Handbook of research methods in early childhood education / ed. Olivia N. Saracho Nível de parte analítica: Informed consent in research with young children: consensus, critique, and contextual negotiation • Participatory rights-based research: learning from young children's perspectives in research that affects their lives • Engaging with young children as co-researchers: a child rights-based approach • The ethics of research with young children • Research methods and ethics working with young children • Teachers and research: gatekeeper, participant and partner roles • Researching social agency and morality: theory and practice for working with younger children • Children's selective trust in others: developments, practices and problems • Researching play in early childhood • Using children's drawings as a source of data in research • New directions in researching young children's art making • Research methods in the mortor domain in early childhood • Interviewing young children using psycho-and micro-genetic design methodology to assess undestandings of reading and writing: the promise and challenge • Exploring the significance of linguistic and culturally diversity: ethnomethodology and the use of PhotoVoice • Studying young children's cognitive and social-emotional development with ERP methodology • Using video modeling in conducting research with young children • The methodological tortoise and the technological hare: a discussion of methods for conducting research on new technologies and young children • Methods for assessing parent-child interactions in large-scale studies • Research with young children and their families in indigenous, immigrant and refugee communities • The interrelated roles of early childhood policy and early childhood research • Observing the social interactions of children with disabilities: to answer critical research questions in early childhood • Using observational assessment in conducting research with young children in classroom settings • Using naturalistic observation to syudy children's engagement within early childhood classrooms • Critical perspectives on research methodologies in early childhood educationPublicação: Charlotte : Information Age Publishing, 2015Descrição: 761 p.Disponibilidade:
Handbook of psychotherapy in cancer care / Ed. Maggie Watson, Ed. David Kissane Nível de parte analítica: Reconstructing meaning in bereavement • Psychosocial interventions for elderly cancer patients : how old would you be if you did not know old you are? • Therapy for parental cancer and dependent children • Psychotherapy with paediatric and adolescent cancer patients • Therapy in the setting of genetic presdisposition to cancer • Focused family therapy in palliative care and bereavement • Therapies for sexual dysfunction • Couples therapy and advanced cancer : using intimacy and meaning to reduce existential distress • Couple-Fpcused group intervention for women with early brest cancer and their partners • Meaning-centered Group psychotherapy • A short term, structured, psychoeducational intervention for newly diagnosed cancer patients • Supportive-expressive group psychotherapy • Written emotional disclosure • Dignity therapy • Narrative therapy • Motivational counselling in substance dependence • Relaxation and image based therapy • Mindfulness interventions for cancer patients • Cognitive analytic therapy in psycho-oncology • Cognitive-behavioural therapies in cancer care • Supportive psychotherapy in cancer care : an essential ingredient of all therapyPublicação: Oxford : Wiley-Blackwell, 2011Descrição: 266 p.Disponibilidade:
Guião de anamnese neuropsicológica / Marta Gonçalves, Alexandre Castro-Caldas Nível de conjunto: Psychologica, Nº 34 (2003), p. 257-266Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: R1 (1). :
From impression to inquiry: a tribute to the work of Robert Wallerstein / ed. Wilma Bucci, Norbert Freedman Nível de parte analítica: The vision of CAMP and the future of psychoanalytic theraphy research • Building the research-practice interface: achievements and unresolved questions • First steps towards a clinical research library • The Open Access Project: origins and new directions • Scales of psychological capacities: the Munich contribution to their psychometric qualities • Application of the scales of psychological capacities in a multiperspective, representative follow-up study • The development of the scales of psychological capacities: a work in progress • Two little-known events in Bob Wallerstein's contributions to the Penn Psychoanalytic Treatment Collection • The evolution of some short stories • Bob Wallerstein in Topeka • My life as a psychoanalytic therapy researcher and in CAMP • An appreciation of Dr Waççerstein's contributions to psychoanalytic research • Tribute to Bob Wallerstein • In honour of Robert Wallerstein • Introduction: Robert Wallerstein's vision and the evolution of psychoanalytic research - the one and the manyPublicação: London : Karnac, Intenational Psychoanalytic Association, 2007Descrição: 280 p.Disponibilidade:
A entrevista em clínica / Coord. Catherine Cyssau Nível de parte analítica: O clínico face à entrevista : instituição, transmissão, formação • A entrevista com a pessoa idosa • A entrevista e a sua dinâmica na adolescência • Do discurso sobre a criança ao discurso da criança • Em torno do bebé • A entrevista clínica com o casal e a família • A entrevista em meio judicial • Entrevista e vítimas de traumatismo • A entrevista segundo o paradigma do autismo : perante as condutas de retraimento, de auto-sufuciência e com a dimensão do não verbal • A entrevista clínica com a zona psicótica da psique • A entrevista psicoterapêutica segundo o modelo da neurose • A primeira entrevista • A entrevista clínica de peritagem • A entrevista com os testes projectivos • A entrevista de diagnóstico • A entrevista de pesquisa • A entrevista sistémica • Transcultural : algures e aqui • A perspectiva fenomenológica • A entrevista psicológica • Os modelos de comunicação psicanalítica • A palavra e a linguagem em psicanálisePublicação: Lisboa : Climepsi, 2005Descrição: 357 p.Disponibilidade: