Animal behavior : an evolutionary approach / John Alcock Publicação: Sunderland : Sinauer, 1997Descrição: 640 p.Disponibilidade:
Animal behavior : science projects / Nancy Cain Publicação: New York : John Wiley & Sons, 1995Descrição: 162 p.Disponibilidade: : Biblioteca ISPA Retirado temporariamenteCota: ET CAIN1 (1).
Fish stress and health in aquaculture / compil. G. Iwama ; co-aut. A. Pickering ; co-aut. J. Sumpter ; co-aut. C. Schreck Nível de parte analítica: Measurements of stressed states in the field • Dietary effects on stress and health • Immune-endocrine interactions • Genetic bases to the stress response : selective breeding for stress-tolerant fish • Behavioral responses to stress • Ionic, osmotic and acid-base regulation in stress • Endocrinology of stress • Effects of stress on reproduction and growth of fish • Effects of rearing conditions on the health and physiological quality of fish in intensive culture • Stress in finfish : past, present and future : a historical perspectivePublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1997Descrição: 278 p.Disponibilidade:
Global warming : implications for freshwater and marine fish / ed. C. M. Wood ; D. G. Macdonald Nível de parte analítica: Thermal niche of fishes and global warming • Behavioural compensation for long-term thermal change • Interactive effects of temperature and pollutant stress • Effects of temperature on xenobiotic metabolism • Temperature effects on osmoregulatory physiology of juvenile anadromous fish • Effects of climate change on cod, gadus morhua, stocks • Temperature and growth : modulation of growth rate via temperature change • Effects of temperature on embryonic and larval development • Temperature effects on the reproductive performance of fish • Effects of temperature on cardiovascular performance • Factors which may limit swimming performance at different temperatures • Thermal stress and muscle function in fish • Effect of temperature on protein metabolism in fish : the possible consequences for wild atlantic salmon, salmo salar .. • Membrane constraints to physiological function at different temperatures : does cholesterol stabilize membranes at .... • Temperature thresholds for protein adaptation : when does temperature change start to hurt?Publicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1997Descrição: 425 p.Disponibilidade:
Host-parasite evolution : general principles and avian models / compil. Dale Clayton ; co-aut. Janice Moore Nível de parte analítica: Collection and quantification of arthropod parasites of birds • Collection and quantification of avian helminths and protozoa • Collection and identification of avian viruses, bacteria, and fungi • Evolution of host-parasite interactions • Avian brood parasitism • Protozoa, helminths, and arthropods of birds • Viruses, bacteria, and fungi of birds • Birds as a habitat for parasites • Host-parasite co-speciation, host switching, and missing a boat • Host-parasite co-speciation : history, principles, and prospects • Comparative studies of host-parasite communities • Community ecology of parasites and free-living animals • Role of parasites in bird conservation • Host-parasite processes and demographic consequences • Parasitism and the evolution of host life history • Parasite-mediated sexual selection : endocrine aspects • Behavioural defence • Immune defence : genetic control • Parasite-mediated natural selectionPublicação: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1997Descrição: 473 p.Disponibilidade:
Advances in the study of behavior. vol 24 / compil. Peter Slater ; co-aut. Jay Rosenblatt ; co-aut. Charles Snowdon ; co-aut. Mandref Milinsky Nível de parte analítica: Cognition in cephalopods • Why do females mate with multiple males? the sexually selected sperm hypothesis • Development and relatonships : a dynamic model of communication • Sociality, group size, and reproductive suppression among carnivores • Behavioral diversity and evolution of guppy, poecilia reticulata, populations in trinidad • Cultural transmission in the black rat : pine cone feeding • Maternal contributions to mammalian reproductive development and the divergence of males and females • Is the information center hypothesis a flop?Publicação: San Diego : Academic Press, 1994Descrição: 372 p.Disponibilidade:
Advances in the study of behavior. vol 26 / compil. Peter Slater ; co-aut. Jay Rosenblatt ; co-aut. Charles Snowdon ; co-aut. Manfred Milinski Nível de parte analítica: Representation of quantities by apes • Understanding the complex song of the european starling : an integrated ethological approach • Acoustic signals and speciation : the roles of natural and sexual selection in the evolution of cryptic species • Regulation of age polyethism in bees and wasps by juvenile hormone • Infantile amnesia : using animal models to understand forgetting • Sexually dimorphic dispersal in mammals : patterns, causes, and consequences • How to avoid seven deadly sins in the study of behavior • Behavioral ecology and conservation biology of primates and other animals • Vocal learning in mammals • Sexual selection in seaweed fliesPublicação: San Diego : Academic Press, 1997Descrição: 484 p.Disponibilidade:
Advances in the study of behavior. vol 25 - parental care : evolution, mechanisms, and adaptative significance / compil. Jay Rosenblatt ; co-aut. Charles Snowdon Nível de parte analítica: Infant care in cooperatively breeding species • Mother-infant communication in primates • Individual differences in maternal style : causes and consequences for mothers and offspring • Parental investment in pinnipeds • Field studies of parental care in birds : new data focus questions on variation among females • Socialization, hormones, and the regulation of maternal behavior in nonhuman simian primates • Physiological, sensory, and experimental factors of parental care in sheep • Parental behavior in voles • Maternal behavior in rabbits : a historical and multidisciplinary perspective • Experiential factors in postpartum regulation of maternal care • Somatosensation and maternal care in norway rats • Biochemical basis of parental behavior in the rat • Neural and hormonal control of parental behavior in birds • Overview of parental care among the reptilia • Parental care among the amphibia • Cause and effect of parental care in fishes : an epigenetic perspective • Parental care in invertebratesPublicação: San Diego : Academic Press, 1996Descrição: 715 p.Disponibilidade:
Behavioral approaches to conservation in the wild / compil. Janine Clemmons ; co-aut. Richard Buchholz Nível de parte analítica: On becoming a conservation biologist : autobiography and advice • Light, behavior, and conservation of forest-dwelling organisms • Problem of photopollution for sea turtles and other nocturnal animals • Linking environmental toxicology, ethology, and conservation • Importance of social behavior studies for conservation • Mating systems, effective population size, and conservation of natural populations • Bioacoustics as a tool in conservation studies • Behavioral variation : a valuable but neglected biodiversity • Hatching asynchrony in parrots : boon or bane for sustainable use? • Conservation and the ontogeny of behavior • Environmental stress, field endocrinology, and conservation biology • Conservation, behavior, and 99% of the worlds biodiversity : is your ignorance really bliss? • Why hire a behaviorist into a conservation or management team? • Integrating behavior into conservation biology : potentials and limitations • Linking conservation and behaviorPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1997Descrição: 382 p.Disponibilidade: