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Developmental perspectives on embodiment and consciousness / ed. Willis F. Overton, Ulrich Muller, Judith L. NewmanNível de parte analítica: The embodiement in action : perspectives on embodiement and development • Colorism embodied : skin tone and psychosocial well-being in adolescence • Uncovering the body in conceptual development : a feminist perspective • Language and the development of consciousness : degrees of disembodiment • Embodiment and children's understanding of the real and represented world • The embodiment of mental states • Embodiement, alterity, and the theory of religion • Grounded in the world: developmental origins of the embodied mind • Action as the solution to the mind-body problem in Piaget's theory • The feeling body : toward and enactive approach to emotion • The meaning of the body • Embodiment from a relational perspectivePublicação: New York : Lawrence Erlbaum, 2008Descrição: 361 p.Disponibilidade:

Handbook of developmental psychology / ed. Jaan Valsiner, Kevin ConnollyNível de parte analítica: Dynamic systems approaches and modeling of developmental processes • Quantitative models for development processes • Qualitative methodology • Wisdom : its social nature and lifspan development • Cognitive processes in ageing • Dialogical processes and developmental of the self • Goal-directed and life-span development • Adult cognitive development : dynamics in the developmental web • From early attchment relations to the adolescent and adult organization of self • Morality and context : a study of Hindu understanding • Children's relationships and development of person-context relations • Memory and knowledge development • Schooling and the development of literacy • Comtemporary families as contexts for development • Developmental disorders : an action-based account • Development of play • Strenghts and weaknesses of cognition over preschool years • Social development in cultural context : cooperative and competitive interaction patterns in peer relations • The role of language in human development • Social relations and affective development in the first two years in family contexts • Tool use and tool making : a developmental action perspective • Early cognitive development : ontogeny and phylogeny • On the development of perception and action • Prenatal psychological and behavioural development • Contemporary families as contexts for development • Developmental disorders : an action-based account • Development of play • Strengths and weaknesses of cognition over preschool years • Social development in cultural context : cooperative and competitive interaction patterns in peer relations • The role of language in human development • Social relations and affective developmental in the first two years in family contexts • Tool use and tool making : a developmental action perspective • Early cognitive development: ontogeny and phylogeny • On the development of perception and action • Prenatal psychological and bahavioural developmental • Historical contexts for development • Developmental psychology and the neurosciences • Genetics and the development of brain and behavior • Probabilistic epigenesis of development • The nature of development : the continuing dialogue of processes and outcomesPublicação: London : Sage, 2003Descrição: 682 p.Disponibilidade:

Relações de (in)dependência entre oralidade e escrita / Emilia FerreiroNível de parte analítica: Escrita e oralidade : unidades, níveis de análise e consciência metalinguistica • As prácticas de alfabetização escolar : ainda é valido o falar bem para escrever? • As infliltrações da escrita nos estudos psicolinguisticos • Lingua falada, teoria linguistica e aquisição da linguagem • Uma escrita problemática : as canções da tradição oral antiga • A escrita como tradição e como instrumento de reflexão : o surgimento do espanhol escrito • Unidades de lingua e unidades de escrita : evolução e modalidades da segmentação gráfica • A escrita, irredutível a um códigoPublicação: Porto Alegre : ArtMed, 2004Descrição: 172 p.Disponibilidade:

Manual de observação psicomotora : significação psiconeurológica dos seus factores / Vitor da FonsecaPublicação: Lisboa : Âncora, 2010Descrição: 348 p.Disponibilidade:

Psicomotricidade e neuropsicologia : uma abordagem evolucionista / Vitor da FonsecaPublicação: Lisboa : Âncora, 2011Descrição: 167 p.Disponibilidade:

Exploring cognitive development : the child as problem solver / Alison F. GartonPublicação: Malden : Blackwell, 2005Descrição: 145 p.Disponibilidade:

Lexique de la psychologie du développement de Jean Piaget / Marie-Françoise Legendre-BergeronPublicação: Choicoutimi : Gaetan Morin, 1980Descrição: 238 p.Disponibilidade:

Introducing Vygotsky : a guide for practitioners and students in early years education / Sandra SmidtPublicação: London : Routledge, 2009Descrição: 179 p.Disponibilidade:

La psychologie de Vygotsky / Angel RiviérePublicação: Liége : Pierre Mardaga, 1990Descrição: 152 p.Disponibilidade:

Social cognition and social development : a sociocultural perspective / ed. E. Tory Higgins, Diane N. Ruble, Willard H. HartupNível de parte analítica: What would my mother say? reactions to gleanings from developmental studies on • Interaction and development in social cognition • Development of social-comparison processes and their role in achivement-related • What's social about social-cognitive development? • Culture as a cognitive system : differentiated rule understandings in children • Social cognition, social behavior, and children's friendships • Let's not overattribute to the attribution process. comments on social cognition • Social-control processes and the internalization of social values : an attribution • Social cognition and the social life of the child : stages as subcultures • Affective and cognitive processes in moral internalization • Social cognition and social interaction in childhood • Internalization of altruistic dispositions : a cognitive analysis • Social antecedents, cognitive processing and comprehension of socialportrayals • Beyond the information processed : socialization in the development of attributi • Five questions for research in social-cognitive developmentPublicação: London : Cambridge University Press, 1983Descrição: 415 pDisponibilidade:

Conscience, inconscient, émotions / Lev VygotskiNível de parte analítica: Les émotions et leur développement chez l'enfant • Psychisme, conscience, inconscient • La conscience comme probléme de la psychologie du comportement • Vygotski, la conscience comme liaisonPublicação: Paris : La Dispute / Snédit, 2003Descrição: 165 p.Disponibilidade:

Avaliação da linguagem oral : um contributo para o conhecimento do desenvolvimento linguístico das crianças portuguesas / Inês Sim-SimPublicação: Lisboa : Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2001Descrição: 107 p.Disponibilidade:

Dynamic assessment of young children / David TzurielPublicação: New York : Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers, 2001Descrição: 241 pDisponibilidade:

Social life and social knowledge : toward a process account of development / ed. Ulrich Muller, Jeremy I. M. Carpendale, Nancy Budwig, Bryan SokolNível de parte analítica: Social decisions, social interactions, and the coordination of diverse judgments • The anthropology of moral development • Selves and identities in the making : the study of microgenetic processes in interactive practices • The constructive role of asymmetry in social interaction • Relationships and children's discovery of the mind • Social knowledge as social skill : an action based view of social understanding • Experiencing others : a second-person approach to other-awareness • In the beginning is relation.... and then what? • Perspectives and persons : ontological, constituitive possibilities • Are you social? : the ontological and developmental emergence of the person • Develepmental relations between forms of social interaction and forms of thought : an introductionPublicação: New York : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2008Descrição: 289 p.Disponibilidade:

Compreender e cuidar da criança / Julien Cohen-SolalPublicação: Amadora : Bertrand, 1978Descrição: 277 p.Disponibilidade:

Compreender e cuidar da criança / Julien Cohen-SolalPublicação: Amadora : Bertrand, 1978Descrição: 269 p.Disponibilidade:

La resilience / Serge TisseronPublicação: Paris : PUF, 2007Descrição: 127 pDisponibilidade:

Lev Vygotski : pedagogue et penseur de notre temps / Gérard VergnaudPublicação: Paris : Hachette Livre, 2000Descrição: 95 pDisponibilidade:

Children's development within social context / Ed. Lucien T. Winegar, Jaan ValsinerPublicação: Hillsdale : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1992Descrição: 278 p.Disponibilidade:

Children's development within social context / Ed. Lucien T. Winegar, Jaan ValsinerPublicação: Hillsdale : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1992Descrição: 215 p.Disponibilidade:
