Your search returned 6 results.

The science of false memory / C. J. Brainerd, V. F. ReynaPublication: New York : Oxford University Press, 2005Description: 559 p.Availability:

Memory / Alan Baddeley, Michael W. Eysenck, Michael C. AndersonPublication: Hove : Psychology Press, 2010Description: 451 p.Availability:

Memory / ed. Elizabeth Ligon Bjork, Robert A. BjorkPublication: San Diego : Academic Press, 1996Description: 586 p.Availability:

Memory : brain, and belief / Edited by Daniel L. Schacter ; Elaine ScarryPublication: Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 2000Description: VIII, 349 p.Availability:

Ecos emocionais das minhas memórias [texto policopiado: Memórias autobiográficas voluntárias e involuntárias na depressão major] / Michele Ferreira BalolaPublication: Lisboa : ISPA: Instituto Universitário, 2015Description: 272 p.Availability:

Affect and accuracy in recall : studies of flashbulb memories / ed. Eugene Winograd, Ulric NeisserPiece-Analytic Level: THe theorectical and empirical status of the flashbulb memory hypothesis • Constraints on memory • Remembering personal circumstances : a functional analysis • Special versus ordinary memory mechanisms in the genesis of flashbulb memories • Why do traumatic experiences sometimes produce good memory (flashbulbs) and sometimes no memory (repression) • Do flashbulb memories differ from other types of emotional memories? • Remembering the details of emotional events • A proposed neurobiological basis for regulating memory storage for significant events • Preschool children's memories of personal circumstances : the fire alarm study • Developmental issues in fashbulb memory research : children recall the challenger event • Potential flashbulbs : memories of ordinary news as the baseline • Phantom fashbulbs : false recolletions of hearing the news about challengerPublication: Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1992Description: 315 p.Availability:
