Formative experiences: the interaction of caregiving, culture and developmental psychobiology / eds. Carol M. Worthman, Paul M. Plotsky, Daniel S. Schechter, Constance A. Cummings Nível de parte analítica: Global perspectives on the well-being of children • Global perspectives on the well-being of children • Public health, education, and policy implications • The basic affectuve circuits of mammalian brains: implications for healthy human development and the cultural landscapes of ADHD • Social stress as a formative experience: neurobiology of conditioned defeat • Interpersonal violence as a mediator of stress-related disorders in humans • Social stress as a formative experience: neurobiology of conditioned defeat • Ethological vignette: social stress as a formative experience: neurobiology of consitioned defeat • The evolution of social play • The Lemelson case study considered from a biological point of view • Ethonographic case study : Anak PKI: a longitudinal case study of the effects of social ostracism, political violencem and bullying on an adolescent Javanese boy • Fear, fun, and the boundaries of social experience • Sex / gender, culture, and development : issues in the emergence of puberty and attraction • Can watching Oprah cause PTSD? • Maria: cultural change and posttraumatic stress in the life of a Belizean adolescent girl • Maria: cultural change and posttraumatic stress in the life of a Belizean adolescent girl • Good expectations: a case study of perinatal child-parent psychotherapy to prevent the intergenerational transmission of trauma • Dood expectations: a case study of perinatal child-parent psychotherapy to prevent the intergenerational transmission of trauma • Bofi foragers and farmers: case studies on the determinants of parenting behavior and arly childhood experiences • Ethnographic case study: Bofi foragers and farmer's and farmers: case studies on the determinants and parenting behavior and early childhood experiences • Formative relationships within and across generations • We are social - therefore we are: the interplay of mind, culture, and genetics in Williams Syndrome • Confluence of individual and caregiver influences on socioemotional development in typical and atypical populations • Sensitive periods in the behavioral development of mammals • The social environment and the epigenome • How experience interacts with biological development • From measurement to meaning in caregiving and culture • Plasticity and variation : cultural influences on parenting and early child development within and across populationsPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2010Descrição: 587 p.Disponibilidade:
Developmental contexts in middle childhood : bridges to adolescence and adulthood / ed. Aletha C. Huston, Marika N. Ripke Nível de parte analítica: Experiences in middle childhood and children's development : a summary and integration of research • Effects of a family poverty intervention program last from middle childhood to adolescence • Effects of welfare and employment policies on middle-childhood school performance : do they vary by race/ethnicity and, if so, why? • Mandatory welfare-to-work programs and preschool-age children : do impacts persists into middle childhood • Continuity and discontinuity in middle childhood : implications for adult outcames in the UK 1970 Birth Cohort • Healthy mind, healthy habits : the influence of activity involvement in middle childhood • Low-income children's activity participation as a predictor of psychosocial and academic outcomes in middle childhood and adolescence • Out-of-school time use during middle childhood in a low-income sample : do combinations of activities affect achievement and behavior? • The relations of classroom contexts in the early elementary years to children's classroom and social behavior • School environments and the diverging pathways of students living in poverty • Educational tracking within and between schools : from first grade through middle school and beyond • The contribution of middle childhood contexts to adolescent achievement and behavior • Middle childhood life course trajectories : links between family dysfunction and children's behavioral development • Reciprocal effects of mother depression and children's problem behaviors from middle childhood to early adolescence • Genetic and environment influences on continuity and change in reading achievement in the Colorado Adoption Project • Middle childhood family-contextual and personal factors as predictors of adult outcomes • The significance of middle childhood peer competence for qork and relationships in early adulthood • Aggression and insecurity in late adolecent romantic relationships : antecedents and developmental pathways • Middle childhood : contexts of developmentPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006Descrição: 455 p.Disponibilidade:
Comportamento anti-social e crime : da infância à idade adulta / ed. António Castro Fonseca Nível de parte analítica: Diferenças individuais no desenvolvimento do comportamento anti-social : o contributo dos estudos longitudinais • Estará o crime nos genes? : Revisão crítiva de estudos de género e de adoptados • Genética do comportamento e conduta anti-social : perspectivas desenvolvimentistas • Vinculação e comportamentos anti-sociais • Violência na televisão e desenvolvimento do comportamento agressivo : o papel da aprendizagem social • Comportamento anti-social nos jovens : o modelo dos objectivos de aumento da reputação • Predisposição para problemas do comportamento na infância e na adolescência : análise de um modelo desenvovimentista • O desenvolvimento da delinquência : uma perspectiva interaccionista • O estudo de desenvolvimento da delinquência de Cambridge : principais resultados dos primeiros 40 anos • Comportamento anti-social : técnicas e instrumentos de avaliação • Dos indicadores de risco aos mecanismos de causalidade: análise de alguns percursos cruciais • Comportamento anti-social : contributos culturais, vivenciais e temperamentaisPublicação: Coimbra : Almedina, 2004Descrição: 461 p.Disponibilidade:
CEJ : 25 anos : Memória do Futuro / CEJ Publicação: Lisboa : CEJ, 2006Descrição: 173 p.Disponibilidade:
Casos de estudo : usar, escrever e estudar / Manuel Portugal Ferreira, Fernando Ribeiro Serra Publicação: Lisboa : Lidel, 2009Descrição: 119 p.Disponibilidade:
Casos clínicos : DSM-IV-TR - Guia para o diagnóstico diferencial / Allen Frances, Ruth Ross Publicação: Lisboa : Climepsi, 2004Descrição: 422 p.Disponibilidade: