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A sua pesquisa recuperou 120 resultados.

Young children's cognitive development: interrelationships among executive functioning, working memory, verbal ability, and theory of mind / ed. Wolfgang Schneider, Ruth Schumann-Hengsteler, Beate SodianNível de parte analítica: Executive functions, working memory, verbal ability, and theory of mind - does it all come together? • Interrelationships among theory of mind, executive control, language development, and working memory in young children : a longitudinal analysis • Theory of mind, language, and executive functions in Autism: a longitudinal perspective • Theory of mind, working memory, and verbal ability in preshool children: the proposal of a relay race model of the developmental dependencies • What fMRI can tell us about the ToM-EF connection : false beliefs, working memory, and inhibition • The developmental relation of theory of mind and executive functions : a study of advanced theory of mind abilities in children with attention deficit hyperctivity disorder • The evolution of theory of mind: big brains, social complexity, and inhibition • On the specificity of the relarion between executuve function and children's theories of mind • Theory of mind: the case for conceptual development • Hot and cool aspects of executive function : relations in early development • From rag(bag) to riches: measuring the developing central executive • Working memory and its relevance for cognitive development • Introduction and overviewPublicação: Mahwah : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2005Descrição: 318 p.Disponibilidade:

Writing and cognition : research and applications / Mark Torrance, Luuk Van Waes, David GalbraightNível de parte analítica: Supporting indiviual view and mutual awareness in a collaborative writing task : the case of collaboracion • Learning by hypertext writing : effects of considering a single audience versus multiple audiences on knowledge acquisition • Longitudinal studies of the effects of new technologies on writing : two cases studies • How do writers adapt to speech recognition software? : the influence of learning styles on writing processes in speech technology environments • Talking to write : investigating the practical impact and theoretical implications of speech recognition (SR) software on real writing tasks • Preformulation in press releases : what the writing process tells us about product characteristics • Cognitive processes in discursive synthesis : the case of intertextual processing strategies • Approaches to writing • Developmental trends in a writing to learn task • The effect of writting of phonological awareness in Spanish • The writing superiority effect in the verbal recall of knowledge : sources and determinants • Skilled writers' generating strategies in L1 and L2 : an exploratory study • The dynamics of idea generation during writing : an online study • Effects of note-taking and working-memory span on cognitive effort and recall performance • Verbal and visual working memory in written sentence production • GIS for writing : applying geographical information systems techniques to data mine writings' cognitive processes • The word.level focus in text production by adults with reading and writing difficulties • Enfluence of typing skill on pause-execution cycles in written composition • From written word to written sentence production • Parallel processing before and after pauses : a combined analysis of graphomotor and eye movements during procedural text productionPublicação: Amsterdam : Elsevier, 2007Descrição: 363 p.Disponibilidade:

What a fish knows : the inner lives of our underwater cousins / Jonathan BalcombePublicação: London : Oneworld, 2016Descrição: 288 p.Disponibilidade:

Uma memória do futuro / Wilfred R. BionPublicação: Rio De Janeiro : Imago, 1996Descrição: 203 p.Disponibilidade:

Um esboço biográfico de um bebé / Charles DarwinDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: D SLAT1 (1). :

Thinking, problem solving, cognition / Richard E. Mayer ; Ben DysonPublicação: New York : W. H. Freeman and Company, 1991Descrição: 360 p.Disponibilidade:

Thinking and reasoning : Special issue - development and reasoning / ed. Henry Markovitz, Pierre BarrouilletNível de parte analítica: From inference to reasoning : the construction of rationality • Developing reason • Working memory, inhibitory control and the development of children's reasoning • A dual-process approach to cognitive development : the case of children's understanding of sunk cost decisions • The development of deductive reasoning : how important is complexity? • Introduction : why is understanding the development of reasoning important?Publicação: Hove : Psychology Press, 2004Descrição: 126 p.Disponibilidade:

Testes neuropsicológicos de avaliação da memória em crianças e adolescentes : I / Mário R. Simões, Ana F. Lopes, M. Salomé PinhoNível de conjunto: Psychologica, Nº 34 (2003), p. 245-255Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R1 (1). :

Teaching preschool children coping skills for stress management / Gloria S. Elder, Jennie C. TrotterDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: E2 ELIA1 (1). :

The study of dyslexia / ed. Martin Turner, ed. John RackNível de parte analítica: Dyslexia and self-esteem • An introduction to the theory and practice of psychological testing • Review of research evidence on effective intervention • Accelerating word reading, spelling, and comprehension skills with synthetic phonics • Verbal memory in the learning of literacy • Phonological skills, learning to read, and dyslexia • The science of dyslexia : a review of contemporary approaches • The neurobiology of dyslexia • Genetic and environmental causes of reading disabilities : results from the Colorado learning disabilities research center • Visual factors in dyslexiaPublicação: New York : Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers, 2004Descrição: 289 p.Disponibilidade:

A special issue of Memory : levels of processing 30 years on / Edited by Martin A. ConwayNível de parte analítica: Heterarchy of cognition : the depths and highsof a framework for memory research • Levels of processing, transfer-appropriate processing, and the concept of robust encoding • The myth of the encoding-retrieval match • Directed remembering : sublimal cues alter nonconscious memory strategies • On the perceptual specificity of memory representations • Level of processing and the process-dissociation procedure : elusiveness of null effects on estimates of automatic retrieval • Levels of processing : a view from functional brain imaging • Limits and province of levels of processing : considerations of a construct • Organisation : what levels of processing are levels of • Processing appraches to cognition : the impetus from the levels-of-processing framework • Levels of processing : past, present... and future?Publicação: Hove : Psychology Press, 2002Descrição: p. 305-424Disponibilidade:

Social psychology of consumer behavior / ed. Michaela WankeNível de parte analítica: The dynamics of self-regulation : when goals commit versus liberate • The impulsive consumer predicting consumer behavior with implicit reaction time measures • The persuasive power of regulatory fit • Taking the Target's perspective : the persuasion knowledge model • Normative influences on consuption and conservation behaviors • Television viewing and social reality effects and underlying processes • Cross-cultural issues in consumer behavior • When thinking is dificult : metacognitive experiences as information • The lexicon and grammar of affect as information in consumer decision making : the GAIM • Conditiioning as a source of liking : there is nothing simple about it • Compensatory reasoning in choice • Brands and susessful brand e extensions : a social psychology perspective on economic perspective on economic questions • The rational uncounscious : conscious versus unconscious thought in complex consumer choice • Psychological distance and consumer behavior : a construal level theory perspective • Social psychology and consumer psychology : an unexplored interface • What's social about consumer behavior?Publicação: New York : Psychology Press, 2009Descrição: 396 p.Disponibilidade:

Social cognition: from brains to culture / Susan T. Fiske, Shelley E. TaylorPublicação: Los Angeles : Sage, 2013Descrição: 580 p.Disponibilidade:

Social cognition : from brains to culture / Susan T. Fiske, Shelley E. TaylorPublicação: New York : McGraw-Hill, 2008Descrição: 540 p.Disponibilidade:

The seven sins of memory : how the mind forgets and remembers / Daniel L. SchacterPublicação: Boston : Houghton Mifflin Company, 2001Descrição: X, 272 p.Disponibilidade:

The science of false memory / C. J. Brainerd, V. F. ReynaPublicação: New York : Oxford University Press, 2005Descrição: 559 p.Disponibilidade:

Sémiologie des troubles de la mémoire / C. Derouesné, L. LacomblezDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: DR EMC1 (1). :

Routes to reading sucess and failure : toward an integrated cognitive psychology of atypical reading / Nancy Ewald Jackson, Max ColtheartPublicação: New York : Psychology Press, 2001Descrição: 225 p.Disponibilidade:

Rewriting the soul : multiple personality and the sciences of memory / Ian HackingPublicação: Princeton : Princeton University Press, 1995Descrição: 336 p.Disponibilidade:
