Unidades de lingua e unidades de escrita : evolução e modalidades da segmentação gráfica / Marie-Jose Béguelin Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: E2 FERR17 (1). :
Understanding the incomprehensible : redundancy analysis as an attempt tp decipher biographic interviews / Dietmar Larcher Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: E2 SCHR1 (1). :
Understanding self-regulation : an introduction / Kathleen D. Vohs, Roy F. Baumeister Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: E2 BAUM2 (1). :
Understanding readers' understanding. theory and practice / compil. Robert Tierney ; co-aut. Patricia Anders ; co-aut. Judy Mitchell Nível de parte analítica: Instructional research on literacy and reading : parameters, perspectives, and predictions • Strategies for promoting reader-text interactions • Reading to learn : setting students up • Toward a pedegogy of inferential comprehension and creative response • Author's intentions and readers' interpretations • Comprehension as context : toward reconsideration of a transactional theory of reading • Readers' understanding of metaphor : implications of linguistic theory for psycholinguistic research • Discourse conventions and literary inference : toward a theoretical model • Role of typicality in reading comprehension • Schema : a long-term memory structure or a transient structural phenomena • Reader's affective respose to narrative text • Investing children's transition from narrative to expository discourse : multidimensional nature of psychological text... • Following the author's top-level organization : an important skill for reading comprehension • Text, attention, and memory in reading research • Contributions from cognitive psychologyPublicação: Hillsdale, Nj : Lawrence Erlbaum, 1987Descrição: 333 p.Disponibilidade:
Understanding practice : perspectives on activity and context / compil. Seth Chaiklin ; co-aut. Jean Lave Nível de parte analítica: Understanding the social scientific practice of understanding practice • Teacher's directives : the social construction of literal meanings and real worlds in classroom discourse • Solving everyday problems in the formal setting : an empirical study of the school as context for thought • Context and scaffolding in developmemtal studies of mother-child problem-solving dyads • Acquisition of a child by learning disability • Beneath the skin and between the ears : a case study in the politics of representation • Examinations reexamined : certification of students or certification of knowledge? • Behavior setting analysis of situated learning : the case of newcomers • Artificial intelligence as craftwork • Thinking and acting with iron • Re-searching psychotherapeutic practice • Developmental studies of work as a testbench of activity theory : the case of primary care medical practice • Learning to navigate • Practice of learningPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1993Descrição: 414 p.Disponibilidade:
Understanding motivation in mathematics : what is happening in classrooms? / Julianne C. Turner, Debra K. Meyer Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: E2 WENT/K1 (1). :
Understanding memory access / e outros Jeffery Franks, co-aut. John Bransdford, co-aut. Kevin Brailey, co-aut. Scot Purdon Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: E2 HOFF/R1 (1). :