Cognitive psychology : connecting mind, research, and everiday experience / E. Bruce Goldstein Publicação: Belmont : Thomson, 2008Descrição: 552 p.Disponibilidade:
Clinical neuropsychology / ed. Kenneth M. Heilman, Edward Valenstein Nível de parte analítica: Pharmacotherapy of cognition • Recovery of cognition • Neuropsychology of dementia • Amnesic disorders • Hallucinations and related conditions • Emotional disorders associated with neurological diseases • The frontal lobes • The callosal syndromes • Neglect and related disorders • Agnosia • Apraxia • Anosognosia • Acalculia and disturbances of the body schema • Disorders of visual-spatial perception and cognition • Agraphia • Acquired dyslexia • Lexical-semantic aspects of language disorders • Syntactic aspects of language disorders • Phonologic aspects of language disorders • Aphasic syndromesPublicação: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2003Descrição: 716 p.Disponibilidade:
Classic cases in neuropsychology / ed. Chris Code, et al. Nível de parte analítica: Gail D.-Poizner, Klima, and Bellugi's (1987) deaf agrammatic signer : form and function in the specialisation of the left cerebral hemisphere for speech and language • H.M. : yhe medial temporal lobes and memory • Speech from the isolated right hemisphere? : left hemispherectomy cases E.C. and N.F. • Akelaitis' investigations of the first split-brain patients • A psychosurgical chapter in the history of cerebral localisation : the six cases of Gotlieb Burckhardt (1891) • Anomaly in relations of hand, language, and brain : crossed aphasia in histy cross-examined • Phineas Gage : a case for all reasons • Broca's first two cases : from bumps on the head to cortical convolutions • Warrington and Shallice's (1984) category-specific aphasic J.B.R. • W.L.P. : a case for the modularity of language function and dementia • G. R., the prime deep dyslexic : a comentary on Marshall and Newcombe (1966) • Paterson and Zanfwill's (1994) : case of unilateral neglect : insights from 50 years of experimental inquiry • Monrad-Krohn's foreign-accent syndrome case • Lewandowsky's case of object-colour agnosia • Balint-Holme's syndrome • Liepmann (1900-and 1905) : a definition of apraxia and a model of praxis • Wilbrand's case of mind-blindness • Poppelreuteur's case of Merk : the analysis of visual disturbances following a gunshot wound to the brain • Bodamer on prosoagnosia • Nineteenth-century accounts of the nature of the lexicon and semantics : riddles podes by the case of Johann Voit • A case reported by sérieux : the first description of a primary progressive world deafness • Charcot's case of impaired imagery • Wernicke's (1903) case of pure agraphia : an enigma for classical models of written language processing • Classic cases : ancient and modrn milestones in the development pf neuroppsychological sciencePublicação: Hove : Psychology Press, 1996Descrição: 385 p.Disponibilidade:
Children with autism : diagnosis and interventions to meet their needs / Colwyn Trevarthen, Kenneth Aitken, Despina Papoudi, Jacqueline Robarts Publicação: London : Jessica Kingsley, 2003Descrição: XVI, 348 p.Disponibilidade:
Cerebro y conducta / Eric R. Kandel Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: P3 KAND1 (1). :
The brain and the inner world : an introduction to the neuroscience of subjective experience / Mark Solms, Oliver Turnbull Publicação: London : Other, 2002Descrição: 343 p.Disponibilidade:
Aquém e além do cérebro : Consciência e cérebro : Actas do 5º simpósio da Fundação Bial realizado na Casa do Médico, nos dias 31 d Março a 3 de Abril de 2004 / org. Nuno Grande, Alexandre Castro Caldas, Dietrich Lehmann, Fernando Lopes Silva, Mário Simões, Robert Morris, Rui Mota Cardoso Publicação: Porto : Fundação Bial, 2004Descrição: 301 p.Disponibilidade:
Aquém e além do cérebro = behind and beyond the brain: sono e sonhos = sleep and dreams / Fundação BIAL Nível de parte analítica: Dream counsciousness • Sleep, memory and dreams: putting it all together • Dreams, emotions and brain plasticity • Lying awake of insomnia: imaging causes and consequences • Dream ESP studies before maimonides: an overvew, 1880s - 1950s • Spontaneous psi dreams: Louisa E. Rhines's studies revisited • Spontaneous psi dreams: Louisa E. Rhines's studies revisited • What have learned from experimental tests of dream ESP? • The psychology of precognitive dream experiences • Waking life and dreaming : how they interact • Dynamic structure of Nrem sleep and cognition • Exploring the world of lucid dreaming • Sono, sonhos e sociedadePublicação: S. Mamede do Coronado : Fundação BIAL, 2012Descrição: 218 pDisponibilidade:
Aquém e além do cérebro = Behind and beyond the brain: Interações mente-matéria = mind-matter interactions / Fundação BIAL Nível de parte analítica: Bidirectional interactions between the brain and implantable computers • Learning about the brain by using brain machine interfaces • Brain-computer interface implants: the power and potential of cortical surface electrodes • Brain-machine interfaces (BMIS) in paralysis • Mind-matter interaction experiments with light • Mind-matter interactions: on the rollercoaster from data to theory and back again • An analysis of the global consciousness project • Consciousness, free will and quantum brain biology: the orch or theory • Decoding functional information at macroscopic and mesoscopic scales in the human brain: from basic research to cninical applications • Mind-matter interactions in severe brain injury and coma • Religious and atheistic mindbrains • The sense of agency and its place in human existencyPublicação: S. Mamede do Coronado : Fundação BIAL, 2015Descrição: 272 pDisponibilidade:
Aquém e além do cérebro = Behind and beyond the brain: Efeitos de placebo, curas e meditação = placebo effects, healing and meditation / Fundação Bial Nível de parte analítica: The emperor's new drugs: medication and placebo in the treatment of depression • Teach the T cells: how learning can shape immunity • Neurochemical systems involved in the formation of placebo effects on pain and in major depression • Unsolved, forgotten, and / or ignored features of the placebo response in meedicine • Placebo science: magic you can really believe in • The possible role of mental influence in evidence-based medicine • Brains and beyond: the unfolding vision of health and healingPublicação: Coronado : Fundação Bial, 2017Descrição: 244 pDisponibilidade:
Aquém e além do cérebro = Behind and beyond the brain: potenciar a mente = enhancing the mind / Fundação Bial Nível de parte analítica: The emperor's new drugs: medication and placebo in the treatment of depression • Teach the T cells: how learning can shape immunity • Neurochemical systems involved in the formation of placebo effects on pain and in major depression • Unsolved, forgotten, and / or ignored features of the placebo response in meedicine • Placebo science: magic you can really believe in • The possible role of mental influence in evidence-based medicine • Brains and beyond: the unfolding vision of health and healing • Enhancing brain and cognition • Enhancing human cognition using noninvasive brain stimulation • Cosmetic neurology : ethical consideration and public attitudes • Cognitive enhancement and doping in sport • The neuroscience of working memory capacity and training • Derangement of the senses or alternate epistemological pathways? altered counsciousness and human potentials • Ayahuasca as a mind enhancer - its knowledge and potential • Enhancing the mind in ancient Greece • Regulation of attention and emotions by meditation : neuphysiological basis and implications for metal and physical health • Understanding the world collectivelly • Simple minds living in complez social world • Brain vs. machine control, which one gets the power? • Collective intelligence as a central characteristic of small groupsPublicação: Coronado : Fundação Bial, 2018Descrição: 236 pDisponibilidade:
Aquém e além do cérebro = Behind and beyond the brain / Fundação Bial Nível de parte analítica: Methodological principles for a scientific parapsychology • The development of the self in humans • Understanding self and others : insights from autism • The biological self • O self : uma perspectiva filosófica • Where, when and who is the self • Cases of apparent possession and the self • Parapsychology and the self : a philosopher's perspectivePublicação: Porto : Fundação Bial, 1998Descrição: 366 p.Disponibilidade: