education • Microethnographic research in early childhood education • Action research with children • Case study research • Innovative qualitative research methods with children aged 4-7 years • Conducting early childhood qualitative research in the twenty-first century • Grounded Theory • Using mixed methods in research with young children across cultures and contexts • Story completion play narrative methods for preschools children • Ethical, narrative, and projective processes in research interviews with young children • Utility of implementaion and intervention preformance checklists for conducting research in early childhood education • Using the critical incident technique in early childhood research • The delphi process • Q-methodology as Q-sorting as tools for addressing research questions in educational settings: historical overview and illustrations use three standardized Q-sets • Using Q methodology in conducting research with young children • Sociometric measures por peer relations research with young children • Using peer sociometrics and behavioral nominations with young children • Research methodologies for studying young childrenPublicação: Charlotte : Information Age Publishing, 2015Descrição: 866 pDisponibilidade:

Handbook of research methods in early childhood education / ed. Olivia N. SarachoNível de parte analítica: Informed consent in research with young children: consensus, critique, and contextual negotiation • Participatory rights-based research: learning from young children's perspectives in research that affects their lives • Engaging with young children as co-researchers: a child rights-based approach • The ethics of research with young children • Research methods and ethics working with young children • Teachers and research: gatekeeper, participant and partner roles • Researching social agency and morality: theory and practice for working with younger children • Children's selective trust in others: developments, practices and problems • Researching play in early childhood • Using children's drawings as a source of data in research • New directions in researching young children's art making • Research methods in the mortor domain in early childhood • Interviewing young children using psycho-and micro-genetic design methodology to assess undestandings of reading and writing: the promise and challenge • Exploring the significance of linguistic and culturally diversity: ethnomethodology and the use of PhotoVoice • Studying young children's cognitive and social-emotional development with ERP methodology • Using video modeling in conducting research with young children • The methodological tortoise and the technological hare: a discussion of methods for conducting research on new technologies and young children • Methods for assessing parent-child interactions in large-scale studies • Research with young children and their families in indigenous, immigrant and refugee communities • The interrelated roles of early childhood policy and early childhood research • Observing the social interactions of children with disabilities: to answer critical research questions in early childhood • Using observational assessment in conducting research with young children in classroom settings • Using naturalistic observation to syudy children's engagement within early childhood classrooms • Critical perspectives on research methodologies in early childhood educationPublicação: Charlotte : Information Age Publishing, 2015Descrição: 761 p.Disponibilidade:
