A sua pesquisa recuperou 12312 resultados.

Le développement psychologique de la première enfance / Odette Brunet, Irene LezinePublicação: Paris : PUF, 1971Descrição: 162 p.Disponibilidade:

Handbook of research methods in early childhood education: review of research methodologies / ed. Olivia N. SarachoNível de parte analítica: Elements in writing scientific research publications • Reading and interpreting early childhood research • Re-examining the literature review: purposes, approaches, and issues • Methods for developing scientific education: research-based development of practices, pedagogies, programs, and policies • Past as prologue : doing historical research in early childhood education • Conducting historical research in early childhood education • Preschoolers' selective learning from adults: Lessons for research methods in early childhood education • Microethnographic research in early childhood education • Action research with children • Case study research • Innovative qualitative research methods with children aged 4-7 years • Conducting early childhood qualitative research in the twenty-first century • Grounded Theory • Using mixed methods in research with young children across cultures and contexts • Story completion play narrative methods for preschools children • Ethical, narrative, and projective processes in research interviews with young children • Utility of implementaion and intervention preformance checklists for conducting research in early childhood education • Using the critical incident technique in early childhood research • The delphi process • Q-methodology as Q-sorting as tools for addressing research questions in educational settings: historical overview and illustrations use three standardized Q-sets • Using Q methodology in conducting research with young children • Sociometric measures por peer relations research with young children • Using peer sociometrics and behavioral nominations with young children • Research methodologies for studying young childrenPublicação: Charlotte : Information Age Publishing, 2015Descrição: 866 pDisponibilidade:

A fala da criança sobre sexualidade humana : o dito, o explícito e o oculto / Cláudia RibeiroPublicação: Campinas : Universidade Federal de Lavras, 1996Descrição: 136 pDisponibilidade:

The development of social cognition and communications / ed. Bruce D. Homer, Vatherine S. Tamis-LeMondaNível de parte analítica: Autobiographical memory in the developmental niche: a cross-cultural perspective • Parent-child reminiscing and the construction of a subjective self • Pathways of narrative meaning construction • Gesture in social interactions: a mechanism for cognitive change • Teaching and learning as intentional activities • Theory of mind, language, and learning in the early years • Attchmanet, theory of mind, and delay of gratification • Is joint attention necessary for early language learning? • Social referencing in infant motor action • Discerning intentions: characterizing the cognitive system at play • Preceiving social affordances: the development of emotion understanding • On the possible roots of cognitive flexibility • Seeing objects as symbols and symbols as objects: language and the developmental of dual representation • Cognitive functions of language in early childhoodPublicação: Mahwah : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2005Descrição: 378 p.Disponibilidade:

The colaborative construction of pretend: Social pretend play functions / ed. Carollee Howes, Olivia Unger, Catherine C. MathesonPublicação: New York : State University Of New York Press, 1992Descrição: 162 pDisponibilidade:

L'homme en développement / Jacqueline Bideaud, Olivier Houdé, Jean-Louis PedinielliPublicação: Paris : PUF, 1993Descrição: 568 pDisponibilidade:

Conduites et conscience / René ZazzoPublicação: Neuchatel : Delachaux Et Niestle, 1968Descrição: 470 pDisponibilidade:

Conduites et conscience / René ZazzoPublicação: Neuchatel : Delachaux Et Niestle, 1962Descrição: 316 p.Disponibilidade:

Personality development / Lucy Rau FergusonPublicação: Belmont : Brooks/Cole Publishing, 1970Descrição: 213 pDisponibilidade:

Contexts for learning: sociocultural dynamics in children's development / ed. Ellice A. Forman, Norris Minick, C. Addison StonePublicação: New York : Oxford University Press, 1993Descrição: 395 p.Disponibilidade:

Everyday cognition: Its development in social context / ed. Barbara Rogoff, Jean LaveNível de parte analítica: Cognitive development in time and space • Children's reasoning and peer relations • Children's difficulties with school mathematics • Social constraints in laboratory and classroom tasks • The creation of context in joint problem-solving • Skiing as a model of instruction • A theory of the teacher in the learniong activities of everyday life • Adult guidance of cognitive development • The dialectic of arethmetic in grocery shopping • Institutional decision-making • Studying working intelligence • Introduction: Thinking and learning in social contextPublicação: Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 1984Descrição: 314 p.Disponibilidade:

Piaget: une remise en question / David CohenPublicação: Paris : Retz, 1992Descrição: 298 p.Disponibilidade:

Faut-il brûler Piaget? / David CohenPublicação: Paris : Retz, 1981Descrição: 168 p.Disponibilidade:

Children's minds / Margaret DonaldsonPublicação: Glasgow : Fontana / Collins, 1978Descrição: 156 p.Disponibilidade:

Developmental psychology: a reader / ed. David Messer, Julie DockrellNível de parte analítica: Friendship and friends influence in adolescents • The young and the reckless: adolescent reckless behavior • Childhood origins of teenage antisocial behaviour and adult social development • Rethinking puberty: the development of sexual attraction • A longitudinal study of moral reasoning • Perspectives on children's development from cultural psychology • Siblinghs and development • Peer interaction and peer oresence un computer-based problem solving: a research note • The use of hiding games for studying the coordination of viewpoints • Early literacy development : evidence from different orthographic systems • A componential analysis of an early learning deficit in mathematics • Learning to read: psychology in the classroom • Categorizing sounds and learning to read: a causal connection • Autism: beyond theory of mind • Précis of beyond modularity: a developmental perspective on cognitive science • The origins of representations • Extreme deprivation in early childhood • Oral and literate traditions among black americans living in poverty • Why do children say breaked? • Children's sensivity to constraints on word meaning: taxonomic versus thematic relations • Joint attention and early language • Behaviour measures: a measure of love? An overview of the assessment of attachment • When do children first form attachments to other people? • Imprinting and the development of face recognition: from chick to manPublicação: London : Arnold Publishers, 1998Descrição: 383 p.Disponibilidade:

Children's peer relations: issues in assessment and intervention / ed. Barry H. Schneider, Kenneth H. Rubin, Jane E. LedinghamNível de parte analítica: Documenting the effects of social skill training with children: process and outcome assessment • Designing effective social problem-solving programs for the classrrom • Social behavior problems and social skills training in adolescence • Programmatic research on peers as intervention agents for socially isolate classmates • Children's social skills training: a meta-analysis • An evolving paradigm in social skill training research with children • Fitting social skills intervention to the target group • Socially withdrawn children: an "at risk" population? • The influence of the evaluator on assessments of children social skills • Assessment of children's attributions for social skills training • Children's peer relations: assessing self-perception • Observational assessment of social problem solving • What's the point?: issues in the selection of treatment objectives • Social competence and skill: a reassessement • Facets of social interaction and the assessment of social competence in childrenPublicação: New York : Springer-Verlag, 1985Descrição: 281 p.Disponibilidade:

Effective early childhood professional development: improving teacher practice and child outcomes / ed. Carollee Howes, Bridget K. Hamre, Robert C. PiantaNível de parte analítica: Conclusion: moving evidence-based professional development into the field: recommendations for policy and research • Scaling up effective professional development • History, scale up, and improvements of a comprehensive, statewide professional development program in Texas • Implications of information processing theory for professional development of early educators • Extending models of emotion self-regulation to classroom settings: implications for professional development • Early literacy intervention intensity and its relation to child outcomes • Improving preschool education with curriculum enhancements and professional development: the head start REDI intervention model • Designing effective curricula and teacher professional development for early childhood mathematics and science • Using coaching-based professional development to improve head start teachers' support of children's oral language skills • Introducing a conceptual framework of professional development in early childhood educationPublicação: Baltimore : Paul H. Brookes Publishing, 2012Descrição: 233 pDisponibilidade:

Popularity in the peer system / ed. Antonius H. N. Cillessen, David Schwartz, Lara MayeuxNível de parte analítica: Toward a theory of popularity • The high price of high status: popularity as a mechanism of risk • The power of popularity: influence processes in childhood and adolescence • Peer popularity in the context of ethnicity • Popularity in peer group perspective: the role of status in adolescent peer systems • Prosocial skills, social competence, and popularity • Popularity as a form of social dominance: an evolutionary perspective • Popularity and gender : the two cultures of boys and girls • social acceptance and popularity: two distict forms of peer status • Being there awhile: an ethnographic perspective on popularity • Conceptualization and measuring popularity • Popularity as a social concept: meanings and significancePublicação: New York : Guilford Press, 2011Descrição: 306 pDisponibilidade:

Peer relations in early childhood education and care / Ed. Margaret Kernan, Elly SingerNível de parte analítica: Principles and practice in adult education in an early childhood • Training early years practitioners to support young children's social relationships • Including children with disabilities: promoting peer relationships and friendships • Fostering a sense of belonging in multicultural childcare settings • The importance of mixed age groups in Cameroon • Play and prescription : the impact of national developments in England • Rethinking young children's rights for participation in diverse cultural contexts • Children's and parents' perspectives on play and friendships • A model for studying socialization in early childhood education and care settings • IntroductionPublicação: London : Routledge, 2011Descrição: 144 pDisponibilidade:
