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Developmental contexts in middle childhood : bridges to adolescence and adulthood / ed. Aletha C. Huston, Marika N. Ripke

Ligado a: Experiences in middle childhood and children's development : a summary and integration of researchLigado a: Effects of a family poverty intervention program last from middle childhood to adolescenceLigado a: Effects of welfare and employment policies on middle-childhood school performance : do they vary by race/ethnicity and, if so, why?Ligado a: Mandatory welfare-to-work programs and preschool-age children : do impacts persists into middle childhoodLigado a: Continuity and discontinuity in middle childhood : implications for adult outcames in the UK 1970 Birth CohortLigado a: Healthy mind, healthy habits : the influence of activity involvement in middle childhoodLigado a: Low-income children's activity participation as a predictor of psychosocial and academic outcomes in middle childhood and adolescenceLigado a: Out-of-school time use during middle childhood in a low-income sample : do combinations of activities affect achievement and behavior?Ligado a: The relations of classroom contexts in the early elementary years to children's classroom and social behaviorLigado a: School environments and the diverging pathways of students living in povertyLigado a: Educational tracking within and between schools : from first grade through middle school and beyondLigado a: The contribution of middle childhood contexts to adolescent achievement and behaviorLigado a: Middle childhood life course trajectories : links between family dysfunction and children's behavioral developmentLigado a: Reciprocal effects of mother depression and children's problem behaviors from middle childhood to early adolescenceLigado a: Genetic and environment influences on continuity and change in reading achievement in the Colorado Adoption ProjectLigado a: Middle childhood family-contextual and personal factors as predictors of adult outcomesLigado a: The significance of middle childhood peer competence for qork and relationships in early adulthoodLigado a: Aggression and insecurity in late adolecent romantic relationships : antecedents and developmental pathwaysLigado a: Middle childhood : contexts of developmentAutor secundário: Huston, Aletha C., ed.;Ripke, Marika N., ed.Idioma: Inglês.País: Reino Unido.Menção da edição: 1st edPublicação: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006Descrição: 455 p.ISBN: 9780521845571.Assunto - Nome comum: Psicologia do Desenvolvimento | Desenvolvimento | adolescência | Estudos Longitudinais | Familia | Reading | Depressão | Escola | Comportamento na sala de aula | Psicologia da Criança Classificação: 2800 - Psicologia do Desenvolvimento | 2840 - Desenvolvimento Psicossocial e da Personalidade Recursos em linha:Clicar aqui para aceder online Tipo de documento:
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