Prevention is primary : strategies for community well-being / ed. Larry Cohen, Vivian Chávez, Sana Chehimi Nível de parte analítica: The limits of behavioral interventions for HIV prevention • Strengthening the collaboration between public health and criminal justice to prevent violence • Creating healthy food environments and preventing chronic disease • Health and the built environment : opportunities for prevention • Preventing injustices in environmental health and exposures • Primary prevention and program evaluation • Using media advocacy to influence policy • Making chance : the power of local communities to foster policy • Working collaborative to advance prevention • More thna a message : framin g public health advocacy to change corporate practices • Community organizing for health and social justice • The hope of prevention : individual, family, and community resilience • Gender, health, and prevention • Achieving health equity and social justice • Beyond crochures : the imperative for primary preventionPublicação: San Francisco : John Wiley & Sons, 2007Descrição: 367 p.Disponibilidade:
Aggression and adaptation : the bright side of bad behavior / ed. Patricia H. Hawley, Todd D. Little, Philip C. Rodkin Nível de parte analítica: Aggression and adaptation : psychological record, educational promise • social synchrony, peer networks, and agression in school • Self, other, and aggression : the never-ending search for the roots of adaptation • Praising cordelia : social aggression and social dominance among adolescent girls • Variations in the association between aggression and social status : theorectical and empirical perspectives • differential relations of instrumental and reactive aggression with maladjustment : does adaptivity depend on function? • Is aggression adaptative? yes : some kinds are and in some ways • Why has aggression been thought of as maladaptative? • An evolutionary / ecological account of aggressive behavior and trait aggression in human children and adolescentes • Social dominance in childhood and adolescence : why social competence and aggression may go hand in handPublicação: Mahwah : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2007Descrição: 289 p.Disponibilidade:
Participación y desarrollo comunitario em medio urbano : experiencias y reflexiones / coord. Joel Martí, Jordi Pascual, Óscar Rebollo Nível de parte analítica: Saberes prácticos : reflexiones sobre el proceso de auto-reglamentación de los presupuestos participativos de las cabezas de San Juan • Tres experiencias comunitarias impulsadas desde la atención promaria de servicios sociales • Acompañando procesos de cambio en la comunidad • Diagnósticos comunitarios y participación local : el diagnostico comunitario de la Zona Ponent de Tarragona • Los planes de desarrollo comunitario de Reus : una experiencia de particioación ciudadana en los barrios Gaudí y Sant Josep Obrer • Convivencia intercultural y desarrollo comunitario : experiencia en dos ciudades pequeñas en Cataluña • Investigación / acción en trabajo social comunitario : la construcción de prácticas participativas • Construyendo desarrollo comunitario desde los servicios publicos • Planes comunitarios : la experiência de la Favibc • Presentación de las experiencias : redes y comunidades • balance crítico de las experiencias de participación en Cataluña • Gobierno local y participación ciudadanaPublicação: Madrid : Iepala, 2005Descrição: 307 p.Disponibilidade:
Modelos curriculares para a educação de infância : construindo uma práxis de participação / Júlia Oliveira Formosinho, Dalila Lino, Sérgio Niza Nível de parte analítica: O modelo pedagógico de Reggio Emilia • A contextualizaçãoso modelo curricular high-scope no âmbito do projecto infância • Pedagogia(s) da infância : reconstruindo uma práxis de participaçãoPublicação: Porto : Porto Editora, 2007Descrição: 142 p.Disponibilidade:
The promotion of wellness in children and adolescents / ed. Dante Cicchetti, et al. Nível de parte analítica: Psychological wellness : some hopes for the future • The importance of being emory : issues in training for enhacement of psychological wellness • Porgy and bess and the concept of wellness • The development of psychological wellness in maltreated children • Interventions with diverse children and adolescents : contextualizing a wellness orientation • Pursuit of wellness in head start : making beneficial connections for children and families • Interventions to promote social support in children and adolescents • Educational reform as ecologically-based prevention and promotion : the project on high performance learning communities • Wellness in the schools : the grandfather of primary prevention tells a story • Health promotion as a strategy in primary prevention • Suggestions for the investigation of psychological wellness in the neighborhood context : toward a pluralistic neighborhood theory • Resilience as cumulative competence promotion and stress protection : theory and intervention • Wellness as an ecological enterprise • Empowerment, wellness, and the politics of development • Adolescent wellness : in the eye of the beholder? • Theoretical and evaluation issues in the promotion of wellness and the protection of well enoughtPublicação: Washington : CWLA Press, 2000Descrição: 515 p.Disponibilidade:
Psicanálise de uma criança : uma visão clínica de uma caso de autismo secundário / Isabel Margarida Pereira ; pref. de Pedro Luzes Publicação: Lisboa : Fim De Seculo, 2003Descrição: 174 p.Disponibilidade:
Behavior genetics principles : perspectives in development, personality, and psychopathology / ed. Lisabeth F. DiLalla Nível de parte analítica: Postscript : eyewitness to the maturation of behavioral genetics • Getting the bugs into our genetic theories of schizophrenia • Behavioral genomics : where molecular genetics is taking psychiatry and psychology • Spinach and ice cream : why social science is so difficult • Genes and neurodevelopment in schizophrenia • Longitudinal prediction of schizophrenia in a perspective high-risk study • Contributions of Danish registers to understanding psychopathology : thirty years of collaboration with Irving I. Gottesman • Bad Luck and bad genes in depression • Genetic influence on social attitudes : another challenge to psychology from behavior genetics • Genetic correlations as Z variables : evaluating personality - psychopathology associations • Niddle age, marriage, and health habits of America's greatest generation : twins as tools for causal analysis • The initiation of substance use in adolescence : a behavioral genetics perspective • Temperament as a liability factor for childhood behavioral disorders : the concept of liability • Behavioral genetics : background, current research, and gols for the futurePublicação: Washinton : American Psychological Association, 2004Descrição: 238 p.Disponibilidade: