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Handbook of self-regulation / Ed. Monique Boekaerts, Paul R. Pintrich, Moshe Zeidner

Ligado a: Self-regulation: directions and challenges for future researchLigado a: Self-regulation interventions with a focus on learning strategiesLigado a: Self-regulation: a chararacteristic and a goal of mathematics educationLigado a: Teacher innovations in self-regulated learningLigado a: Self-regulation and academic learning: self-efficacy enhancing interventionsLigado a: Self-management of chronic illnessLigado a: Self-regulation and distress in clinical psychologyLigado a: Measuring self-regulated learningLigado a: Motivation and action in self-regulated learningLigado a: The role of goal orientation in self-regulated learningLigado a: Self-regulated learning: finding a balance between learning goals and ego-protective goalsLigado a: regulation, self-regulation, and the construction of the self in the maintenance of physical healthLigado a: Self-regulation and health behavior: the health behavior goal modelLigado a: Self-regulation in organizational settings: a tale of two paradigmasLigado a: Communal aspects of self-regulationLigado a: THe role of intention in self-regulation:toward intentional systemic mindfulnessLigado a: Organization and development of self-understanding and self-regulation: toward a general theoryLigado a: Personality, self-regulation, and adaptation: a cognitive-social frameworkLigado a: A functional-design approach to motivation and self-regulation: the dynamics of personality systems interactionsLigado a: Aspects of goal networks: implications fro self-regulationLigado a: On the structure of behavioral self-regulationLigado a: Attaining self-regulation: a social cognitive perspectiveLigado a: Self-regulation: an introductory overviewAutor secundário: Boekaerts, Monique, ed.;Pintrick, Paul R., ed.;Zeidner, Moshe, ed.Idioma: Inglês.País: Reino Unido.Publicação: San Diego : Academic Press, 2005Descrição: 784 p.ISBN: 9780123695192.Assunto - Nome comum: Psicologia Educacional | Auto-regulação | Motivação | Auto-conceito | Desenvolvimento | Psicologia clínica | Stresse | Doença crónica | Aprendizagem | Matemática | Estratégia de aprendizagem Classificação: 3500 - Psicologia Educacional Recursos em linha:Clicar aqui para aceder online Tipo de documento:
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