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Bergin and Garfield's handbook of psychotherapy and behavior change / ed. Michael J. LambertPublicação: Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2013Descrição: 850 p.Disponibilidade:

The heart & soul of change : delivering what works in therapy / eds. Barry L. Duncan, Scott D. Miller, Bruce E. Wampold, Mark A. HubbleNível de parte analítica: Delivering what works • What works in substance abuse and dependence treatment • Common factors in couple and family therapy: must all have prizes? • Evidence-based treatments and common factors in youth psychotherapy • Transforming public behavioral health care: a case example of consumer-directed services, recovery, and the common factors • Outcomes management, reimbursement, and the future of psychotherapy • Yes, it is time for clinicians to routinely monitor treatment outcome • Psychiatric drugs and common factors: an evaluation of risks and benefits for clinical practice • Evidence-based practice: evidence or orthodoxy? • Putting models and techniques in context • The therapeutic relationship • Clients: the neglected common factor in psychotherapy • The research evidence for the common factors models: a hostorically situated perspective • Prologue: Saul Rosenzweig: the founder of the common factorsPublicação: Washington, DC : American Psychological Association, 2010Descrição: 455 p.Disponibilidade:

Psychotherapy with priests, protestant clergy, and catholic religious: a practical guide / eds. Joseph W. Ciarrocchi, Robert J. WicksPublicação: Madison : Psychosocial Press, 2000Descrição: 211 p.Disponibilidade:

Ecology of fishes on coral reefs / Camilo MoraNível de parte analítica: Perpetual struggle for conservation in a crowded world and the needed paradigm shift for easing ultimate burdens • The future for coral reefs fishes • Seascape ecology of fishes on coral reefs • Quantifying reef fishes: bias in observational approaches • Size and sex change • Pluralism explains diversity in the coral triangle • Shifting baselines in coral reef fishes • Inverted trophic pyramids • Cryptic density dependence: integrating supply-side ecology with population regulation • Is dispersal of larval reef fishes passive? • Linkages between social systems and coral reefs • A perspective on the management of coral reef fisheries • Extinction risk in reef fishes • Phase shifts and coral reef fishes • Resilience in reef fish communities • Cashing in on coral reefs: the implications of exporting reef fishes • Impacts of invasive species on coral reef fishes • Effects of sedimentation, eutrophication, and chemical pollution on coral reef fishes • Effects of fishing on the fishes and habitat of coral reefs • Effects of climate change on coral reefs fishes • Patterns and processes in reef fish body size • Patterns and processes in geographic range size in coral reef fishes • Large-scale patterns and processes in reef fish richness • How many coral reef fish species are there?: cryptic diversity and the new molecular taxonomy • Phylogeography of coral reef fishes • The evolution of fishes on coral reefs: fossils, phylogenies, and functions • Predation: piscivory and the ecology of coral reef fishes • Competition in reef fishes • Recruitment of coral reef fishes: linkages across stages • Mission impossible: unlocking the secrets of coral reef fish dispersal • Sensory biology and navigation behavior of reef fish larvaePublicação: London : Cambridge University Press, 2015Descrição: 374 p.Disponibilidade:

Animal behavior: concepts, methods, and applications / Shawn E. Nordell, Thomas J. ValonePublicação: New York : Oxford University Press, 2015Descrição: 343 p.Disponibilidade:

Manual de psicossociologia das organizações / Coord. por J. M. Carvalho Ferreira, José Neves, António CaetanoPublicação: Lisboa : Escolar Editora, 2011Descrição: 722 p.Disponibilidade:

Biosonar / Annemarie Surlykke, et alNível de parte analítica: Echolocation in air and water • Analysis of natural scenes by echolocation in bats and dolphins • On-animal methods for studying echolocation in free-ranging animals • Localization and classification of targets by echolocating bats and dolphins • Hearing during echolocation in whales and bats • Sound intensities of biononar signals from bats and toothed whales • Production of biosonar signals: structure and form • Sonar signals of bats and toothed whales • Biosonar of bats and toothed whales: an overviewPublicação: New York : Springer, 2014Descrição: 304 pDisponibilidade:

Manual de comportamento organizacional e gestão / Miguel Pina e Cunha, et alPublicação: Lisboa : Rh Editora, 2014Descrição: 896 p.Disponibilidade:

Animal thinking : contemporary issues in comparative cognition / ed. Randolf Menzel, Julia FischerNível de parte analítica: Social Knowledge • How folk psychology reuined comparative psychology : and how Scrub Jays can save it • Cooperation in nonhuman primates : function and cognition • Simple reactions to nearby neighbors and complex social behavior in primates • How intelligent is machiavellian behavior? • Communication • Language and episodic sharing • Communication in social insects : sophisticated problem solving by groups of tiny-brained animals • Where is the information in animal communication • Planning, memory, and decision making • Mechanisms for decisions about the future • Goal-directed behavior and future planning in animals • Animal navigation : a synthesis • Making the case for the intelligence of avian navigation • Navigating in a three-dimensional world • Navigation and communication in honeybees • Animal thinking : an introductionPublicação: Cambridge : MIT Press, 2011Descrição: 342 p.Disponibilidade:

Brindar aliento: la guía del lider para recompensar y reconocer a los demás / James M. Kouzes, Barry Z. PosnerPublicação: Buenos Aires : Granica, 2005Descrição: 222 p.Disponibilidade:

Delinquência infanto-juvenil: uma abordagem desenvolvimentista em criminologia / Roziméri Aparecida RigonPublicação: Lisboa : Editorial Juruá, 2012Descrição: 229 p.Disponibilidade:

Heuristics: the foundations of adaptative behavior / ed. Gerd Gigerenzer, Ralph Hertwig, Thorsten PachurNível de parte analítica: Aggregate age-at-marriage patterns from individual mate-search heuristics • Applying one reason decision-making: the prioritisation of literature searches • If...: satisficing algorithms for mapping conditional statements onto social domains • Green defaults: information presentation and pro-environmental behaviour • Instant customer base analysis: managerial heuristic often get it right • Parental investment: how an equity motive can produce inequality • Optimal versus naive diversification: how inefficient in the 1/N portfolio strategy • How dogs navigate to catch fisheries • Simply heuristics that help us win • Predicting Wimbledon 2005 tennis results by mere player name recognition • Take-the-best in expert-novice decision strategies for residential burglary • Geographic profiling: the fast, frugal, and accurate way • Psycholkogical models of professional decision making • The use of recognition in group decision-making • Fluency heuristic: a model of how the mind exploits a by-product of information retrieval • Why you yhink Milan is larger than Modena: neural correlates of the recognition heuristic • The recognition heuristic in memory-based inference: is recognition a non-compensatory cue? • On the psycohology of the recognition heuristic: retrieval primacy as a key determinant of its use • The aging decision maker: cognitive aging and the adaptative selection of decision strategies • Does imitation benefit cue order learning? • Sequential processing of cues in memory-based multiattribute decisions • A response-time approach to comparing generalized rational and take-the-best models of decision making • Empirical tests of a fast-and-frugal heuristic: not everyone takes-the-best • The quest for take-the-best: insights and outlooks from experimental research • The relative success of recognition-based inference in multichoice decisions • A signal detection analysis of the recognition heuristic • Categorization with limited resources: a family of simple heuristics • Heuristic and linear models of judgment: matching rules and environments • Fast, frugal, and fit: simple heuristics for paired comparison • SSL: a theory of how people larn to select strategies • Hindsight Bias: a by-product of knowledge updating • Moral satisficing: rethinking moral behavior as bounded ratinality • One-reason decision-making: modeling violations of expected utility theory • The priority heuristic: making choices without trade-offs • Naive and yet enlightened: from natural frequencies to fast and frugal decision trees • Simple heuristics and rukles of thumb: where psychologists and behavioural biologists might meet • How forgetting aids heuristic inference • Models of ecological rationality: the recognition heuristic • Reasoning the fast and frugal way: models of bounded rationality • Homo heuristicus: why biased minds make better inferencesPublicação: Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011Descrição: 844 p.Disponibilidade:

Principles of animal behaviour / Lee Alan DugatkinPublicação: New York : W. W. Norton & Company, 2014Descrição: 648 p.Disponibilidade:

Para além da liberdade e da dignidade / B. F. SkinnerPublicação: Lisboa : Edições 70, 1971Descrição: 297 pDisponibilidade:

Ecologia comportamental / Étienne Danchin, Luc-Alain Giraldeau, Frank CézillyPublicação: Lisboa : Instituto Piaget, 2010Descrição: 630 p.Disponibilidade:

Plano Bullying : como apagar o bullying da escola / eds. Luís Fernandes; Sónia SeixasPublicação: Lisboa : Plátano, 2012Descrição: 192 p. + 1 cd\rom com materiais editáveisDisponibilidade:

Observing animal behaviour / Marian Stamp DawkinsPublicação: New York : Oxford University Press, 2007Descrição: 158 p.Disponibilidade:

Animal behavior / John AlcockPublicação: Sunderland : Sinauer Associates, 2009Descrição: 606 p.Disponibilidade:
