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A sua pesquisa recuperou 31 resultados.

Handbook of child psychology / ed. Nancy EisenbergPublicação: Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2006Descrição: 1128 p.Disponibilidade:

Family stories and the life course : across time and generations / Ed. Michael W. Pratt; ed. Barbara H. FieseNível de parte analítica: Metaphors and meanings of family stories: integrating life course and systems perspectives on narrative • Writing a connection: intergenerational communication through stories • As long as they go back down the driveway at the end of the day: stories of the satisfactions and challenges of grandparenthood • Telling stories and getting acquainted: how age matters • Listening is active: lessons from the narrative practices of Taiwanese families • The cultural context of parent-child reminiscing: a functional analysis • Pin-curling grandpa's hair in the comfy chair: parents' stories of growing up and potential links to socialization in the preschool years • Generativity and the narrative ecology of family life • Marital attachment and family functioning: use of narrative methodology • When parents' stories go to pot: telling personal transgressions to teenage kids • Adolescents representations of parents voices in family stories: value lessons, personal adjustment, and identity development • Adoption narratives: the construction of adoptive identity during adolescence • Children's empathic representations in relation to early caregiving patterns among low-income african american mothers • Coherence and representations in prerschooler's narratives: associations with attchment in infancy • Family narratives and the development of children's emotional well-being • Echoing our parents: parental influences on children's narration • Families, stories, and the life course : an ecological contextPublicação: Mahwah : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2004Descrição: 436 p.Disponibilidade:

Family, self, and human development across cultures : theory and applications / Cigdem KagitçibasiPublicação: New York : Psychology Press, 2009Descrição: 463 p.Disponibilidade:

Escola e identidade profissional : o caso dos técnicos de cardiopneumologia / David TavaresPublicação: Lisboa : Colibri, 2007Descrição: 288 p.Disponibilidade:

Do bando para as margens : contributos para o estudo do sistema criança-rua e da sua relação para a delinquência juvenil : perspectiva de uma intervenção inclusiva / Adelino AntunesPublicação: Lisboa : Escola Técnica Psicossocial, 2007Descrição: 249 p.Disponibilidade:

The deaf child in the family and at school : essays in honor of Kathryn p. Meadows-Orlans / ed. Patricia Elizabeth Spencer ; Marc Marscherk ; Carol J. ErtingPublicação: Mahwah : Lawrence Erlbaum, 2000Descrição: 318 p.Disponibilidade:

Culturas organizacionais : uma metáfora a procura de teorias / Jorge Vala, co-aut. Maria Benedicta Monteiro, co-aut. Luisa LimaDisponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: S2 VALA1 (2). :

Comparative social evolution / ed. Dustin R. Ribenstein, Patrick AbbotNível de parte analítica: Social synthesis: oportunities for comparative social evolution • Sociality in lizards • Sociality in fishes • Sociality in birds • Sociality in non-primate mammals • Sociality in primates • Sociality in shrimps • Sociality in spiders • Sociality in aphids and thrips • Sociality in termites • Sociality in wasps • Sociality in bees • Sociality in ants • The evolution of social evolutionPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2017Descrição: 465 p.Disponibilidade:

Capital psicológico e valores : existe uma relação? / Ana Isabel Nunes Afonso LopesPublicação: Lisboa : Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, 2008Descrição: 124 p.Disponibilidade:

Advances in sport psychology / ed. Thelma HornNível de parte analítica: Athletic injury and sport behavior • Optimal experience in sport : a flow perspective • The Jekyll / Hyde nature of goals : revisiting and updating goal-setting in sport • Attentional processes and sport performance • The use of imagery in sport • Socialisation processes and sport behavior • Gender and sport behavior • coaching effectiveness in the sport domain • Group dynamics in sport • Moral development in sport and physical activity : theory, research, and intervention • Arousal-anxiety and sport behavior • Self-efficacy and attributional processes in physical activity • Motivational orientations and sport behavior • self-Perceptions and sport behavior • Personality and sport behavior • A critical analysis of knowledge construction in sport psychology • The nature of sport psychologyPublicação: Champaign : Human Kinetics, 2002Descrição: 562 p.Disponibilidade:
