Young children's cognitive development: interrelationships among executive functioning, working memory, verbal ability, and theory of mind / ed. Wolfgang Schneider, Ruth Schumann-Hengsteler, Beate Sodian Nível de parte analítica: Executive functions, working memory, verbal ability, and theory of mind - does it all come together? • Interrelationships among theory of mind, executive control, language development, and working memory in young children : a longitudinal analysis • Theory of mind, language, and executive functions in Autism: a longitudinal perspective • Theory of mind, working memory, and verbal ability in preshool children: the proposal of a relay race model of the developmental dependencies • What fMRI can tell us about the ToM-EF connection : false beliefs, working memory, and inhibition • The developmental relation of theory of mind and executive functions : a study of advanced theory of mind abilities in children with attention deficit hyperctivity disorder • The evolution of theory of mind: big brains, social complexity, and inhibition • On the specificity of the relarion between executuve function and children's theories of mind • Theory of mind: the case for conceptual development • Hot and cool aspects of executive function : relations in early development • From rag(bag) to riches: measuring the developing central executive • Working memory and its relevance for cognitive development • Introduction and overviewPublicação: Mahwah : Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2005Descrição: 318 p.Disponibilidade:
Working with Piaget : essays in honour of Barbel Inhelder / ed. Anastasia Tryphon, Jacques Voneche Nível de parte analítica: The experimemtal approach of children and adolescents • Barbel Inhelder and the fall of Valhalla • Culture and universals : a tribute to Barbel Inhelder • Scheme theory as a key to the learning paradox • Mental imagery : from Inhelder's ideas to neuro-cognitive models • The impact of social structure on development: an analysis of individual differences in cognition • Building a theory of formal operational thinking : Inhelder's psychology meets Piaget's epistemology • Perspective taking in the aftermath of theory-theory abd the collapse of the social role-taking literature • From structural diagnosis to functional diagnosis of reasoning : a dynamic conception of mental retardation • Barbel Inhelder's contributions to psychologyPublicação: Hove : Psychology Press, 2001Descrição: 224 pDisponibilidade:
Vygotsky's educational theory in cultural context / Alex Kozulin, Boris Gindis, Vladimir S. Ageyev, Suzanne M. Miller Nível de parte analítica: Vygotsky in the mirror of cultural interpretations • The relations of learning and student social class : toward re-"socializing" sociocultural learning theory • Cultural modeling : CHAT as a lens for understanding instructional discourse based on african american english discourse patterns • Mediation in cognitive socialization : the influence of socioeconomic status • Beyond cognition : a Vygotskian perspective on emotionally and teachers professional lives • How literature discussion shapes thinking : ZPDs for teaching / learning habits of the heart and mind • Formation of learning activity and theoretical thinking in science teaching • Sociocultural theory and the practice of teaching historical concepts • Cultural-historical theory and mathematics education • Remediation through education : sociocultural theory and children with special needs • The learning activity in the first years of schooling : the developmental path toward reflection • Learning and development of preschool children from the Vygotskian perspective • Development through the lifespan : A Neo-Vygotskyan approach • Periods in child development : Vygotsky's perspective • Dynamic assessment of the evolving cognitive functions in children • Some cognitive tools of literacy • Vygotsky's doctrine of scientific concepts : its role for contemporary education • The zone of proximal development in Vygotsky's analysis of learning and instruction • Psychological tools and mediated learning • Sociocultural theory and education : students, teachers, and knowledgePublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2003Descrição: XIII, 477 p.Disponibilidade:
Violência contra a mulher : um olhar psicanalítico / Juana Berezin de Guiter Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: C3 ALIZ5 (1). :
Vida : a ciência da vida / William K. Purves, Gordon H. Orians, H. Craig Heller, David Sadava Publicação: Porto Alegre : Artmed, 2006Descrição: 3 vol.Disponibilidade:
The valve of soulmaking : the post-kleinian model of the mind and its poetic origins / Meg Harris Williams Publicação: London : Karnac, 2005Descrição: 251 p.Disponibilidade:
The vale of soulmaking : the post-kleinian model of the mind and its poetic origins / Meg Harris Williams Publicação: London : Mew York : Karnac, 2005Descrição: XIX, 251 p.Disponibilidade:
Uma base segura : aplicações clinicas da teoria do apego / John Bowlby Publicação: Porto Alegre : Artes Médicas, 1989Descrição: 170 p.Disponibilidade:
Um retrato biográfico / Célia Soares, Lígia Amâncio Disponibilidade: Exemplares disponíveis para referência: Biblioteca ISPA Consulta LocalCota: S1 SOAR1 (2). : Biblioteca ISPA Retirado temporariamenteCota: S SOAR1 (1).
Tree of origin : what primate behavior can tell us about human social evolution / ed. Frans B. M. de Waal Nível de parte analítica: The nature of culture : prospects and pitfals of cultural primatology • From primate communication to human language • Brains on two legs : group size and the evolution of intelligence • Social and technical forms of primate intelligence • Out of the pan, into the fire : how our ancestors evolution depended on what they ate • The ape's gift : meat-eating, meat-sharing, and human evolution • Beyond the apes : reasons to consider the entire primate order • apes from venus : bonobos and human sexual evolution • Of genes and apes : chimpazee social organization and reproductionPublicação: Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 2001Descrição: 311 p.Disponibilidade: