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Global warming : implications for freshwater and marine fish / ed. C. M. Wood ; D. G. Macdonald

Linked with: Thermal niche of fishes and global warmingLinked with: Behavioural compensation for long-term thermal changeLinked with: Interactive effects of temperature and pollutant stressLinked with: Effects of temperature on xenobiotic metabolismLinked with: Temperature effects on osmoregulatory physiology of juvenile anadromous fishLinked with: Effects of climate change on cod, gadus morhua, stocksLinked with: Temperature and growth : modulation of growth rate via temperature changeLinked with: Effects of temperature on embryonic and larval developmentLinked with: Temperature effects on the reproductive performance of fishLinked with: Effects of temperature on cardiovascular performanceLinked with: Factors which may limit swimming performance at different temperaturesLinked with: Thermal stress and muscle function in fishLinked with: Effect of temperature on protein metabolism in fish : the possible consequences for wild atlantic salmon, salmo salar ..Linked with: Membrane constraints to physiological function at different temperatures : does cholesterol stabilize membranes at ....Linked with: Temperature thresholds for protein adaptation : when does temperature change start to hurt?Secondary Author: Wood, C M.., ed.;Macdonald, D. G., ed.Language: Inglês.Country: Estados Unidos.Publication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1997Description: 425 p.ISBN: 0521495326.Series: Society for experimental biology, 61, Seminar SeriesSubject - Topical Name: Etologia Classification: 2400 - Psicologia Experimental Animal / Psicologia Comparativa Online Resources:Click here to access online Item type:
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